workaround for prepending to a LinkedHashMap in Scala? - scala

I have a LinkedHashMap which I've been using in a typical way: adding new key-value
pairs to the end, and accessing them in order of insertion. However, now I have a
special case where I need to add pairs to the "head" of the map. I think there's
some functionality inside the LinkedHashMap source for doing this, but it has private
I have a solution where I create a new map, add the pair, then add all the old mappings.
In Java syntax:
newMap.put(newKey, newValue)
newMap.putAll( = newMap
It works. But the problem here is that I then need to make my main data structure
( a var rather than a val.
Can anyone think of a nicer solution? Note that I definitely need the fast lookup
functionality provided by a Map collection. The performance of a prepending is not
such a big deal.
More generally, as a Scala developer how hard would you fight to avoid a var
in a case like this, assuming there's no foreseeable need for concurrency?
Would you create your own version of LinkedHashMap? Looks like a hassle frankly.

This will work but is not especially nice either:
import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap
def prepend[K,V](map: LinkedHashMap[K,V], kv: (K, V)) = {
val copy = map.toMap
map += kv
map ++= copy
val map = LinkedHashMap('b -> 2)
prepend(map, 'a -> 1)
map == LinkedHashMap('a -> 1, 'b -> 2)

Have you taken a look at the code of LinkedHashMap? The class has a field firstEntry, and just by taking a quick peek at updateLinkedEntries, it should be relatively easy to create a subclass of LinkedHashMap which only adds a new method prepend and updateLinkedEntriesPrepend resulting in the behavior you need, e.g. (not tested):
private def updateLinkedEntriesPrepend(e: Entry) {
if (firstEntry == null) { firstEntry = e; lastEntry = e }
else {
val oldFirstEntry = firstEntry
firstEntry = e
firstEntry.later = oldFirstEntry
oldFirstEntry.earlier = e
Here is a sample implementation I threw together real quick (that is, not thoroughly tested!):
class MyLinkedHashMap[A, B] extends LinkedHashMap[A,B] {
def prepend(key: A, value: B): Option[B] = {
val e = findEntry(key)
if (e == null) {
val e = new Entry(key, value)
} else {
// The key already exists, so we might as well call LinkedHashMap#put
put(key, value)
private def updateLinkedEntriesPrepend(e: Entry) {
if (firstEntry == null) { firstEntry = e; lastEntry = e }
else {
val oldFirstEntry = firstEntry
firstEntry = e
firstEntry.later = oldFirstEntry
oldFirstEntry.earlier = firstEntry
Tested like this:
object Main {
def main(args:Array[String]) {
val x = new MyLinkedHashMap[String, Int]();
x.prepend("foo", 5)
x.prepend("bar", 6)
x.prepend("olol", 12)
x.foreach(x => println("x:" + x._1 + " y: " + x._2 ));
Which, on Scala 2.9.0 (yeah, need to update) results in
x:olol y: 12
x:bar y: 6
x:foo y: 5
A quick benchmark shows order of magnitude in performance difference between the extended built-in class and the "map rewrite" approach (I used the code from Debilski's answer in "ExternalMethod" and mine in "BuiltIn"):
benchmark length us linear runtime
ExternalMethod 10 1218.44 =
ExternalMethod 100 1250.28 =
ExternalMethod 1000 19453.59 =
ExternalMethod 10000 349297.25 ==============================
BuiltIn 10 3.10 =
BuiltIn 100 2.48 =
BuiltIn 1000 2.38 =
BuiltIn 10000 3.28 =
The benchmark code:
def timeExternalMethod(reps: Int) = {
var r = reps
while(r > 0) {
for(i <- 1 to 100) prepend(map, (i, i))
r -= 1
def timeBuiltIn(reps: Int) = {
var r = reps
while(r > 0) {
for(i <- 1 to 100) map.prepend(i, i)
r -= 1
Using a scala benchmarking template.


