Add _id when ensuring index? - mongodb

I am building a webapp using Codeigniter (PHP) and MongoDB.
I am creating indexes and have one question.
If I am querying on three fields (_id, status, type) and want to
create an index do I need to include _id when ensuring the index like this:
db.comments.ensureIndex({_id: 1, status : 1, type : 1});
or will this due?
db.comments.ensureIndex({status : 1, type : 1});

You would need to explicitly include _id in your ensureIndex call if you wanted to include it in your compound index. But because filtering by _id already provides selectivity of a single document that's very rarely the right thing to do. I think it would only make sense if your documents are very large and you're trying to use covered indexes.

MongoDB will currently only use one index per query with the exception of $or queries. If your common query will always be searching on those three fields (_id, status, type) then a compound index would be helpful.
From within the DB shell you can use the explain() command on your query to get information on the indexes used.

You don't need to implicitly create index on the _id field, it's done automatically. See the mongo documentation:
The _id Index
For all collections except capped collections, an index is automatically created for the _id field. This index is special and cannot be deleted. The _id index enforces uniqueness for its keys (except for some situations with sharding).


How to index and sorting with Pagination using custom field in MongoDB ex: name instead of id
Example : {
I've gone through the 2 scenarios explained in the above link and it says sorting by object id makes good performance while retrieve and sort the results. Instead of default sorting using object id , I want to index for my own custom field "name" and "company" want to sort and pagination on this two fields (Both fields holds the string value).
I am not sure how we can use gt or lt for a name, currently blocked on how to resolve this to provide pagination when a user sort by name.
How to index and do pagination for two fields?
Answer to your question is
db.Example.createIndex( { name: 1, company: 1 } )
And for pagination explanation the link you have shared on your question is good enough. Ex
db.Example.find({name = "John", country = "Ireland"}). limit(10);
For Sorting
db.Example.find().sort({"name" = 1, "country" = 1}).limit(userPassedLowerLimit).skip(userPassedUpperLimit);
If the user request to fetch 21-30 first documents after sorting on Name then country both in ascending order
db.Example.find().sort({"name" = 1, "country" = 1}).limit(30).skip(20);
For basic understand of Indexing in MonogDB
Indexes support the efficient execution of queries in MongoDB. Without indexes, MongoDB must perform a collection scan, i.e. scan every document in a collection, to select those documents that match the query statement. If an appropriate index exists for a query, MongoDB can use the index to limit the number of documents it must inspect.
Indexes are special data structures, that store a small portion of the collection’s data set in an easy to traverse form. The index stores the value of a specific field or set of fields, ordered by the value of the field.
Default _id Index
MongoDB creates a unique index on the _id field during the creation of a collection. The _id index prevents clients from inserting two documents with the same value for the _id field. You cannot drop this index on the _id field.
Create an Index
Syntax to execute on Mongo Shell
db.collection.createIndex( <key and index type specification>, <options> )
db.collection.createIndex( { name: -1 } )
for ascending use 1,for descending use -1
The above rich query only creates an index if an index of the same specification does not already exist.
Index Types
MongoDB provides different index types to support specific types of data and queries. But i would like to mention 2 important types
1. Single Field
In addition to the MongoDB-defined _id index, MongoDB supports the creation of user-defined ascending/descending indexes on a single field of a document.
2. Compound Index
MongoDB also supports user-defined indexes on multiple fields, i.e. compound indexes.
The order of fields listed in a compound index has significance. For instance, if a compound index consists of { name: 1, company: 1 }, the index sorts first by name and then, within each name value, sorts by company.
Source for my understanding and answer and to know more about MongoDB indexing MongoDB Indexing

