SocialEngine 4 Sign In double process - plugins

I'm trying to create 2 types of Sign In procedures, because I will have 2 different types of users. Is there any kind of module or plugin to solve this? Or i have to create my own module?

You can create different profile questions for different profile types in the Admin Panel on the Profile Questions page. This will allow your users to select a profile type such as fan or band and then a different set of questions will appear depending upon the type selected. For more information about the Profile Questions page, please see:


Restrict courses from displaying on Moodle conditionally based on user profile field?

I have an installation of Moodle 2.8.3 and I've added a custom user field, "role", to the user profiles. I can hide activities and documents based on that user field, however, if there is an entire course that is only for one role, the other roles see it.
I'm a client and I'm looking through the course catalog. I see a course "XYZ" and click on it to enroll but the course is totally empty because it's for employees only.
Are there any examples of this being done? I've done some research and found IOMAD but it's a completely custom deployment of Moodle and would need to go through a lengthy approval process and then be reinstalled on dev, imp, and prod.
Totara has audience visibility, so you can restrict courses to members of an audience.
Totara is a distribution of Moodle, aimed at enterprises.
I think the audience visibility code would be difficult to port to Moodle though. You can try out the Totara seedlings code from this link.
Then once installed, switch on audience visibility using the help link above

Facebook Application Group Limitations

I am investigating building an application that will heavily leverage Facebook's app/game groups. During my prototyping I noticed the following limitations:
1) Number of Groups - There seems to be a limit on the number of groups an application may have, that limit seems to be tied to the number of users participating in the application. For example with 1 user participating in the application, I can only create one group. If I add a few more user I can add several more groups. Does anyone know if the specific limitations are documented. I cannot seem to find them and it would be good to know what they are so I can develop my application around these constraints.
2) Number of Groups a User can be invited to - When I try to add a user to more than 5 groups (through consecutive API calls), I get the following error:
OAuthException: (#4002) The attempt to invite the user to the group failed.
Does anyone know if there is a limitation with how many groups a user can be a member of within a given application? Is the limitation based on time, for example can a user join up to 5 groups every hour, etc?? If there is such a limitation are the constraints documented somewhere?
Thanks in advance for the help.

Liferay- landing to different communities based on their user-groups

My requirement is that i have a liferay portal which has two types of user creation process:
Manual creation by the admin
Users can create via create account
I want to land the users to different landing pages based on the user-groups. User creation process1 belongs to one group and process2 belongs to another group. How to achieve it. Process1 is working fine by setting the default landing path but i want to land the users who are created by process2 to a different landing page.
Thanks in advance!!
Take a look at the page here for information on how to create a landing page hook.
You will also need a way to identify if the user is from process 1 or process 2. One possible approach would be using liferay custom fields (expando).

User sub-sites - CMS Multisite or other solution

I've been thinking about an online idea for about 3-4 years now and can't get it out of my head so I've decided to act upon it and see if I can get it working. Currently working a POC and design layout which I plan to tender for development.
The main part of the portal and most important component involves user sub-sites. I am unsure how to tackle the process for a user to create a sub-site during the registration process and/or what path to take.
Let's say the main site is - the user would then register a sub-site based on the credentials they input. E.g., or whatever they want and so forth. No SEO required - The site templates are fairly basic and the sub-sites will be accessible through the main site. So the process to be:
User logs onto main site and registers
During registration, user enters details including sub-site name they want
Select the template they want - basically different colour schemes. Functionality to be the same for all templates
their site is created
when the user is logged on they get directed to their sub-site
Ability to edit their sub-site - add content and add extra pages, change details…. etc
General users (registered or anonymous) would be able to browse and search content to the sub-sites via the main site.
Each sub-site to be independent from each other - no content sharing. Basically they are separate websites hosted as sub-sites but need they need some type of editing available like a CMS. Not sure if a shared CMS is possible but the owner has to be able to modify content to their own sub-site.
So my question are…
Do I try and use a Drupal/Wordpress/Joomla CMS with multisite functionality?
Do I try a solution where I have a collection of simple sites that I use for sub-sites, each to have their own database and some type of CMS or WYSIWYG for editing? Is separate CMS even possible for each Sub-site?
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
As far as I know this would not be possible as the CMS would not have access to your server where the sub-domain is created.
It would be possible to offer something similer using Joomla as it offers the option to apply custom styles (templates) to different pages. You would however have to adopt the following URL convention
You can then have a page where users register with your site and the cms creates their page.
User permissions in joomla can be set so only the owner of a particular page can view or edit it.
You can check out this source: Google what platform is it based on. Maybe you'll find some information. Read also about this extension: It's for Joomla sites. I used this component for multisites content management. Maybe it will help you too.

How to get all the users list in Kaleo Workflow on Assign to Combo box?

I am working in Liferay Portal. I have created my custom work flow and created the portlet to start the work flow. I am done successfully with this but I am facing one problem, when the user clicks on Assign to button from Workflow Tasks to assign the task to some other user the combo box which display available users, it only display the users who has the Administrator or Owner Roles.
As i have developed custom work flow in which i have defined my own roles, i wish to display the users with that roles in the combo box. I have searched a lot but not able to get the proper solution for this.
If anyone has any idea please kindly help.
For this you have to create a hook and you have to write the code in file named "workflow_task_action.jsp" within Workflow_task.....
In this file code for that combobox which you require is available.