Class State get loss between function calls in Flink

I have this class:
case class IDADiscretizer(
nAttrs: Int,
nBins: Int = 5,
s: Int = 5) extends Serializable {
private[this] val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)
private[this] val V = Vector.tabulate(nAttrs)(i => new IntervalHeapWrapper(nBins, i))
private[this] val randomReservoir = SamplingUtils.reservoirSample((1 to s).toList.iterator, 1)
def updateSamples(v: LabeledVector): Vector[IntervalHeapWrapper] = {
val attrs =
val label = v.label
// TODO: Check for missing values
.foreach {
case (attr, i) =>
if (V(i).getNbSamples < s) {
V(i) insertValue attr // insert
} else {
if (randomReservoir(0) <= s / (i + 1)) {
//val randVal = Random nextInt s
//V(i) replace (randVal, attr)
V(i) insertValue attr
* Return the cutpoints for the discretization
def cutPoints: Vector[Vector[Double]] = V map (_.getBoundaries.toVector)
def discretize(data: DataSet[LabeledVector]): (DataSet[Vector[IntervalHeapWrapper]], Vector[Vector[Double]]) = {
val r = data map (x => updateSamples(x))
val c = cutPoints
(r, c)
Using flink, I would like to get the cutpoints after the call of discretize, but it seems the information stored in V get loss. Do I have to use Broadcast like in this question? is there a better way to access the state of class?
I've tried to call cutpoints in two ways, one with is:
def discretize(data: DataSet[LabeledVector]) = data map (x => updateSamples(x))
Then, called from outside:
val a = IDADiscretizer(nAttrs = 4)
val r = a.discretize(dataSet)
val cuts = a.cutPoints
Here, cuts is empty so I tried to compute the discretization as well as the cutpoints inside discretize:
def discretize(data: DataSet[LabeledVector]) = {
val r = data map (x => updateSamples(x))
val c = cutPoints
(r, c)
And use it like this:
val a = IDADiscretizer(nAttrs = 4)
val (d, c) = a.discretize(dataSet)
c foreach println
But the same happends.
Finally, I've also tried to make V completely public:
val V = Vector.tabulate(nAttrs)(i => new IntervalHeapWrapper(nBins, i))
Still empty
What am I doing wrong?
Related questions:
Keep keyed state across multiple transformations
Flink State backend keys atomicy and distribution
Flink: does state access across stream?
Flink: Sharing state in CoFlatMapFunction
Thanks to #TillRohrmann what I finally did was:
private[this] def computeCutPoints(x: LabeledVector) = {
val attrs =
val label = x.label
.foldLeft(V) {
case (iv, (v, i)) =>
iv(i) insertValue v
* Return the cutpoints for the discretization
def cutPoints(data: DataSet[LabeledVector]): Seq[Seq[Double]] = _)
def discretize(data: DataSet[LabeledVector]): DataSet[LabeledVector] = _)
And then use it like this:
val a = IDADiscretizer(nAttrs = 4)
val d = a.discretize(dataSet)
val cuts = a.cutPoints(dataSet)
cuts foreach println
I do not know if it is the best way, but at least is working now.
The way Flink works is that the user defines operators/user defined functions which operate on input data coming from a source function. In order to execute a program the user code is sent to the Flink cluster where it is executed. The results of the computation has to be output to some storage system via a sink function.
Due to this, it is not possible to mix local and distributed computations easily as you are trying with your solution. What discretize does is to define a map operator which transforms the input DataSet data. This operation will be executed once you call ExecutionEnvironment#execute or DataSet#print, for example. Now the user code and the definition for IDADiscretizer is sent to the cluster where they are instantiated. Flink will update the values in an instance of IDADiscretizer which is not the same instance as the one you have on the client.

