Access Paypal Account Details (Monthly Sale Reports) through API? - paypal

Is there any way we can get access to our paypal account details (like monthly/daily sales report) using its API?
We have several paypal accounts that we are using for several ecommerce websites and we need report on everyday that how much sale done yesterday so looking for any idea that its possible or not and if yes than basic idea about how.
We are using paypal regular payment option to pay using paypal shopping cart.
Thanks in advance.


Integrate Paypal in multi merchant website

I have a multi merchant website and in that what i need to do is when customer purchase a product 5% of the money is gone to website paypal account for service and rest of the money will be gone to seller paypal account. I need to integrate paypal in that. As paypal adaptive payments is deprecated and paypal is not providing any other solution to do that.
Can anyone please tell me any paypal service which can make it possible.
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like you need marketplace APIs. If you need PayPal APIs in specific, you can look into PayPal for Marketplaces. Braintree (A PayPal service) has better APIs here.
Stripe Connect is also a competitor with good reputation.
With all these APIs, you can control funds disbursement by specifying percentages as you mentioned in your post. I don't know what your complete use case is. So I'd suggest researching all 3 of these and choosing the one that best fits your budget and business model.
Create a mathematical equation to give you the difference between
the total and your 5% (or the seller's 95%).
Process the entire amount into your account.
Pay the seller their (95%) share by transferring that amount to their account.

Recurring payment on PayPal Express Checkout

Im trying set up recurring payment on my site by using Paypal Express Checkout. I did read through the official docs and I couldnt find anything useful related to recurring payment.
Im just wondering does Express Checkout support recurring payment? If so, how can I achieve that or Where can I get some good example to start with?
Thank you for your help in advance. Much appreciated
We have a similar issue before. You might wanted to take a look at this thread.
I'm trying to understand the use case here. When you say recurring payment for express checkout,it has to be something a customer is buying regularly like restocking an item, in that case it's not an express checkout, it's a recurring purchase by a returning customer. They must have opted to restock at a regular interval like every 30 days, 2 months etc. They also must be registered users on your website.
So your logic must include — Checking all the customers who have set up an automatic purchase for an item.
—Check their frequency of purchase and charge them for the amount of the item at that frequency.
—For this purpose PayPal has a REST API :
This is the accurate place to look for to implement PayPal recurring payments:
In case they also allow you to authorize payments through the following API
you could use it as well.
But at least this narrows down your choices in terms of regular payment authorization.
This API will allow you to request PayPal services to authorize payment on a regular basis for that customer. You will still have to have your own logic to check the 'subscription' for your products and the intervals.
—The CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile API Operation (NVP) at the link below looks to be for personal payments. For example something an Inventory Management System will do.
It's an API specific to adding recurring payments functionality.
Since you're a developer, PayPal Developers' Resources will answer any queries you have regarding the API functionality and usage. You will have to just know what to ask for. You are their B2B customer trying to understand their API system. You can also file a bug on their Developer portal if you're not getting proper answers.

Taking payment from customer's card and giving to merchant

I am creating a booking site, where the public can make bookings and then pay using their card. I want to take the card details and send them to PayPal via their REST api, and then send the amount to a merchant who will be one of our customer's selling the booked product.
Is this possible to do? PayPal documentation is confusing at best. I currently have the card payments being taken successfully and paid into our own 'developer' account, but what I can't seem to find is how to credit the money to a PayPal account that isn't our own instead.
I have looked into the PayPal Permissions API but again the documentation is unclear, and I don't see where I specify the merchants id or email address when calling RequestPermissions.
What you're looking to do can be accomplished by using PayPal's Adaptive Payments product ( Unfortunately, Adaptive Payments are not currently available with REST APIs. So if you have the option of going with classic APIs, this is currently available to you.

Charge Paypal users without letting them enter their password again

We want to offer payments using paypal within our web-app concept. A few days ago i took my first ride using uber in Germany. They provide to add paypal as payment method and after every ride i just can pay using paypal without entering my credentials again.
How to implement a payment process like this?
We want our users to add paypal as payment method and then - X days aftersignup (eg. when we found the right product for him) we want to start the subscription.
The thing is that these X days varies from user to user so we cant use a billing agreement with a fixed start date and due to the fact its a subscription model we cant use just a single payment authorization.
I found the solution: Paypal calls this feature "Adaptive Payments". You can read it here: Adaptive Payments API Reference

Which Paypal API for preapproved payments?

I'm trying to implement PayPal on a completely custom shopping cart and have been unable to figure out which API for recurring payments we need.
We ship a physical product every 2, 3, 4, 6 months so shipment and payment have to both happen together. In addition it must be easy for the user to change their shipment date - or add or remove items to their regular shipments without too much stress (either on their part or mine).
I've generally looked at Paypal's recurring billing as more suited to software based subscriptions and I don't think this is the API I need. I'd like to just bill the customer via a billing agreement and then initiate the shipment.
The way Skype does it seems to be ideal - they establish a billing agreement (shown in my PayPal account under 'My account > Profile > Pay List'
but I cannot seem to find that in the SOAP API document.
What is the API I need to create a billing agreement that I can trigger whenever I want. Can this be done with Express Checkout API ?
The API you are looking for is called reference transactions. This allows you to set up a billing agreement with a customer, get back a token, and then use that token to issue charges in the future. It can be done via the Express Checkout API.
You have to contact PayPal customer support to get this activated for your account before you can use it.