Mongodb set _id as decreasing index - mongodb

I want to use mongodb's default _id but in decreasing order. I want to store posts and want to get the latest posts at the start when I use find(). I am using mongoose. I tried with
but it didn't work
> db.posts.getIndexes()
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"name" : "_id_",
"ns" : "mean-dev.posts"
I dropped the database and restarted mongod. No luck with that.
Is there any way to set _id as a decreasing index at the sametime using mongodb's default index? I don't want to use sort() to sort the result according to _id decreasingly.

Short answer
You cannot a descending index on _id field. You also don't need it. Mongo will use the existing default index when doing a descending sort on the _id field.
Long answer
As stated in the documentation MongoDB index on _id field is created automatically as an ascending unique index and you can't remove it.
You also don't need to create an additional descending index on _id field because MongoDB can use the default index for sorting.
To verify that MongoDB is using index for your sorting you can use explain command:
db.coll.find().sort({_id : -1}).explain();
In the output explain command, the relevant part is
"cursor" : "BtreeCursor _id_ reverse"
which means that MongoDB is using index for sorting your query in reverse order.

actually you can use this index, just put .sort({"_id":-1}) at the end of you query
ObjectId values do not represent a strict insertion order.
From documentation:
IMPORTANT The relationship between the order of ObjectId values and
generation time is not strict within a single second. If multiple
systems, or multiple processes or threads on a single system generate
values, within a single second; ObjectId values do not represent a
strict insertion order. Clock skew between clients can also result in
non-strict ordering even for values, because client drivers generate
ObjectId values, not the mongod process.


Order of Fields in Mongo Query vs Ordered Checked In

Say you're querying documents based on 2 data points. One is a simple bool parameter, and the other is a complicated $geoWithin calculation.
db.collection.find( {"geoField": { "$geoWithin" : ...}, "boolField" : true} )
Will mongo reorder these parameters, so that it checks the boolField 1st, before running the complicated check?
MongoDB uses indexes like any other DBs. So the important thing for mongoDB is if any query fields has an index or not, not the order of query fields. At least there is no information in their documentation that mongoDB try to checks primitive query fields first. So for your example if boolField has an index mongoDB first check this field and eliminate documents whose boolField is false. But If geoField has an index then mongoDB first execute query on this field.
So what happens if none of them have index or both of them have? It should be the given order of fields in query because there is no suggestion or info beside of indexes in query optimization page of mongoDB. Additionally you can always test your queries performances with just adding .explain("executionStats").
So check the performance of db.collection.find( {"geoField": { "$geoWithin" : ...}, "boolField" : true} ) and db.collection.find( { "boolField" : true, "geoField": { "$geoWithin" : ...} } ). And let us know :)
To add to above response, if you want mongo to use specific index you can use cursor.hint . This explains how default index selection is done.

Does MongoDB find() query return documents sorted by creation time?

I need documents sorted by creation time (from oldest to newest).
Since ObjectID saves timestamp by default, we can use it to get documents sorted by creation time with CollectionName.find().sort({_id: 1}).
Also, I noticed that regular CollectionName.find() query always returns the documents in same order as CollectionName.find().sort({_id: 1}).
My question is:
Is CollectionName.find() guaranteed to return documents in same order as CollectionName.find().sort({_id: 1}) so I could leave sorting out?
No. Well, not exactly.
A db.collection.find() will give you the documents in the order they appear in the data files most of the times, though this isn't guaranteed.
Result Ordering
Unless you specify the sort() method or use the $near operator, MongoDB does not guarantee the order of query results.
As long as your data files are relatively new and few updates happen, the documents might (and most of the times will) be returned in what appears to be sorted by _id since ObjectId is monotonically increasing.
Later in the lifecycle, old documents may have been moved from their old position (because they increased in size and documents are never partitioned) and new ones are written in the place formerly occupied by another document. In this case, a newer document may be returned in a position between two old documents.
There is nothing wrong with sorting documents by _id, since the index will be used for that, adding only some latency for document retrieval.
However, I would strongly recommend against using the ObjectId for date operations for several reasons:
ObjectIds can not be used for date comparison queries. So you couldn't query for all documents created between date x and date y. To archive that, you'd have to load all documents, extract the date from the ObjectId and compare it – which is extremely inefficient.
If the creation date matters, it should be explicitly addressable in the documents
I see ObjectIds as a choice of last resort for the _id field and tend to use other values (compound on occasions) as _ids, since the field is indexed by default and it is very likely that one can save precious RAM by using a more meaningful value as id.
You could use the following for example which utilizes DBRefs
_id: {
creationDate: new ISODate(),
user: {
"$ref" : "creators",
"$id" : "mwmahlberg",
"$db" : "users"
And do a quite cheap sort by using
Is CollectionName.find() guaranteed to return documents in same order as CollectionName.find().sort({_id: 1})
No, it's not! If you didn't specify any order, then a so-called "natural" ordering is used. Meaning that documents will be returned in the order in which they physically appear in data files.
Now, if you only insert documents and never modify them, this natural order will coincide with ascending _id order. Imagine, however, that you update a document in such a way that it grows in size and has to be moved to a free slot inside of a data file (usually this means somewhere at the end of the file). If you were to query documents now, they wouldn't follow any sensible (to an external observer) order.
So, if you care about order, make it explicit.
natural order
The order in which the database refers to documents on disk. This is the default sort order. See $natural and Return in Natural Order.
Testing script (for the confused)
>{name: 'Joe'})
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
>{name: 'Bob'})
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55814b944e019172b7d358a0"), "name" : "Joe" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55814ba44e019172b7d358a1"), "name" : "Bob" }
>{_id: ObjectId("55814b944e019172b7d358a0")}, {$set: {answer: "On a sharded collection the $natural operator returns a collection scan sorted in natural order, the order the database inserts and stores documents on disk. Queries that include a sort by $natural order do not use indexes to fulfill the query predicate with the following exception: If the query predicate is an equality condition on the _id field { _id: <value> }, then the query with the sort by $natural order can use the _id index. You cannot specify $natural sort order if the query includes a $text expression."}})
WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 1 })
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55814ba44e019172b7d358a1"), "name" : "Bob" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55814b944e019172b7d358a0"), "name" : "Joe", "answer" : "On a sharded collection the $natural operator returns a collection scan sorted in natural order, the order the database inserts and stores documents on disk. Queries that include a sort by $natural order do not use indexes to fulfill the query predicate with the following exception: If the query predicate is an equality condition on the _id field { _id: <value> }, then the query with the sort by $natural order can use the _id index. You cannot specify $natural sort order if the query includes a $text expression." }