Understanding performance of a tailrec annotated recursive method in scala

Consider the following method - which has been verified to conform to the proper tail recursion :
def getBoundaries(grps: Seq[(BigDecimal, Int)], groupSize: Int, curSum: Int = 0, curOffs: Seq[BigDecimal] = Seq.empty[BigDecimal]): Seq[BigDecimal] = {
if (grps.isEmpty) curOffs
else {
val (id, cnt) = grps.head
val newSum = curSum + cnt.toInt
if (newSum%50==0) { println(s"id=$id newsum=$newSum") }
if (newSum >= groupSize) {
getBoundaries(grps.tail, groupSize, 0, curOffs :+ id) // r1
} else {
getBoundaries(grps.tail, groupSize, newSum, curOffs) // r2
This is running very slowly - about 75 loops per second. When I hit the stacktrace (a nice feature of Intellij) almost every time the line that is currently being invoked is the second tail-recursive call r2. That fact makes me suspicious of the purported "scala unwraps the recursive calls into a while loop". If the unwrapping were occurring then why are we seeing so much time in the invocations themselves?
Beyond having a properly structured tail recursive method are there other considerations to get a recursive routine have performance approaching a direct iteration?
The performance will depend on the underlying type of the Seq.
If it is List then the problem is appending (:+) to the List because this gets very slow with long lists because it has to scan the whole list to find the end.
One solution is to prepend to the list (+:) each time and then reverse at the end. This can give very significant performance improvements, because adding to the start of a list is very quick.
Other Seq types will have different performance characteristics, but you can convert to a List before the recursive call so that you know how it is going to perform.
Here is sample code
def getBoundaries(grps: Seq[(BigDecimal, Int)], groupSize: Int): Seq[BigDecimal] = {
def loop(grps: List[(BigDecimal, Int)], curSum: Int, curOffs: List[BigDecimal]): List[BigDecimal] =
if (grps.isEmpty) curOffs
else {
val (id, cnt) = grps.head
val newSum = curSum + cnt.toInt
if (newSum >= groupSize) {
loop(grps.tail, 0, id +: curOffs) // r1
} else {
loop(grps.tail, newSum, curOffs) // r2
loop(grps.toList, 0, Nil).reverse
This version gives 10x performance improvement over the original code using the test data provided by the questioner in his own answer to the question.
The issue is not in the recursion but instead in the array manipulation . With the following testcase it runs at about 200K recursions per second
type Fgroups = Seq[(BigDecimal, Int)]
test("testGetBoundaries") {
val N = 200000
val grps: Fgroups = (N to 1 by -1).flatMap { x => Array.tabulate(x % 20){ x2 => (BigDecimal(x2 * 1e9), 1) }}
val sgrps = grps.sortWith { case (a, b) => < 0
val bb = getBoundaries(sgrps, 100 )
My production data sample has a similar number of entries (Array with 233K rows ) but runs at 3 orders of magnitude more slowly. I am looking into the tail operation and other culprits now.
Update The following reference from Alvin Alexander indicates that the tail operation should be v fast for immutable collections - but deadly slow for long mutable ones - including Array's !
Wow! I had no idea about the performance implications of using mutable collections in scala!
Update By adding code to convert the Array to an (immutable) Seq I see the 3 orders of magnitude performance improvement on the production data sample:
val grps = if (grpsIn.isInstanceOf[mutable.WrappedArray[_]] || grpsIn.isInstanceOf[Array[_]]) {
Seq(grpsIn: _*)
} else grpsIn
The (now fast ~200K/sec) final code is:
type Fgroups = Seq[(BigDecimal, Int)]
val cntr = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
def getBoundaries(grpsIn: Fgroups, groupSize: Int, curSum: Int = 0, curOffs: Seq[BigDecimal] = Seq.empty[BigDecimal]): Seq[BigDecimal] = {
val grps = if (grpsIn.isInstanceOf[mutable.WrappedArray[_]] || grpsIn.isInstanceOf[Array[_]]) {
Seq(grpsIn: _*)
} else grpsIn
if (grps.isEmpty) curOffs
else {
val (id, cnt) = grps.head
val newSum = curSum + cnt.toInt
if (cntr.getAndIncrement % 500==0) { println(s"[${cntr.get}] id=$id newsum=$newSum") }
if (newSum >= groupSize) {
getBoundaries(grps.tail, groupSize, 0, curOffs :+ id)
} else {
getBoundaries(grps.tail, groupSize, newSum, curOffs)

How to aggregateByKey with custom class for frequency distribution?

I am trying to create a frequency distribution.
My data is in the following pattern (ColumnIndex, (Value, countOfValue)) of type (Int, (Any, Long)). For instance, (1, (A, 10)) means for column index 1, there are 10 A's.
My goal is to get the top 100 values for all my index's or Keys.
Right away I can make it less compute intensive for my workload by doing an initial filter:
val freqNumDist = numRDD.filter(x => x._2._2 > 1)
Now I found an interesting example of a class, here which seems to fit my use case:
class TopNList (val maxSize:Int) extends Serializable {
val topNCountsForColumnArray = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[(Any, Long)]
var lowestColumnCountIndex:Int = -1
var lowestValue = Long.MaxValue
def add(newValue:Any, newCount:Long): Unit = {
if (topNCountsForColumnArray.length < maxSize -1) {
topNCountsForColumnArray += ((newValue, newCount))
} else if (topNCountsForColumnArray.length == maxSize) {
} else {
if (newCount > lowestValue) {
topNCountsForColumnArray.insert(lowestColumnCountIndex, (newValue, newCount))
def updateLowestValue: Unit = {
var index = 0
topNCountsForColumnArray.foreach{ r =>
if (r._2 < lowestValue) {
lowestValue = r._2
lowestColumnCountIndex = index
So Now What I was thinking was putting together an aggregateByKey to use this class in order to get my top 100 values! The problem is that I am unsure of how to use this class in aggregateByKey in order to accomplish this goal.
val initFreq:TopNList = new TopNList(100)
def freqSeq(u: (TopNList), v:(Double, Long)) = (
u.add(v._1, v._2)
def freqComb(u1: TopNList, u2: TopNList) = (
u2.topNCountsForColumnArray.foreach(r => u1.add(r._1, r._2))
val freqNumDist = numRDD.filter(x => x._2._2 > 1).aggregateByKey(initFreq)(freqSeq, freqComb)
The obvious problem is that nothing is returned by the functions I am using. So I am wondering how to modify this class or do I need to think about this in a whole new light and just cherry pick some of the functions out of this class and add them to the functions I am using for the aggregateByKey?
I'm either thinking about classes wrong or the entire aggregateByKey or both!
Your projections implementations (freqSeq, freqComb) return Unit while you expect them to return TopNList
If intentially keep the style of your solution, the relevant impl should be
def freqSeq(u: TopNList, v:(Any, Long)) : TopNList = {
u.add(v._1, v._2) // operation gives void result (Unit)
u // this one of TopNList type
def freqComb(u1: TopNList, u2: TopNList) : TopNList = {
u2.topNCountsForColumnArray.foreach (r => u1.add (r._1, r._2) )
Just take a look on aggregateByKey signature of PairRDDFunctions, what does it expect for
def aggregateByKey[U](zeroValue : U)(seqOp : scala.Function2[U, V, U], combOp : scala.Function2[U, U, U])(implicit evidence$3 : scala.reflect.ClassTag[U]) : org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[scala.Tuple2[K, U]] = { /* compiled code */ }

method with angle brackets (<>)

Is it possible to have angle brackets in method names , e.g. :
class Foo(ind1:Int,ind2:Int){...}
var v = new Foo(1,2)
v(1) = 3 //updates ind1
v<1> = 4 //updates ind2
The real situation is obviously more complicated than this!!I am trying to provide a convenient user interface.
This response is not meant to be taken too seriously - just a proof that this can almost be achieved using some hacks.
class Vector(values: Int*) {
val data = values.toArray
def < (i:Int) = new {
def `>_=`(x: Int) {
data(i) = x
def > {
println("value at "+ i +" is "+ data(i))
override def toString = data.mkString("<", ", ", ">")
val v = new Vector(1, 2, 3)
println(v) // prints <1, 2, 3>
v<1> = 10
println(v) // prints <1, 10, 3>
v<1> // prints: value at 1 is 10
Using this class we can have a vector that uses <> instead of () for "read" and write access.
The compiler ( crashes if > returns a value. It might be a bug or a result of misusing >.
Edit: I was wrong; kassens's answer shows how to do it as you want.
It is not possible to implement a method that would be called when you write v<1> = 4 (except, maybe, if you write a compiler plugin?). However, something like this would be possible:
class Foo {
def at(i: Int) = new Assigner(i)
class Assigner(i: Int) {
def :=(v: Int) = println("assigning " + v + " at index " + i)
val f = new Foo
f at 4 := 6
With a little trickery you can actually get quite close to what you want.
object Foo {
val a:Array[Int] = new Array(100)
def <(i:Int) = new Updater(a, i)
class Updater(a:Array[Int], i:Int) {
def update(x:Int) {
a(i) = x
def >() = this
Foo<1>() = 123
I am not sure why Scala requires the () though. And yes, this is a bit of a hack...

