SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer: is it possible cancelling operation? - sqlbulkcopy

we transfers text file data to db using SqlBulkCopy object, especially by WriteToServer method.
We would allow user to cancel operation. Is it possible? How should we do?
SqlCommand has a Cancel command, but SqlBulkCopy has not.


Is it possible to write a generic trigger for all tables in Postgres?

I want to listen to every transaction that is recorded in the database And I noticed that there is a concept in Postgres under the title LISTEN and NOTIFY (Of course, I am not sure that this is the right way)
Now I want to write a trigger that sends a notification to the channel when any operation occurs in any table
Is it possible?
My way is right?
Postgres TRIGGER to call NOTIFY with a JSON payload

Perform additional query at end of every transaction (pg-promise)

As a potential way of storing metadata about transactions, I would like to execute a query at end end of every transaction.
I have looked at adding logic inside the transact event, but there does not seem to be a way to make another request using the current transaction. Is there a way that this could be done using pg-promise? Is this an anti-pattern?
You can only query against the transaction connection while inside a transaction callback. You cannot do it by handling transact event, it does not have the transaction connection available.

Toggle a boolean server value using updateChildValues function

database.child("\(groupChatId)_A").updateChildValues(["isLocked" : FirebaseDatabase.ServerValue.toggleBool()])
The toggleBool() is made up. Can I perform such action without the need to read and write?
The only atomic read-and-write operation that exists on the Realtime Database server is increment(...). There is no operation to toggle a boolean value, so you'll have to use a transaction to perform the read-and-write in your application code.

playframework 1.2.x: await / async and JPA transactions

I have a PUT request that is too long to run. I'd like to make it async, using continuations (await/promise feature).
I create a job (LongJobThatUpdatesThePassedEntity) that modifies my entity
public static void myLongPut(#required Long id, String someData) {
MyJpaModel myJpaModel = MyJpaModel.findById(id);
//straightforward modifications
//long processing modifications to entity, involving WS calls
Promise<String> delayedResult = new LongJobThatUpdatesThePassedEntity(id).now();
How are the DB transactions managed?
is there a commit before the job's call?
the job has it's own DB transaction?
if there is an issue in the LongJobThatUpdatesThePassedEntity that rollsback, the modifications done in updateMyJpaModel are persisted?
can I do render(myJpaModel.refresh()) at the end?
will it contain the straighforward modifications and the long ones?
I can answer most of your question for Play 1.4.3, which is the version I'm currently using. I don't expect that much has changed since Play 1.2.
How are the DB transactions managed?
Play! handles the transactions for jobs and controller actions using an "invocation", which is a Play-specific concept. In short, for any invocation, each plugin gets a chance to do some setup and cleanup before and after the invoked method runs. For database access, the JPAPlugin.withinFilter method starts and closes the transaction using the JPA class's helper methods.
is there a commit before the job's call?
When you call await(Future<T>), it has the effect of closing the current transaction and starting a new one. The specific mechanism is that it throws a "Suspend" exception, which bubbles up to PlayHandler$NettyInvocation and causes the afterInvocation callbacks to be called. This causes JPAPlugin.afterInvocation to call
JPA.closeTx() which either commits or rollsback the transaction, as appropriate.
When the Job exits and the await() continuation is resumed. This is also handled as an invocation, so the transaction is started in the same way as before, using JPAPlugin.withinFilter(). However, unlike before, the controller action is not the target of the invocation, but instead ActionInvoker.invoke() calls invokeWithContinuation, which restores the saved continuation state and resumes execution by returning from await().
JPA.withTransaction looks like it has some special logic to retain the same entity manager across the continuation suspend/resume. I think without this, you wouldn't be able to call refresh().
In your code, I think there's a race condition between when await() closes the transaction and the Job starts its transaction. That is, it's possible that the Job's transaction begins before the controller commits the "before await" transaction. To avoid this, you can explicitly call JPA.closeTx() before calling Job.now().
Based on code inspection, it looks like the way Play! is implemented, it so happens that the Job will exit and the Job's transaction will be closed before the "after await()" transaction is opened. I don't know if any
documentation that says this is an intended part of the await() contract, so if this is essential for your appliaction, you can avoid using undocumented behavior by committing the transaction just before your Job.doJobWithResult() method returns.
the job has it's own DB transaction?
Yes, unless its annotated to not have a transaction.
if there is an issue in the LongJobThatUpdatesThePassedEntity that rollsback, the modifications done in updateMyJpaModel are persisted?
Based on the explanation above, each of the three transactions are independent. If one is rolled back, I don't see how it would affect the others.

How a Java client app. can "catch" (via JDBC) the result produced by a trigger procedure query?

I'm trying to understand how a java (client) application that communicates, through JDBC, with a pgSQL database (server) can "catch" the result produced by a query that will be fired (using a trigger) whenever a record is inserted into a table.
So, to clarify, via JDBC I install a trigger procedure prepared to execute a query whenever a record is inserted into a given database table, and from this query's execution will result an output (wrapped in a resultSet, I suppose). And my problem is that I have no idea how the client will be aware of those results, that are asynchronously produced.
I wonder if JDBC supports any "callback" mechanism able to catch the results produced by a query that is fired through a trigger procedure under the "INSERT INTO table" condition. And if there is no such "callback" mechanism, what is the best approach to achieve this result?
Thank you in advance :)
Triggers can't return a resultset.
There's no way to send such a result to the JDBC driver.
There are a few dirty hacks you can use to get results from a trigger to the client, but they're all exactly that. Things like:
DECLARE a cursor for the resultset, then send the cursor name as a NOTIFY payload, so the app can FETCH ALL FROM <cursorname>;
Create a TEMPORARY table and report the name via NOTIFY
It is more typical to append anything the trigger needs to communicate to the app to a table that exists for that purpose and have the app SELECT from it after the operation that fired the trigger ran.
In most cases if you need to do this, you're probably using a trigger where a regular function is a better fit.