Retrieve "July 10" and "Last Tues" from SQLite Date field in iPhone - iphone

I have this date in my history table with field dtEnd="2012-07-10 11:07:00"
and i want to retrieve July 10 and Last Tues both from this date separately.
Can anybody suggest a query for doing this?

While surfing, I came to know that it is not possible to get Month and date name instead you have to use your logic for that.
I got the solution, I am getting month and date with:
Select strftime('%m-%d','dtend')'Date' from history
And then I am extracting month and day number separately and then passing that month number to my own function with switch case to give month name.
That's it and I got my solution.


How do I pull the week of the month from text strings in this Twilio format 2019-08-22 06:12:58 MDT?

I am using the Twilio log file to crunch some data and need to convert the Twilio format for dates into something that Google Sheets can recognize as a date so I can then extract what week of the month the date is referring to. Also would be helpful to get the syntax that converts the Twilio date to a recognizable date for Googlesheets in case there are other things I need to do with the date field.
Currently, this is the format in the log file: "2019-08-22 06:12:58 MDT"
I'm using this =text(index(split(I2," "),,1),"mmmm") to determine the month and am struggling to have this now be able to work with the WEEKNUM function of Googlesheets to get the number of the week the date is from. I've tried =DATE(index(split(I2," "),,1),"mmmm"), =WEEKNUM(index(split(I2," "),,1),"mmmm") but am terrible with the formula syntax and can't fix the date value.
=DATE(index(split(I2," "),,1),"mmmm")
I expect to see a value from 1-5.
The text() part of the formula is turning the date input into text. And so you can't use it to calculate the weeknum().
=weeknum(index(split(I2," "),,1)) will get you closer. But it will give you the week of the year.
You may want to see this for a way to get to week of the month from week in the year.

Change date from calander date to date since first record in tableau

So, pretend I'm looking at sales of an item vs time. One item I started selling 3 years ago and one is from only a year ago.
I want to look at how the performance of both items change starting from first date sold as "day 0" not from first date sold as say "march 2016".
My date field is a calendar date and I'm not sure the best way line everything up from within tableau that will allow me to display the result on a single graph. I'd also like an option that will scale to 10+ items
Any approaches would be great!
Create a calculated field called first_Sale_date_per_item defined as {fixed Item : min(sale_date)}
Then you can define days_since_first_sale as datediff('day', first_sale_date_per_item, sale_date)

Using Current Date Time in SAS

I am selecting the data from a table using a date string. I would like to select all rows that have a update time stamp greater than or equal to today.
The simplest way that I can think of is to put today's date in the string, and it works fine.
WHERE UPDATE_DTM >'29NOV2016:12:00'DT;
However, if I want to put something like today's date or system date, what should I put?
I used today(), but it returned all rows in the table. I am not sure if it's because today() in SAS refers to the date 1/1/1960? I also tried &sysdate, but it returned an error message seems like it requires a date conversion.
Any ideas? Your thoughts are greatly appreciated!
DATETIME() is the datetime equivalent of TODAY() (but includes the current time). You could also use dhms(TODAY(),0,0,0) if you want effectively midnight (or, for your example above, dhms(TODAY(),12,0,0) to get noon today).

Tableau: time series chart displaying last day of month instead of first

In any time series chart, it looks like Tableau defaults to the first day of the month on the tick marks.
Is there a way for Tableau to show the last day of the month instead?
You can sort of force it by going into "Edit Axis", starting it on a month end, and 1 as the monthly interval. However, this is not a dynamic process and would require that I update this every time I had new data.
Anyone have any ideas? Thank you!
If in your data series you want each data point to represent the whole month, and you just want to label it with the last date of that month, then this workaround might work:
use calculated field to coerce all dates in the month to the last date of that month: DATEADD('day',-1,DATEADD('month',1,DATETRUNC('month',[Order Date])))
use this field as date in your time series
use 'More -> Custom -> Month / Day /Year' as display option for this field

sqlite3: retrieving data based on month and year from local database in iphone

In my application I have to store data month wise and year wise. So for this, I have to store the data along with date into database.
My requirement is how to store in terms of date and how to retrieve data with group by month and year. In my app I am showing a table of years and months, based on selected month and year. I have to show the data in a dashboard.
My problem is in storing and retrieving date data types.
Use the following syntax
2011 is supposed to be the year
01 is supposed to be the month
DATABASE is supposed to be your mysql database name
REQUIREDDATEFIELD is supposed to be the field you are hoping to sort from month and year.
like '%2011-01%' is supposed to be meaning, all the records containing 2011-01 in the given field. It could be in the beginning or the end or in the middle of a large text, so having % in both the beginning and end of the search criteria is a good habit.
You just select either for a specific month or year or month and year. Or if you want all, you use GROUP BY.
I know this answer is quite vague and generic, but that's because your question is vague. You probably need to be more specific. Explain not only what you want to do, but what you have tried, and in which way that didn't work.