InvalidActorNameException - actor name {name} is not unique - scala

So I'm getting started using Akka actors inside of my Play 2.0 app. I noticed quickly that repeated calls to sending messages to the same actor, specified via:
val myActor = Akka.system.actorOf(Props[MyActor], name = "myactor")
Resulted in InvalidActorNameException.
I then started reading up on the creation of Actors in this doc
The doc seemed to recommend creating a "master" Actor class with all of the individual actors specified in there. The receive of this actor class would, in turn, match on the message and delegate the message to the appropriate Actor.
So I tried this and now have something like:
class MasterActor extends Actor{
import context._
val emailActor = actorOf(Props[EmailActor], name = "emailActor")
protected def receive = {
case reminder : BirthdayReminder => emailActor ! reminder
Problem is that I'm in the same situation I was before. I don't know how to avoid the InvalidActorNameException when I try something like:
val myActor = Akka.system.actorOf(Props[MasterActor], name = "MasterActor")
myActor ! BirthdayReminder(someBirthday)
So what's the right way to organize my Actors?

If you want only one MasterActor, why are you creating multiple ones? You should just look up the one you have already created:
val actorRef = context.actorFor("MasterActor")
actorRef ! BirthdayReminder(someBirthday)


Scala and Akka - Testing actors as a system with Akka Testkit

In my Scala application say I have Actor A and Actor B. I want to devise a test case in ScalaTest that would allow me to send a message to Actor A and see what message it sends to Actor B in order to see if A is properly processing it's data and sending the right message to B. How would one test this? It took me a long time to get this cooked up on my own...but it does seem to mostly work.
class A extends Actor { ... }
class B extends Actor { ... }
class C(p: TestProbe) extends B {
override def receive = {
LoggingReceive {
case x =>
p.ref ! x
case class MsgToB(...)
// Spec class which extends TestKit
"A" should {
"send the right message to B" {
val p = TestProbe()
val a = TestActorRef[A]
val c = TestActorRef(Props(new C(p)))
// Assume A has a reference to C. Not shown here.
a ! msg
// Assert messages
Is this the best means of doing this? Is there a better practice?
To me it sounds like what you want is to test the behaviour of actor A in isolation. In order to do this, you need to be able to control how actor A gets its reference to actor B. For example, you could provide the reference in the actor's constructor:
import{Actor, ActorRef, Props}
class A(refToB: ActorRef) extends Actor { ... }
object A {
def props(refToB: ActorRef): Props = Props(new A(refToB))
There are alternative ways you can pass the reference to actor B to actor A, but using the constructor is arguably the easiest choice. In the example above, we also provide a method for creating the correct Props for the actor.
Now that you can control the reference to actor B, you can replace the actor reference with test probe in tests.
import akka.testkit.TestProbe
// Initialise a test probe
val probe = TestProbe()
// Actor A with reference to actor B replaced with the test probe
val a = system.actorOf(A.props(probe.ref))
// Send a message to actor A
a ! someMessage
// Verify that the probe received a correct response from actor A
Notice that I created the actor using the actor system from the TestKit instead of using the TestActorRef. This means that the actor message processing will be asynchronous instead of synchronous. Personally, I've found the asynchronous testing style to be a better fit because it better represents how the actor is run in a production system. Asynchronous testing is also recommended in the official documentation.

Where should actor messages be declared?

I'm developing an application using Akka, and a thing that kind of bugs me the whole time regards message declaration with the Actor's. Where should I declare the messages? In the receivers companion object or the senders companion object or on some third place?
The Akka team recommends Message should be defined in the same place the props method should be: in the Receiver's Companion object because the Receiver implements the receive partial function and needs to know about all the messages it supports. Also, multiple senders can send a set of messages (implemented by the Receiver), so you cannot put it in one single sender.
If the official Typesafe Activator template activator-akka-scala-seed is of any importance regarding Akka's good practices the messages should be part of companion object as shown in the following PingActor actor (copied directly from the template):
package com.example
import{Actor, ActorLogging, Props}
class PingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
import PingActor._
var counter = 0
val pongActor = context.actorOf(PongActor.props, "pongActor")
def receive = {
case Initialize =>"In PingActor - starting ping-pong")
pongActor ! PingMessage("ping")
case PongActor.PongMessage(text) =>"In PingActor - received message: {}", text)
counter += 1
if (counter == 3) context.system.shutdown()
else sender() ! PingMessage("ping")
object PingActor {
val props = Props[PingActor]
case object Initialize
case class PingMessage(text: String)
Note PingActor that holds all the accepted messages by the actor (as you may've noticed it's not followed strictly since PongActor.PongMessage is also accepted, but not defined in the companion object PingActor).
From another question How to restrict actor messages to specific types? the Viktor said:
The common practice is to declare what messages an Actor can receive
in the companion object of the Actor, which makes it very much easier
to know what it can receive.

How to create routers in akka with parameterized actors?

