gwt HorizontalSplitPanel: catch split position event - gwt

I use a HorizonSplitPanel in gwt and wonder if there is no possibility to get an event, if the split position is changed. I need the event to later manually change the positions of some absolute positioned elements.
Is there a possibility to get an event for the change of the split position? Or does somebody know a work-around?

You may sink mouseup/mousedown event on the splitPanel, and check split position at each mouse release. If it has changed since last time, then fire a custom event.
You also may override newer SplitLayoutPanel with your own Splitter implementation which sends a custom event on resize, since event handing is implemented in abstract Splitter class.


How to remove undo from history (RevertAllInCurrentGroup?)

I'm trying to use RevertAllInCurrentGroup to undo the last operation but it doesn't seem to work. Actually what I really want to do is just remove the undo from the history; I don't care whether the undo is applied or not.
In some init code I have:
// 'component' is a MonoBehaviour-derived class. Here I create the default editor for the component
m_editor = Editor.CreateEditor(component);
And then in OnGUI in my EditorWindow:
// ..'hasChanged' is set to true if the user changed some property
if (hasChanged)
// some stuff using the new values on the object, which includes sending a message to a server
When I call RevertAllInCurrentGroup I get InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object in some Stack object in GUILayoutUtility.EndLayoutGroup. I figured maybe I shouldn't be doing the revert in OnGUI, so I changed it to set a flag and do the revert in Update but that doesn't make any difference (except I obviously no longer get the exception).
Does anyone know how to use this function, or if there is some other way that I could undo the last operation that was applied by the Editor instance? I've tried using Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo and Undo.ClearUndo but they don't seem to do anything either (the undo operation still appears in the undo stack).
For clarification, I'm dynamically creating GameObjects with components in the editor based on messages I receive from a server (which is a running Unity game, which could be inside or outside the editor - this is a live update system). Then I allow editing of those components, and send the changed components back to the server. I'm rendering my own inspector UI and I wanted to use the built-in Editor instances for components (e.g. so the built-in CameraEditor will be used if there is a Camera component).
The only problem is that using the built-in editors causes undo operations to be added to the stack, but I really don't care about these undo operations because the GameObject they apply to is just a temporary placeholder GameObject which is continually updated every coulpe of seconds, whenever I receive a new message from the server.
if what you want is the same as clicking on the Edit->Undo menu (or as you put, undo the last operation that was applied by the editor), use below code:

How can I scroll a Clutter.ScrollActor with a scrollbar?

I have a a GtkClutter.Embed that holds a complete graph of clutter actors. The most important actor is container_actor that holds a variable number of actors (laid out with a FlowLayout) that may overflow the height allocated to the parent Embed.
At some point, the container_actor takes the stage and be the only actor displayed (along with its children).
At this point I would like to be able to scroll through the content of container_actor.
Making my Embed implementing Gtk.Scrollable gives the ability to have a scrollbar. Also I've noticed that Clutter proposes a Clutter.ScrollActor.
Is using those two classes the recommended way to go?
Or do I need to use implement Gtk.Scrollable and move my container_actor manually on vadjustment.value_changed ?
edit: here's a sample in c for ScrollActor
ClutterScrollActor does not know anything about GtkScrollable or GtkAdjustment, so you will have to implement scrolling manually. It's not necessary to implement GtkScrollable — you just need a GtkScrollbar widget, a GtkAdjustment and some code that connects to the GtkAdjustment::value-changed signal to determine the point to which you wish to scroll the contents of the ClutterScrollActor.

GWT setSkipRowHoverCheck on abstract cell table

I have set the flag skipRowHoverCheck to true on the AbstractCellTable through the setter. By setting a debug point on the method onBrowseEvent2 inside AbstractCellTable I can confirm that the flag is set to true.
The code never executes the block where the skipRowHoverCheck is checked for being true, so no MouseOver browse events are added.
However, on debugging the project, the mouse over events are still caught and the row level hover events are picked up. This then makes the rows the mouse hovers over the selected row which is what we do not want.
Any advice on this would be great!
The skipRowHoverCheck flag is used to avoid DOM restyling of the hovered row and firing of RowHoverEvents (handled by using addRowHoverHandler(RowHoverEvent.Handler handler)).
It is not used to avoid sinking the low-level BrowserEvents.MOUSEOVER and BrowserEvents.MOUSEOUT events. They are still fired, handled (with a no-op, if you have used setSkipRowHoverCheck(true)) and, if necessary, delegated to the underlying cell.
I don't know if I correctly understood your question, but this is the way the skipRowHoverCheck flag was meant to be.

gtk.fixed layout laid out events?

I have a gtk.Fixed. I move components inside it around using:
myFixed.move( myEventBox, new_x, new_y )
What event do I listen for to know when myEventBox has been rendered at its new position?
Do I connect to the fixed or the eventbox?
I need this information so I know when it is safe to queue a video under the eventbox... if I do it too soon (e.g. right after calling myFixed.move) I can see the glitch. Currently getting around this with a gobject.idle_add.
To be honest, I am not aware of any such event. The object should move immediately and redraw the screen, but I don't think any signal is emitted when that happens.
The PyGTK documentation is very comprehensive, and it will list all of the functions and events of every object in the library. In searching (through both the gtk.Container (for fixed) and gtk.Widget (for fixed and eventbox) signal lists, I can't find any such event. The closest thing is an "add" signal in gtk.Container, but I don't think that's what you're looking for.
If the object is not moving, please post your code, because there is probably a subtle error.
If the object is moving just fine and you just want the event/signal, you may have to simulate it yourself. Write the function you want to be called as soon as the object is moved in a function (def) inside "__ init __", and then call that function in code in the line right after "myFixed.move".

Interacting with events and listeners in MATLAB

I want to write GUI code that is orthogonal. Lets say I have a circle class and a square class and they need to interact. Right now, to get the circle and square talking to each other - say the circle object sends a message to the square object, I would use something like square_obj.listen_for_circle(circle_obj) where listen_for_circle is a method that implements an addlistener.
This is a problem for me since now the two objects are linked - and removing one object from my code would break it. What I am looking to do is for the circle_obj to be able to broadcast a global message say 'CIRCLE_EVENT'. Additionally square_obj would be listening for global message broadcasts of type 'CIRCLE_EVENT', and upon hearing the event - does some action.(Ahhh, now the objects have no links to each other in the code base!)
Is this possible or even reasonable in MATLAB? (or maybe i'm just going crazy).
As always, advice much appreciated.
I'm not really sure why addlistener is problematic for you. It basically just adds an event listener that doesn't do anything if the event-origin object (the circle) is deleted.
Alternately you can use event.listener or handle.listener. They are undocumented but work well, and are widely used within the Matlab codebase (m-files). See explanation here: