Violation of unique key constraint while inserting row using EF 4 - entity-framework

My object which I am going to insert has a parent object as a navigational property.
When I "add" the object to insert it, it also set the ObjectStateManager of my parent object (which is already inserted) to Added and try to insert it. I've verified it in SQL Profiler and thus raises the exception of unique key violation.
I am getting rid of this in two ways
Before adding the object I set all the navigational properties to null
Set the ObjectStateManager of parent object to Modified.
But this seems more like hack than a solution. I believe Entity Framework must have some elegant solution to this.
Kindly suggest.

The second approach is correct solution for this problem. When you call AddObject EF will attach all entities from the object graph in Added state. If you also have existing entities in the graph you must tell EF about them by either setting their state to Unchanged or Modified.


"Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'x' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF" - inserting record with nested custom object

I get the error "Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'UserPermission' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF" trying to insert a record as follows:
That being said, the User file has the custom class UserPermission as one of its parameters, and someUser's UserPermission is not null and has a set ID parameter. Why does this happen and is it possible to avoid getting this error without having to explicitly add a UserPermissionID foreign key parameter in my User model and setting the UserPermission parameter to null?
Thanks in advance.
This issue typically happens when deserializing entities that have related entities in the object graph then attempting to add them. UserPermission is likely an existing record that in the DB is set up with an identity PK, but EF doesn't appear to recognize that in the entity definition. (I.e. set to DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity). If it had been you would most likely be seeing a different problem where a completely new duplicate UserPermission was being created.
If someUser, and it's associated someUser.UserPermission are deserialized entities then you need to do a bit of work to ensure EF is aware that UserPermission is an existing row:
void AddUser(User someUser)
var existingPermission = _context.UserPermissions.Local
.SingleOrDefault(x => x.UserPermissionId == someUser.UserPermission.UserPermissionId);
if (existingPermission != null)
someUser.UserPermission = existingPermission;
In a nutshell, when working with detached entities that a DbContext may not be tracking, we need to check the Local state for any existing tracked instance for that ID. If we find one, we substitute the detached reference for the tracked one. If we don't find one, we attach the detached one before Adding our user.
This still isn't entirely safe because it assumes that the referenced UserPermission will exist in the database. If for any reason a non-existent UserPermission is sent in (row deleted, or fake data) you will get an exception on Save.
Passing detached entity references around can seem like a simple option at first, but you need to do this for every reference within a detached entity. If you simply call Attach without first checking, it will likely work until you come across a scenario where at runtime it doesn't work because the context happens to already be tracking an instance.

Entity Framework Update Fails for Entity With ID of 0

Using Entity Framework Core 3.0 and facing an odd issue where EF will throw an exception if I try to update an entity with ID=0, it thinks that ID=0 is a temporary value. Same code updates entity with ID=1 or higher without any problems.
InvalidOperationException: The property 'Id' on entity type 'MyType' has a temporary value
while attempting to change the entity's state to 'Modified'. Either
set a permanent value explicitly or ensure that the database is
configured to generate values for this property.
Exception is triggered on the following statement:
_context.Attach(MyType).State = EntityState.Modified;
I don't want to reseed all my tables to start with 1.
Is this expected behavior with EF? It should be possible to save entities with ID=0.
Any advice on how to resolve this?
You have to do something about this zero ID value. It's a ticking time bomb.
You'll always have to be on your guard because it definitely is expected behaviour. EF has inner logic depending on key default values. In EF6 you could do this because it was less refined. (In this area that is).
Let me show you how leaving this ID value can backfire on you in the future.
You have this MyType object. Let's call it entity to follow some naming conventions/habits. Its ID value is 0 and it's not attached to the context.
Now suppose you don't use this rather redundant way to attach it as modified but the new EF-core way:
Now you won't see any exception, but no, the issue isn't fixed. It's gotten worse. The entity object's state is Added now and you're going to add a new record to your table. That might even go unnoticed for a while, adding to the pile of mess you have to clean up later.
Had its ID value been > 0, EF's Update method would have concluded it's an existing entity and its state should be Modified.
You can set entity's state to Modified if (1) it's not attached and (2) you use...
context.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified;
And that's another time bomb. Later code changes remove the first condition (it's not attached) and boom.

Cannot insert NULL into a non-identity column in Entity Framework. Funny thing... it's not null?

I have a SalesOrder table with columns for ID and OrderID. ID is an auto-generated int. OrderID is a non-nullable string with a max length of 20, and we use it to store the customer's order number for reference.
After adding my new SalesOrder and calling SaveChanges, I get the following error:
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'OrderID', table 'SalesOrder'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated.
Problem is, the object that I'm saving actually does have an OrderID! It's almost like it's trying to save the entity first before it saves all the values. Is this how EF handles things?
My setup is EF4.1, using an EDMX model-first approach. StoreGeneratedPattern is set to None. Default Value is currently set to (None) but I've tried various values. Entity Key is False, since it's not part of the key. I've also tried deleting the SalesOrder entity and regenerating it from the database.
I would also like to see your code...I had similar problems when filling objects in a loop then saving them with savechanges. I thought all the fields were populated, but they were not.
I'd have to see your code that executes before the save changes before I can offer anything really helpful.
If your problem is like mine and you are calling savechanges after using an iterator to populate your objects, then you can find the bad data by moving savechanges into the iterator so that it is called with each iteration...but this is all hypothetical guesswork without seeing your code...