Fundamental misunderstanding of MongoDB indices

So, I read the following definition of indexes from [MongoDB Docs][1].
Indexes support the efficient execution of queries in MongoDB. Without indexes, MongoDB must perform a collection scan, i.e. scan every document in a collection, to select those documents that match the query statement. If an appropriate index exists for a query, MongoDB can use the index to limit the number of documents it must inspect.
Indexes are special data structures that store a small portion of the
collection’s data set in an easy to traverse form. The index stores
the value of a specific field or set of fields, ordered by the value
of the field. The ordering of the index entries supports efficient
equality matches and range-based query operations. In addition,
MongoDB can return sorted results by using the ordering in the index.
I have a sample database with a collection called pets. Pets have the following structure.
"_id": ObjectId(123abc123abc)
"name": "My pet's name"
I created an index on the name field using the following code.
What I expect is that the documents in the collection, pets, will be indexed in ascending order based on the name field during queries. The result of this index can potentially reduce the overall query time, especially if a query is strategically structured with available indices in mind. Under that assumption, the following query should return all pets sorted by name in ascending order, but it doesn't.
Instead, it returns the pets in the order that they were inserted. My conclusion is that I lack a fundamental understanding of how indices work. Can someone please help me to understand?
Yes, it is misunderstanding about how indexes work.
Indexes don't change the output of a query but the way query is processed by the database engine. So db.pets.find({},{"_id":0}) will always return the documents in natural order irrespective of whether there is an index or not.
Indexes will be used only when you make use of them in your query. Thus,
db.pets.find({name : "My pet's name"},{"_id":0}) and db.pets.find({}, {_id : 0}).sort({name : 1}) will use the {name : 1} index.
You should run explain on your queries to check if indexes are being used or not.
You may want to refer the documentation on how indexes work.

Additional index in shard collection in MongoDB

I have sharded collection with shard key as hashed _id (docs ).
Now I want to add index on another field (called alias) which doesn't need to be unique but it should be sparse if possible. This new index would serve only for speeding my query.
Should I do some kind of compound index for this or there is another procedure if possible in the first place?
In app I make only 2 types of queries :
db.myCollection.findOne({alias : 'some-alias'})
db.myCollection.findOne({_id : 'some-id'})
The second one works as supposed to (because my shard key is on hashed _id field) but first query is problem.

Mongodb set _id as decreasing index

I want to use mongodb's default _id but in decreasing order. I want to store posts and want to get the latest posts at the start when I use find(). I am using mongoose. I tried with
but it didn't work
> db.posts.getIndexes()
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"name" : "_id_",
"ns" : "mean-dev.posts"
I dropped the database and restarted mongod. No luck with that.
Is there any way to set _id as a decreasing index at the sametime using mongodb's default index? I don't want to use sort() to sort the result according to _id decreasingly.
Short answer
You cannot a descending index on _id field. You also don't need it. Mongo will use the existing default index when doing a descending sort on the _id field.
Long answer
As stated in the documentation MongoDB index on _id field is created automatically as an ascending unique index and you can't remove it.
You also don't need to create an additional descending index on _id field because MongoDB can use the default index for sorting.
To verify that MongoDB is using index for your sorting you can use explain command:
db.coll.find().sort({_id : -1}).explain();
In the output explain command, the relevant part is
"cursor" : "BtreeCursor _id_ reverse"
which means that MongoDB is using index for sorting your query in reverse order.
actually you can use this index, just put .sort({"_id":-1}) at the end of you query
ObjectId values do not represent a strict insertion order.
From documentation:
IMPORTANT The relationship between the order of ObjectId values and
generation time is not strict within a single second. If multiple
systems, or multiple processes or threads on a single system generate
values, within a single second; ObjectId values do not represent a
strict insertion order. Clock skew between clients can also result in
non-strict ordering even for values, because client drivers generate
ObjectId values, not the mongod process.

mongodb index query

If I have a collection which I query based on fields _id and CreationTimestamp.O as below:
var _query = Query.And(
Query.EQ("_id", "TheId"),
Query.GT("CreationTimestamp.0", DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-15).UtcTicks));
Should I create a compound index on both these fields?
I know _id by default has an index.
I am looking for guidance on best practice i.e. Create a compound index for both fields or just create an index for CreationTimestamp.O as their is already an index on _id
There's not much benefit in creating compound index here. Since the selectivity of autocreated index on _id field is 1 (it's unique index) there's no reason in having any compound index prefixed with it. The only possible benefit may be the fact MongoDB can use covered index for this query and possibly speedup the things (you need to benchmark on your data to prove this).