In MongoDB, is db.collection.find() same as db.collection.find().sort({$natural:1})?

I'm sure this is an easy one, but I just wanted to make sure. Is find() with some search and projection criterion same as applying a sort({$natural:1}) on it?
Also, what is the default natural sort order? How is it different from a sort({_id:1}), say?
db.collection.find() has the result as same as db.collection.find().sort({$natural:1})
{"$natural" : 1} forces the find query to do a table scan (default sort), it specifies hard-disk order when used in a sort.
When you are updating your document, mongo could move your document to another place of hard-disk.
for example insert documents as below
_id : 0,
_id : 1,
then update:
db.collection.update({ _id : 0} , { $set : { blob : BIG DATA}})
And when you perform the find query you will get
"_id" : 1
"_id" : 0,
"blob" : BIG DATA
as you see the order of documents has changed => the default order is not by _id
If you don't specify the sort then mongodb find() will return documents in the order they are stored on disk. Document storage on disk may coincide with insertion order but thats not always going to be true. It is also worth noting that the location of a document on disk may change. For instance in case of update, mongodb may move a document from one place to another if needed.
In case of index - The default order will be the order in which indexes are found if the query uses an index.
The $natural is the order in which documents are found on disk.
It is recommended that you specifiy sort explicitly to be sure of sorting order.

Add _id when ensuring index?

I am building a webapp using Codeigniter (PHP) and MongoDB.
I am creating indexes and have one question.
If I am querying on three fields (_id, status, type) and want to
create an index do I need to include _id when ensuring the index like this:
db.comments.ensureIndex({_id: 1, status : 1, type : 1});
or will this due?
db.comments.ensureIndex({status : 1, type : 1});
You would need to explicitly include _id in your ensureIndex call if you wanted to include it in your compound index. But because filtering by _id already provides selectivity of a single document that's very rarely the right thing to do. I think it would only make sense if your documents are very large and you're trying to use covered indexes.
MongoDB will currently only use one index per query with the exception of $or queries. If your common query will always be searching on those three fields (_id, status, type) then a compound index would be helpful.
From within the DB shell you can use the explain() command on your query to get information on the indexes used.
You don't need to implicitly create index on the _id field, it's done automatically. See the mongo documentation:
The _id Index
For all collections except capped collections, an index is automatically created for the _id field. This index is special and cannot be deleted. The _id index enforces uniqueness for its keys (except for some situations with sharding).

MongoDB : Indexes order and query order must match?

This question concern the internal method to manage indexes and serching Bson Documents.
When you create a multiple indexes like "index1", "index2", "index3"...the index are stored to be used during queries, but what about the order of queries and the performance resulting.
index1,index2,index3----> query in the same order index1,index2,index3 (best case)
index1,index2,index3----> query in another order index2,index1,index3 (the order altered)
Many times you use nested queries including these 3 index and others items or more indexes. The order of the queries would implicate some time lost?. Must passing the queries respecting the indexes order defined or the internal architecture take care about this order search? I searching to know if i do take care about this or can make my queries in freedom manier.
The order of the conditions in your query does not affect whether it can use an index or no.
typical document structure:
"FieldA" : "A",
"FieldB" : "B"
If you have an compound index on A and B :
db.MyCollection.ensureIndex({FieldA : 1, FieldB : 1})
Then both of the following queries will be able to use that index:
db.MyCollection.find({FieldA : "A", FieldB : "B"})
db.MyCollection.find({FieldB : "B", FieldA : "A"})
So the ordering of the conditions in the query do not prevent the index being used - which I think is the question you are asking.
You can easily test this out by trying the 2 queries in the shell and adding .explain() after the find. I just did this to confirm, and they both showed that the compound index was used.
however, if you run the following query, this will NOT use the index as FieldA is not being queried on:
db.MyCollection.find({FieldB : "B"})
So it's the ordering of the fields in the index that defines whether it can be used by a query and not the ordering of the fields in the query itself (this was what Lucas was referring to).
If you have a compound index on
multiple fields, you can use it to
query on the beginning subset of
fields. So if you have an index on
you can use it query on
So yes, order matters. You should clarify your question a bit if you need a more precise answer.