EntityCollection Clear() and Remove() methods

What is the right way to delete all of the collection items of an EF entity? In the code below, DocumentItems is the collection of related document items for a document. This code proceedes on Clear() but fails on SaveChanges() because related items are connected to their document via FK and FK is mandatory. So I guess they somehow remain floating up in the air without a foreign key after Clear().
Do I solve this with a foreach loop over the collection calling Remove() on each item or is there another way?
// remove existing document items to prepare for refreshing them
// adds new Document Items
PrepareInvoice(existing, collection);
This is one way of deleting the items in the collection.
TEntityCollection.ToList().ForEach(Sub(o) ctx.DeleteObject(o))
TEntityCollection.ToList().ForEach(x => ctx.DeleteObject(x))
Then you need to call
Clear just removes the reference but doesn't delete the entity.
In your situation
All DocumentItems in the EntitySet will get cleared but you will have to Remove/Delete the actual DocumentItem or the commit with fail, just the same as it would if you tried to delete it in the database.
You need to loop through detach any references, and then delete the entity you wish to remove (unless its nullable and in your situation, it is not)
Alternatively, I have seen implementations that use clear, and an AssociationChangedHandler to automatically delete the old object. Basically, if the change is a "delete/remove" it calls DeleteObject() on the orphaned object.
Trick: When setting up the relationship between Parent and Child, you'll HAVE TO create a "composite" key on the child. This way, when you tell the Parent to delete 1 or all of its children, the related records will actually be deleted from the database.
To configure composite key using Fluent API:
modelBuilder.Entity<Child>.HasKey(t => new { t.ParentId, t.ChildId });
Then, to delete the related children:
var parent = _context.Parents.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ParentId == parentId);
var childToRemove = parent.Children.First(); // Change the logic
// or, you can delete all children
// parent.Children.Clear();
Yeah, a year old, but on a minor note... since DeleteObject takes one parameter, which is the same type as the argument for the lambda expression, you can just use:
I am not sure if VB supports a similar syntax, though. Anyone?
Just to answer to Nix comment to the answer,
it seems to me that the EntityCollection.Remove() method only marks for deletion the relationships and not the entities, just as the EntityCollection.Clear() method does.
I know that documentation says that also the entity will be marked for deletion but in my test I've got the behavior I described (anyone can explain me why?).
So, if you have a one to many foreign key constraint in your conceptual model, you cannot save the changes to the context in the persistence store.
The only way I found (since I don't want to CascadeDelete) is looping through the children and invoke context.DeleteObject on each of them, thus removing the entity and the associated relationship.

Entity Framework won't SaveChanges on new entity with two-level relationship

I'm building an ASP.NET MVC site using the ADO.NET Entity Framework.
I have an entity model that includes these entities, associated by foreign keys:
Report(ID, Date, Heading, Report_Type_ID, etc.)
SubReport(ID, ReportText, etc.) - one-to-one relationship with Report.
ReportSource(ID, Name, Description) - one-to-many relationship with Sub_Report.
ReportSourceType(ID, Name, Description) - one-to-many relationship with ReportSource.
Contact (ID, Name, Address, etc.) - one-to-one relationship with Report_Source.
There is a Create.aspx page for each type of SubReport. The post event method returns a new Sub_Report entity.
Before, in my post method, I followed this process:
Set the properties for a new Report entity from the page's fields.
Set the SubReport entity's specific properties from the page's fields.
Set the SubReport entity's Report to the new Report entity created in 1.
Given an ID provided by the page, look up the ReportSource and set the Sub_Report entity's ReportSource to the found entity.
This workflow succeeded just fine for a couple of weeks. Then last week something changed and it doesn't work any more. Now instead of the save operation, I get this Exception:
UpdateException: "Entities in 'DIR2_5Entities.ReportSourceSet'
participate in the 'FK_ReportSources_ReportSourceTypes' relationship.
0 related 'ReportSourceTypes' were found. 1 'Report_Source_Types' is expected."
The debug visualizer shows the following:
The SubReport's ReportSource is set and loaded, and all of its properties are correct.
The Report_Source has a valid ReportSourceType entity attached.
In SQL Profiler the prepared SQL statement looks OK. Can anybody point me to what obvious thing I'm missing?
The Report and SubReport are always new entities in this case.
The Report entity contains properties common to many types of reports and is used for generic queries. SubReports are specific reports with extra parameters varying by type. There is actually a different entity set for each type of SubReport, but this question applies to all of them, so I use SubReport as a simplified example.
I realise I'm late to this, but I had a similar problem and I hacked through it for about 3 hours before I came up with a solution. I'd post code, but it's at home - I can do it later if someone needs it.
Here are some things to check:
Set a breakpoint on the SaveChanges() call and examine the object context in depth. You should see a list of additions and changes to the context. When I first looked, I found that it was trying to add all my related objects rather than just point to them. In your case, the context might be trying to add a new Report_Source_Type.
Related to the previous point, but if you're retrieving the report source, make sure it is being retrieved from the database by its entity key and properly attached to the context. If not, your context might believe it to be a new item and therefore its required relationships won't be set.
From memory, I retrieved my references using the context.GetObjectByKey method, and then explicitly attached those objects to the context using the context.Attach method before assigning them to the properties of my original object.
I got this error because the table didn't have a primary key, it had a FK reference, but no PK.
After adding a PK and updating the model all is well.
Check if your ReportSource was loaded with the NoTracking option or if its EntityState == 'Detached'. If so, that is your problem, it must be loaded in the context.
This tends to happen if your database tables have a 1 - 1 relationship with each other. In your example reportsourceset expects a reportsorttypes with whatever id it is referencing. I have run into this problem when my relationship is linking two primary keys from opposite tables together.
I've got the same error because of new object instance which created "behind the scene" in "Added" state. This was not obvious.
I got this error when I added the new entity to the context but forgot to add the new entity to its parent's collection in the object graph.
For example:
Pet pet = new Pet();
// forgot this: petOwner.Pets.Add(pet);