Project Server 2007 Issues and Risks lists - project-server

I have a EPM 2007 deployment and i'm having a hard time with the issues and risks lists... You see, if i create a new risk or issue assigned to me, when i go to the root web of the pwa, it says that I have no risks or issues assigned to me!!! Me and all users...
I thought it might be happening because of some list or site customization, so i created a new project using the default template (providade by MS, the very basic one...) and created new risks and issues, but the error remain...
Can anyone help?

We ended up opening a ticket at MS and they fixed it... sadly they did not revealed what the problem was...


Problems with MS TFS 2018's Dashboards, Build Pipelines, and Icons

I am having some recent problems with TFS 2018 that have escaped my ability to troubleshoot. The application runs on a Hyper-V VM hosting Server 2019 and connects to a separate MS SQL 2016 database over on a separate Windows 2019 VM.
A few weeks ago we migrated our database server over to a new machine which, over the course of setting our existing TFS server up to use the new database, required us to run though the TFS setup wizard again.
Everything was fine for about a week when we started to have issues, specifically with the TFS web front-end we use. First we lost various icons on the webpage, with the browsers (Chrome, Firefox, etc). replacing them with rectangles:
A little while after that we lost our project Dashboards, and the whole dashboard page is just blank now. A little while after that, our WIP build/test automation feature also lost its management section of the site.
Other than these things not displaying, things generally "work" - the source control stuff functions, work items can be interacted with, etc. It's just that the interface is clumsier without the icons (which extends to every icon within every work item type, not just the banner I shared) and we can't get our automated test reports without the site's front-end for it. The latter is the real show stopper.
I spent some time troubleshooting and at best was able to figure out a maybe solution for the icon problem:
This seemed to do the trick for just the icon problem, though some time later they disappeared and reappeared when people were refreshing pages. I'm still unsure if the re-failure was a fluke or not, as we rolled back the VM snapshot the changes were made on shortly after.
Using Chrome's developer tools, it seems like the lack of dashboard data is related to issues retrieving content on the host server for a cause we cannot determine.
Here is what shows up on the DevTool in Chrome for our main project's Dashboard:
What's interesting is the error claims widget.css is either not present or empty. Neither of these are the case as I can find the file and read data in it.
I recognize MIME types as a thing that shows up in IIS but I don't know what to do with the information. Should I be adding .css to the MIME Types list within IIS? Maybe that was set and the wizard reverted it?
Here's what shows up in the Builds section:
Thing is, I don't know what to do with this information. I found some vague hints online from people having similar issues with sites they were themselves coding (which stated the errors in question were red herrings), but this TFS front end is not something I've created and I had not any idea what to do with the information shared.
Does anyone have an idea of what might have gone wrong with the dashboards here? I have run out of ideas and can't figure out a different attack angle to approach this from.

Can anyone download Eclipse now?

i cant download Eclipse. Is that Eclipse's problem?
This is the link
Yes, after a planned maintenance outage, the website was unfortunately unreachable up to now (2. August, 2021), but is coming back up right now. Please try again. The load balancing might require some reloading of the website and there might still be some issues until everything will be fully recovered, but downloading using a mirror should not be a problem.
Update - Issue is coming from our main storage backend that requires a
full resynch in order to be in working condition again. Given the data
size, it will take about 13 hours. Thanks for your patience. We will
keep you posted.
Aug 1, 09:37 EDT
See also #Eclipse_Status on Twitter.
I don't think the eclipse server is working right now...

Deploying solution with mulitple windows forms projects

I apologize if this has been answered in another post, I can't seem to find it if it has. Anyway, I have built a back end utility for a fellow streamer friend of mine but I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong when it comes to deploying it. This is a project that will be expanded on in the future, and possibly have more windows form projects. So here is what I am running into (With Pictures):
Here is my solution explorer with the projects:
When I go to build the deployment I've tried making all the projects "outputs" and got this error. Thinking it was there were too many Project Outputs I changed it to where the startup project would be the output and the others would be either source or content files. Still got these errors. Here is the File System Setup:
And when I go to run the build to create the deployment, here are the errors I receive:
I don't know/don't see what I am doing wrong here and would very much appreciate a point in the right direction. Thank you all so much in advance.
Check your updates. I remember there is an option to review or check the status of latest updates.
I found this article about that issue but it looks like a general error with updates or the installation
It is not too long but maybe it does not help. I hope it helps, good luck

Persistant "Error reading from database" error

I'm new to Moodle 3.7!
I was trying to get it installed in the AMP stack that already comes with the Mac (except for the MySQL 8.0.12 which I installed separately). It all went okay so far, except for a few Issues I stumbled upon and got them fixed until I face this persistent "Error reading from database" error at the end of the installation process. If I'm not mistaken, I'm supposed to be greeted with my first admin screen to change my password and whatnot.
I've searched for an entire day so far only to find my efforts were in vain. I suspect it is some issue emerging from "dml_read_exception".
Thank you in advance for your anticipated support.
After hours of research and digging into the code, I realized that I had erased the default prefix for database set by moodle, "mdl_". Apparently, this is important.
I'm really not very well versed with databases so not very good at its terminologies.
It would be appreciative if anyone explains how it works and why it affected my installation process. Thank you.

Joomla 3.0 SEF URLs sending to random wrong articles

My site eighttwentydesign is running Joomla 3.0. I have SEF URLs on, and have done for sometime without issue. But today when you go to the site, and click on anything, say portfolio you get the home page under the portfolio's URL, but if you add a leading slash at the end, the right article (portfolio) shows. Additionally, if you click on say "Web Design" it sends you to the Portfolio page. I might add this menu is a menu within Joomla - not be adding internal links manually
Doesn't work:
Does work:
I have checked the .htaccess, and actually reverted it to the original with no luck, I have check Global Config but I can't see anything which may cause this. It was working nicely yesterday. I haven't adapted with any PHP source or anything in the past few weeks, the only notifiable thing I have done is yesterday enabling the Cache - have others experienced problems after doing this? I have disabled it under global config, with no avail.
Exact Joomla Version is 3.0.2 with very few plugins
I do have daily backups, but would rather a solution and be able to figure out a prevention from that, rather than just putting on a band aid.
I've search for a good couple of hours, and aside from just not being able to fix it, it appears no one else is experiencing this, so I am starting to think it may be a bug.
Just as I was about to post this I discovered my solution.
If you are having your SEF URLs display the wrong content then solve it by disabling the Cache plugin. You can do this by doing the following steps
Login to Joomla backend
Navigate to Extensions > Plugins
Go to "System Cache"
Disable system cache
I hope this helps someone in the future as I really struggled to find any answers on this.