Facebook Application Group Limitations - facebook

I am investigating building an application that will heavily leverage Facebook's app/game groups. During my prototyping I noticed the following limitations:
1) Number of Groups - There seems to be a limit on the number of groups an application may have, that limit seems to be tied to the number of users participating in the application. For example with 1 user participating in the application, I can only create one group. If I add a few more user I can add several more groups. Does anyone know if the specific limitations are documented. I cannot seem to find them and it would be good to know what they are so I can develop my application around these constraints.
2) Number of Groups a User can be invited to - When I try to add a user to more than 5 groups (through consecutive API calls), I get the following error:
OAuthException: (#4002) The attempt to invite the user to the group failed.
Does anyone know if there is a limitation with how many groups a user can be a member of within a given application? Is the limitation based on time, for example can a user join up to 5 groups every hour, etc?? If there is such a limitation are the constraints documented somewhere?
Thanks in advance for the help.


View user group limitation

We have a number of groups that come from Azure Active Directory.
Some groups contain more than 200 Users but the total is limited to 200.
Where can I set that all users are visible in the group so more than 200
This is by design a currently only a design limitation.
Azure DevOps UI will only list the first 200 members of an AAD group.
The limitation is only in what members we display, it does not impact the actual permission assignment. If you need to find the related user, you should search on the specific user directly.
I can fully understand your requirement, I suggest that you can create a suggestion ticket in the Developer Community.

How can we collect the facebook group request data using a chrome extension?

Is there any way that we can collect data by asking the questions when someone wants to join the group. And we collect the data when we approve the joining request or sometimes programmatically?
Could you please elaborate on how we can use Facebook GRAPH API for fulfilling the above purpose?
Check out GroupTrack CRM...it's a CRM that is integrated into Facebook via a Chrome Extension. It does exactly what you asked (one click to approve individual or all pending members while also saving their answers to your questions and adding them to the CRM), along with a ton of other awesome stuff.
Keep notes and tags, track sales funnel stages, bookmark posts and comments, set follow up tasks with reminders, and more across unlimited Groups. Everything is synced in real time with a web app as well, so you can access your contact information from anywhere, plus it can be set up to integrate with external systems (Google Sheets, Streak, and Kartra at the moment, but many more to come).
Lastly, GroupTrack supports teams, so if you run a Group with other admins, you can share access to the CRM and have everything kept in sync. It's awesome!

Missing group members when retrieving group members via Facebook API

I am trying to retrieve the list of members of a group via the Facebook API. It works in principle, but it seems that there's a discrepancy between the number of members as stated on the group page (when accessed via the browser) and the number of members retrieved via the Facebook API.
Steps to reproduce:
Consider for instance the following group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/141499479690556
As of right now, Facebook states that there are 1165 members in that group.
Now, go to the Graph API explorer (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer) and access /v2.10/141499479690556/members?limit=1500 (I set the limit well above the number of group members here to make sure they are all in there).
As of right now, the returned data array only contains 1139 members.
Where are the missing 26 members?
And yes, I am absolutely sure noone "blocked" me or anything. Anyway, I tested this on several groups, even some I have never interacted with. There always appears to be a discrepancy, and the bigger the group, the bigger the discrepancy. In groups with over 5000 members, I have seen discrepancies of 100-200 people.
At first I thought there was a problem with paging (I originally used a smaller limit and used paging), but as you can see, the same problem appears even when the limit is high enough for all members to be returned at once.
If you're seeing a total number of members that's different from the real number, it's possible that some people in the group now have inactive accounts.
When someone's account is inactive, it means that person can't be seen or found on Facebook. Even though he or she is still counted as a group member, they won't appear in the group anymore. An account can become inactive if someone chooses to deactivate it or if the account is disabled by Facebook.

Checking if a user is a member of a specific facebook group (2016)

It appears there was a big update to the facebook api a year ago and a lot of the info online is inaccurate because of it. I'm trying to create a website that provides additional function for members of a specific facebook group; if a user is not part of a specific group I don't want them in it. Some groups may have more than 5k users but if I have to settle for less, so be it. I'm using the php sdk and have successfully made an initial api call with general user information.
Administrators of the group WILL be able to log in, but apparently Facebook isn't approving the "user_groups" permission (?) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31171082/check-if-user-is-a-member-of-a-specific-group-using-facebooks-javascript-sdk
I found this but I'm not sure how to make it work. Facebook Graph - Possible To Check If A User Is A Member Of A Group w/o user_groups?
I'm using the graph api explorer and I can get a partial list of the groups I'm in but it's nowhere near complete (it displays 4 out of like 20). My thought was that if I can get a full list of members in a group that I could just do an [if user is in userlist then]
What would you do here?
As far as I understand there is no way to do this without some caveat where it won't work (when you have more then 5k members). It also causes you to create a copy of the members list, instead of when a user wants to access the group.

Collecting Data from Facebook Group

I'm not one of the Facebook Developer, but I need some data for my thesis, regarding one group in Facebook which I'm currently observing.
The problem is, I must collect the data within the last 6 months of:
how many members have joined in the last 6 months, if possible, can be split by monthly.
how many postings in the group in the last 6 months, also.. if possible split by monthly
how many active users within the last 6 months.
Can somebody give me some hints of how to collect those information?
You're going to have a hard time doing this. Groups aren't very API friendly, and they don't have their own insights information.
You can try browsing the group's feed using the Graph API Explorer using the /GROUP_NAME_OR_ID/feed edge, and adding since and until filters to look at monthly data.
However, you won't see all the posts because of Facebook privacy filtering. To get the most reliable data, you'll need to manually count the entries of interest from within the Facebook webapp.