Finite Growable Array in Scala

I would like to be able to grow an Array-like structure up to a maximum size, after which the oldest (1st) element would be dropped off the structure every time a new element is added. I don't know what the best way to do this is, but one way would be to extend the ArrayBuffer class, and override the += operator so that if the maximum size has been reached, the first element is dropped every time a new one is added. I haven't figured out how to properly extend collections yet. What I have so far is:
class FiniteGrowableArray[A](maxLength:Int) extends scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer {
override def +=(elem:A): <insert some return type here> = {
// append element
if(length > maxLength) remove(0)
<returned collection>
Can someone suggest a better path and/or help me along this one? NOTE: I will need to arbitrarily access elements within the structure multiple times in between the += operations.
As others have discussed, you want a ring buffer. However, you also have to decide if you actually want all of the collections methods or not, and if so, what happens when you filter a ring buffer of maximum size N--does it keep its maximum size, or what?
If you're okay with merely being able to view your ring buffer as part of the collections hierarchy (but don't want to use collections efficiently to generate new ring buffers) then you can just:
class RingBuffer[T: ClassManifest](maxsize: Int) {
private[this] val buffer = new Array[T](maxsize+1)
private[this] var i0,i1 = 0
private[this] def i0up = { i0 += 1; if (i0>=buffer.length) i0 -= buffer.length }
private[this] def i0dn = { i0 -= 1; if (i0<0) i0 += buffer.length }
private[this] def i1up = { i1 += 1; if (i1>=buffer.length) i1 -= buffer.length }
private[this] def i1dn = { i1 -= 1; if (i1<0) i1 += buffer.length }
private[this] def me = this
def apply(i: Int) = {
val j = i+i0
if (j >= buffer.length) buffer(j-buffer.length) else buffer(j)
def size = if (i1<i0) buffer.length+i1-i0 else i1-i0
def :+(t: T) = {
buffer(i1) = t
i1up; if (i1==i0) i0up
def +:(t: T) = {
i0dn; if (i0==i1) i1dn
buffer(i0) = t
def popt = {
if (i1==i0) throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException
i1dn; buffer(i1)
def poph = {
if (i1==i0) throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException
val ans = buffer(i0); i0up; ans
def seqView = new IndexedSeq[T] {
def apply(i: Int) = me(i)
def length = me.size
Now you can use this easily directly, and you can jump out to IndexedSeq when needed:
val r = new RingBuffer[Int](4)
r :+ 7 :+ 9 :+ 2
r.seqView.mkString(" ") // Prints 7 9 2
r.popt // Returns 2
r.poph // Returns 7
r :+ 6 :+ 5 :+ 4 :+ 3
r.seqView.mkString(" ") // Prints 6 5 4 3 -- 7 fell off the end
0 +: 1 +: 2 +: r
r.seqView.mkString(" ") // Prints 0 1 2 6 -- added to front; 3,4,5 fell off
r.seqView.filter(_>1) // Vector(2,6)
and if you want to put things back into a ring buffer, you can
class RingBufferImplicit[T: ClassManifest](ts: Traversable[T]) {
def ring(maxsize: Int) = {
val rb = new RingBuffer[T](maxsize)
ts.foreach(rb :+ _)
implicit def traversable2ringbuffer[T: ClassManifest](ts: Traversable[T]) = {
new RingBufferImplicit(ts)
and then you can do things like
val rr = List(1,2,3,4,5).ring(4)
rr.seqView.mkString(" ") // Prints 2,3,4,5