How a Java client app. can "catch" (via JDBC) the result produced by a trigger procedure query? - postgresql

I'm trying to understand how a java (client) application that communicates, through JDBC, with a pgSQL database (server) can "catch" the result produced by a query that will be fired (using a trigger) whenever a record is inserted into a table.
So, to clarify, via JDBC I install a trigger procedure prepared to execute a query whenever a record is inserted into a given database table, and from this query's execution will result an output (wrapped in a resultSet, I suppose). And my problem is that I have no idea how the client will be aware of those results, that are asynchronously produced.
I wonder if JDBC supports any "callback" mechanism able to catch the results produced by a query that is fired through a trigger procedure under the "INSERT INTO table" condition. And if there is no such "callback" mechanism, what is the best approach to achieve this result?
Thank you in advance :)

Triggers can't return a resultset.
There's no way to send such a result to the JDBC driver.
There are a few dirty hacks you can use to get results from a trigger to the client, but they're all exactly that. Things like:
DECLARE a cursor for the resultset, then send the cursor name as a NOTIFY payload, so the app can FETCH ALL FROM <cursorname>;
Create a TEMPORARY table and report the name via NOTIFY
It is more typical to append anything the trigger needs to communicate to the app to a table that exists for that purpose and have the app SELECT from it after the operation that fired the trigger ran.
In most cases if you need to do this, you're probably using a trigger where a regular function is a better fit.


Is it possible to write a generic trigger for all tables in Postgres?

I want to listen to every transaction that is recorded in the database And I noticed that there is a concept in Postgres under the title LISTEN and NOTIFY (Of course, I am not sure that this is the right way)
Now I want to write a trigger that sends a notification to the channel when any operation occurs in any table
Is it possible?
My way is right?
Postgres TRIGGER to call NOTIFY with a JSON payload

Perform additional query at end of every transaction (pg-promise)

As a potential way of storing metadata about transactions, I would like to execute a query at end end of every transaction.
I have looked at adding logic inside the transact event, but there does not seem to be a way to make another request using the current transaction. Is there a way that this could be done using pg-promise? Is this an anti-pattern?
You can only query against the transaction connection while inside a transaction callback. You cannot do it by handling transact event, it does not have the transaction connection available.

Using row data in pg_notify trigger as channel name?

Is it possible to use data from the row a trigger is firing on, as the channel of a pg_notify, like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION notify_pricesinserted()
RETURNS trigger AS $$
PERFORM pg_notify(
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER notify_pricesinserted
EXECUTE PROCEDURE notify_pricesinserted();
EDIT: I found out the reason it was not working is due to the case of my label. If I replace it with lower(NEW.my_label) and also do the same for the listener then it works.
The pg_notify() part would work without throwing an error. PostgreSQL places very few restrictions on what a channel name could be. But in practice it is probably useless because you would need to establish a LISTEN some_channel command prior to the pg_notify() statement to pick up the payload message somewhere outside of the trigger function and doing that on some dynamic value is difficult in most situations and probably terribly inefficient in all cases.
If - in your trigger - NEW.my_label has a small number of well-defined values, then you might work it out by establishing listening channels on all possible values, but you are probably better off defining a single channel identifier for your table, or perhaps for this specific trigger, and then construct the payload message in such a way that you can easily extract the appropriate information for some response. If you cannot predict the values of NEW.my_label then it is plain impossible.
In your specific case you could have a channel name 'prices' and then do something like:
pg_notify('prices', format('%s: %s, NEW.my_label, row_to_json(NEW)::text));
The session with LISTEN prices will receive:
Asynchronous notification "prices" with payload "some_label: {new_row_to_json}" received from server process with PID 8448.
That is a rather silly response (why the "Asynchronous notification "channel" with payload ..." instead of just the payload and the PID?) but you can easily extract the relevant parts and work with those. Since you would have to manipulate the string anyway it is not a big burden to strip away all the PG overhead in one go, on a single channel, making management of the trigger actions far easier.

How to inspect every query going to DB from Zend Framework

I have a complex reporting application that allows clients to login and view reports for their client data. There are several sections of the application where there are database calls, using various controllers. I need to make sure that client A doesn't get client B's information via header manipulation.
The system authenticates, and assignes them a clientID and roleID. If your roleID >1, that means you work for the company hosting the data, and you can see all client info. I want to create a catch-all that basically works like this:
if($roleID > 1) {
...send query to database
}else {
if(...does this query select a record with clientID other than my $auth->clientID){
do not execute query
}else {
execute query
The problem is, I want this to run for every query that goes to the server... how can I place this code as a "roadblock" between the application and the DB? I already use Zend_Profiler to look at queries, so I know it is somehow possible, but cannot discern this from the Profiler code...
I can always write an authentication function and pass selected queries that way, but this catch-all would be easier to implement across all of the calls and would be future proof. Any help is appreciated.
it's application design fault.
you shoud use 'service architecture' - the only one entry point for queries would be a service. and any checks inside it.
If this is something you want run on every query, I'd suggest extending Zend_Db_Select and overwrite either the query() or assemble() functions to add in your logic. You'll also want to add a way for it to be aware of your $auth object.
Another option is to extend your database adapter so you can intercept the queries directly. IMO, you should try and do this at the application level though.
Depending on your database server, you can put a trace on the DB side.
Here's an example for Oracle:

continue insert when exception is raised in postgres

Iam trying to insert batch of records at a time when any of the record fails to insert i need to trap that record and log that to my failed record maintanance table and then the insert should continue. Kindly help on how to do this.
If using a Spring or EJB container there is a simple trick which works very well : provide a LogService witn a logWarning(String message) method. The method must be annotated/configured with the REQUIRES_NEW transaction setting.
If not then you'll have to simulate it using API calls. Open a different connection for the logging, when you enter the method begin the transaction, before leaving commit the transaction.
When not using transactions for the insert, there is actually nothing special you need to do, as by default most database run in autocommit and commit after every statement.