Scala Akka Actors act() function - scala

All the tutorials that I have read work like this:
class HelloWorldActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case "Hello" => self.reply("World")
val myActor = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor], name = "myactor")
I am wondering if AKKA supports the act() function inside an Actor class like this:
class HelloWorldActor extends Actor {
def act() = {
And then you can call:
val myActor = new HelloWorldActor
I want to do this because my actor won't be receieving any messages. It just works on its own. So can I use the act() function inside my AKKA actor?

In Akka, your actor should start automatically after creation using the system. But it sounds as if you want to use the actor like a plain thread we all know from Java. I would say that this is not the right way from an idiomatic point of view. You can of course just add a start message to your actor, send it to the actor after creation, and do your processing in the handler. But perhaps you should consider using a plain thread or a Future instead of an actor if you do not want to react on any message?


Scala and Akka - Testing actors as a system with Akka Testkit

In my Scala application say I have Actor A and Actor B. I want to devise a test case in ScalaTest that would allow me to send a message to Actor A and see what message it sends to Actor B in order to see if A is properly processing it's data and sending the right message to B. How would one test this? It took me a long time to get this cooked up on my own...but it does seem to mostly work.
class A extends Actor { ... }
class B extends Actor { ... }
class C(p: TestProbe) extends B {
override def receive = {
LoggingReceive {
case x =>
p.ref ! x
case class MsgToB(...)
// Spec class which extends TestKit
"A" should {
"send the right message to B" {
val p = TestProbe()
val a = TestActorRef[A]
val c = TestActorRef(Props(new C(p)))
// Assume A has a reference to C. Not shown here.
a ! msg
// Assert messages
Is this the best means of doing this? Is there a better practice?
To me it sounds like what you want is to test the behaviour of actor A in isolation. In order to do this, you need to be able to control how actor A gets its reference to actor B. For example, you could provide the reference in the actor's constructor:
import{Actor, ActorRef, Props}
class A(refToB: ActorRef) extends Actor { ... }
object A {
def props(refToB: ActorRef): Props = Props(new A(refToB))
There are alternative ways you can pass the reference to actor B to actor A, but using the constructor is arguably the easiest choice. In the example above, we also provide a method for creating the correct Props for the actor.
Now that you can control the reference to actor B, you can replace the actor reference with test probe in tests.
import akka.testkit.TestProbe
// Initialise a test probe
val probe = TestProbe()
// Actor A with reference to actor B replaced with the test probe
val a = system.actorOf(A.props(probe.ref))
// Send a message to actor A
a ! someMessage
// Verify that the probe received a correct response from actor A
Notice that I created the actor using the actor system from the TestKit instead of using the TestActorRef. This means that the actor message processing will be asynchronous instead of synchronous. Personally, I've found the asynchronous testing style to be a better fit because it better represents how the actor is run in a production system. Asynchronous testing is also recommended in the official documentation.

Testing preStart function of Akka actor

There is parent actor which in preStart creates child actors, one for every "active" user. Now I'd like to write a test asserting that it really happens, I mean child actors are really created for preconfigured users.
class IntegrationActor(settingsDao: UserSettingsDAO, childMaker: ActorRefFactory => UserId => ActorRef) extends Actor with StrictLogging {
val createUserActor = childMaker(context)
override def preStart(): Unit = {
val e = settingsDao.findAllEnabled()
// ...
I have test like this, but it doesn't work as all is happening off-main-test-thread
// mockMaker is already defined/mocked
it should "create child actors for users with enabled integration when started" in {
// given
val us = UserSettings(...)
// when
system.actorOf(Props(new IntegrationActor(settingsDao, mockMaker)))
// then
I was trying to assign CallingThreadDispatcher to parent actor, but with no luck.
Theoretically I could just new this class and test it as usual, but Actor's can't be new-ed by hand.
Is there any other way to do this other than extracting stuff to trait with self type being Actor? Not sure it's the right way.

how to add logging function in sending and receiving action in akka

Now, I am asked to add logging function in akka's actor.
When a message is received, before it is handled, this message should be written into log.
And before a message is sent out, this message should be logged first.
I think I should override the receive and send functions in Actor. Suppose I create a trait actorlog which extends Actor. And class myActor extends actorlog. But in myActor, I need to override receive function (it seems it causes problems here). So I am confused what I should do.
PS. I know akka provides logging. But now I need implement this function by myself.
There is a utility to get logging of the received messages in Akka. It's briefly mentioned in the logging documentation. Basically you wrap your receive function in it like this:
def receive = LoggingReceive {
// your normal receive here
And then you enable it in your config with:
The information will be logged at debug level.
Besides the other answers here, another approach is to use orElse to prepend a partial function to your receive. In that partial function, put the logging in isDefinedAt so it gets called on every message.
For example:
trait ReceiveLogger {
this: Actor with ActorLogging =>
def logMessage: Receive = new Receive {
def isDefinedAt(x: Any) = {
log.debug(s"Got a $x")
def apply(x: Any) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
class MyActor extends Actor with ActorLogging with ReceiveLogger {
def receive: Receive = logMessage orElse {
case ...
Using orElse is a general approach for composing receive behavior. In most cases I am composing things like this:
def otherBehavior: Receive = {
case OtherMessage => ...
class MyActor extends Actor {
def receive = otherBehavior orElse {
case ...
A good example of the stackable traits approach can be seen in this presentation:
use stackable modificator abstract override for stackable call of receive method.
use new feature of Akka: event-sourced actor system (docs here).

Sending a message to all actors within an ActorSystem

Is it possible to send a message to all actors in an actor system? I've been looking at the Broadcast router example, but that is so marginal I can't comprehend how I add actors to the router dynamically.
We are using scala for akka.
system.actorSelection("/user/*") ! msg
Selects all children of the guardian and sends them the msg.
If you want send a message to all actor who are dynamically created, you can use eventBus
I personally use the system.eventStream for my case.
From an actor, you can send to everyone :
or directly with system.
actor must subscribe with :
I extends from :
trait SubscriberActor extends Actor {
def subscribedClasses: Seq[Class[_]]
override def preStart() {
subscribedClasses.foreach(this.context.system.eventStream.subscribe(this.self, _))
override def postStop() {
subscribedClasses.foreach(this.context.system.eventStream.unsubscribe(this.self, _))

InvalidActorNameException - actor name {name} is not unique

So I'm getting started using Akka actors inside of my Play 2.0 app. I noticed quickly that repeated calls to sending messages to the same actor, specified via:
val myActor = Akka.system.actorOf(Props[MyActor], name = "myactor")
Resulted in InvalidActorNameException.
I then started reading up on the creation of Actors in this doc
The doc seemed to recommend creating a "master" Actor class with all of the individual actors specified in there. The receive of this actor class would, in turn, match on the message and delegate the message to the appropriate Actor.
So I tried this and now have something like:
class MasterActor extends Actor{
import context._
val emailActor = actorOf(Props[EmailActor], name = "emailActor")
protected def receive = {
case reminder : BirthdayReminder => emailActor ! reminder
Problem is that I'm in the same situation I was before. I don't know how to avoid the InvalidActorNameException when I try something like:
val myActor = Akka.system.actorOf(Props[MasterActor], name = "MasterActor")
myActor ! BirthdayReminder(someBirthday)
So what's the right way to organize my Actors?
If you want only one MasterActor, why are you creating multiple ones? You should just look up the one you have already created:
val actorRef = context.actorFor("MasterActor")
actorRef ! BirthdayReminder(someBirthday)