I am trying to use a broadcast router in Scala, if I'm not mistaken it should look like this:
val system = ActorSystem("My beautiful system")
val workerRouter = system.actorOf(Props[Agent].withRouter(BroadcastRouter(individualDefinitions.size)), name = "agentRouter")
That is what I understand from the tutorial I am following.
The workerRouter acts as another actor and I can send messages to this router that will send them to all the Agents (as many as individualDefinitions I have).
The problem is that I'd like to use the individual definitions to build the agents, they actually take some parameters in the constructor and those parameters are in the individualDefinitions.
Q: How could I tell the router to pass those parameters to each one of them as part of the constructor?
Please note each actor should get one individualDefinition and they are all different. I cannot use the solution in a related question where the constructor receives constants: In Akka Java actor model, can a router create actors with non-default constructor?
Please note that here each actor should have different parameters, if one of them is restarted it should get the same parameters it got in the first place. I don't know if that solution could be modified to do that.
A possible solution could be using an actor as the router, to separate creation (constructor) and routing, as in question Akka (java), non blocking broadcast to all children.
I'm not sure that is the "right" approach in this case. Using an actor as the router has several problems (besides of elegance). I am concerned about the actor that works as a router being restarted and losing all its subscribers. If the actor is restarted in half of a loop some actors could also miss some messages if I'm not mistaken.
Thank you.
You can create routers by specifying as routees some already created actors, constructed by whatever logic.
The following example will create 2 actors created differently and then create a round robin router which will route the messages to them.
class MyActor(param1: String) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
def receive: Actor.Receive = {
case msg =>"Message from {}: {}", param1, msg)
object MyActor {
def apply(param: String): Props = Props(new MyActor(param))
object Main extends App {
val system = ActorSystem()
val a1 = system.actorOf(MyActor("actor1"))
val a2 = system.actorOf(MyActor("actor2"))
val routerProps = Props.empty.withRouter(RoundRobinRouter(routees = Vector(a1, a2)))
val router = system.actorOf(routerProps)
for (i <- 1 to 10) {
router ! i
More details here:
public class Master extends UntypedActor {
public Master() {
workerRouter = this.getContext().actorOf(Worker.createWorker().withRouter(new RoundRobinRouter(8)), "workerRouter");
With Akka 2.4.2, we can simply use:
workerRouter = this.getContext().actorOf(new RoundRobinPool(noOfWorkers).props(Props.create(Worker.class)), "workerRouter");
This is best Effort code executed in min. time in akka .

How to manage actor shutdown in a singleton ActorSystem

I have a singleton actor system in my application, and this works perfectly fine except that when the same application is loaded and unloaded inside the same JVM for testing, I have an error because I try, in my startup procedure, to recreate an actor which already exists.
As a result I get an because the Actor name is not unique.
I am looking for a way to smoothly shutdown the actors depending on the actor systems without shutting down the actor system itself. Which is a reasonable strategy for that?
This is not exactly answer to your question - "... a way to smoothly shutdown the actors ...", but you mentioned that you are able to able to start two applicatons in same JVM.
Could you make your actor system to be singleton within application instance instead of singleton within whole JVM?
You would have two independent actor systems, you won't have name conflicts and won't have to start/stop specific actors.
I guess problems could be if some of actors are interacting with outside world, for example consuming some messages from JMS etc. Then it would not be obvious which actor system is processing them.
Do you want somethings like this ?
object AkkaTest extends App {
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.Timeout
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val system = ActorSystem.create
val supervisor = system.actorOf(Props[MasterOfPuppets], name = "masterOfPuppets")
private object AllTerminated
private class MasterOfPuppets extends Actor {
var supervised = 0
var waiterForTerminated: Option[ActorRef] = None
def receive = {
case actor: ActorRef =>
supervised += 1
case Terminated(dead) =>
supervised -= 1
if (supervised == 0) { ! AllTerminated)
waiterForTerminated = None
case AllTerminated =>
if (supervised == 0) {
sender ! AllTerminated
} else {
waiterForTerminated = Some(sender)
private class TestedActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case a: Any => sender ! a
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5.seconds) // needed for `?` below
// Create first actor
val actor1 = system.actorOf(Props[TestedActor], name = "name1")
supervisor ! actor1
actor1 ! PoisonPill
val waitForIt = supervisor ? AllTerminated
Await.result(waitForIt, 5.seconds)
// Same name
val actor2 = system.actorOf(Props[TestedActor], name = "name1")
supervisor ! actor2
println("ok then")
Your problem is very simple : Akka and message are asynchronous. If you try to create an actor just after you kill him, the name is not available.
Try just a Thread.sleep before creating new actor and it will work.. :)

Uniquely identifying actors in scala

I'm building a simple logging class in scala which would write all log information to a file. This is part of a homework assignment. Hence I cannot use the already available loggers in java or scala or akka libraries. Can any of you please tell how to uniquely identify actors in scala i.e., is there a resource ID or any other ID for each actor. If so, how can it be accessed?
I tried using hashCode() on the actor objects. But it does not give the expected result, as the value changes for each object and many objects can be created for a single actor.
If you are using akka actors you can get the name of the actor by looking at self.path (self is an ActorRef)
If you are using scala actors then you could do something like...
class MyActor(name: String) extends Actor {
def act() {
receive {
case _ => println("Message on actor: " + name)
val actor1 = new MyActor("actor1")
val actor2 = new MyActor("actor2")