GWT setSkipRowHoverCheck on abstract cell table - gwt

I have set the flag skipRowHoverCheck to true on the AbstractCellTable through the setter. By setting a debug point on the method onBrowseEvent2 inside AbstractCellTable I can confirm that the flag is set to true.
The code never executes the block where the skipRowHoverCheck is checked for being true, so no MouseOver browse events are added.
However, on debugging the project, the mouse over events are still caught and the row level hover events are picked up. This then makes the rows the mouse hovers over the selected row which is what we do not want.
Any advice on this would be great!

The skipRowHoverCheck flag is used to avoid DOM restyling of the hovered row and firing of RowHoverEvents (handled by using addRowHoverHandler(RowHoverEvent.Handler handler)).
It is not used to avoid sinking the low-level BrowserEvents.MOUSEOVER and BrowserEvents.MOUSEOUT events. They are still fired, handled (with a no-op, if you have used setSkipRowHoverCheck(true)) and, if necessary, delegated to the underlying cell.
I don't know if I correctly understood your question, but this is the way the skipRowHoverCheck flag was meant to be.


Are there any ways to loop in a button press callback method until the button is released?

So im using gtkmm specifically here.
What I'm working on:
I'm implementing a feature in which when I press in a certain window a parameter is increased/decreased depending on if the mouse moves left/right.
What needs to be done:
To be able to somehow loop in the button press callback method -(doing so as each iteration would store the new value of the cursor position and compare it to the inital position to determine wheter increase value or decrease)- until the button is released.However the event which is sent remains the same so I cant just for example check to see if the events type becomes GTK_BUTTON_RELEASE. I have also tried to use a flag which is set to false in the button release call back, however the release callback isnt even called as the execution is stuck in the now infinite loop.
Im thinking maybe the solution could be a certain something to do with signals.
Gtk has two functions for doing what I was saying here exactly which are , gtk_events_pending(), and gtk_main_iteration(). Hever turns out having a limitless loop inside an event is considered a bad practise and its better to use other methods like here for example using GdkEventMotion, or other types.

How to remove undo from history (RevertAllInCurrentGroup?)

I'm trying to use RevertAllInCurrentGroup to undo the last operation but it doesn't seem to work. Actually what I really want to do is just remove the undo from the history; I don't care whether the undo is applied or not.
In some init code I have:
// 'component' is a MonoBehaviour-derived class. Here I create the default editor for the component
m_editor = Editor.CreateEditor(component);
And then in OnGUI in my EditorWindow:
// ..'hasChanged' is set to true if the user changed some property
if (hasChanged)
// some stuff using the new values on the object, which includes sending a message to a server
When I call RevertAllInCurrentGroup I get InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object in some Stack object in GUILayoutUtility.EndLayoutGroup. I figured maybe I shouldn't be doing the revert in OnGUI, so I changed it to set a flag and do the revert in Update but that doesn't make any difference (except I obviously no longer get the exception).
Does anyone know how to use this function, or if there is some other way that I could undo the last operation that was applied by the Editor instance? I've tried using Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo and Undo.ClearUndo but they don't seem to do anything either (the undo operation still appears in the undo stack).
For clarification, I'm dynamically creating GameObjects with components in the editor based on messages I receive from a server (which is a running Unity game, which could be inside or outside the editor - this is a live update system). Then I allow editing of those components, and send the changed components back to the server. I'm rendering my own inspector UI and I wanted to use the built-in Editor instances for components (e.g. so the built-in CameraEditor will be used if there is a Camera component).
The only problem is that using the built-in editors causes undo operations to be added to the stack, but I really don't care about these undo operations because the GameObject they apply to is just a temporary placeholder GameObject which is continually updated every coulpe of seconds, whenever I receive a new message from the server.
if what you want is the same as clicking on the Edit->Undo menu (or as you put, undo the last operation that was applied by the editor), use below code:

Synchronize two input fields , without building an endless loop?

I have two input fields which i would like to sync with each other.
Unfortunately, when I add a ChangeListener to each of the TextFields they will trigger each other,
and so create an andless loop.
Ofcourse I could unregister the Listeners, on every change and them put them back,
but is there any Java native approach?
Maybe something with bindings?
From general reasoning (i.e. not knowing swt or java): you can add a boolean flag (probably your class member) m_enteredChangeListener, temporary setting it to true in one of your handlers (not both), making the same handler do nothing if it's reentered recursively.

Can two panels share a uicontrol in a MATLAB GUI?

I've got a MATLAB GUI that has different aspects of functionality, each with their own panel of uicontrols. When one panel is selected, the other one is set to invisible, and vice-versa. However, they share some of the same inputs in the form of a popup menu. Can I include a 'clone' instance of the menu on the second panel somehow? I'd like to avoid as many redundant callbacks and uicontrols as possible.
I guess if the uicontrol was a direct child of the figure, you may be able to put it in front of everything.
A much simpler solution is to use the same callback for multiple uicontrols. In the property editor, you can modify the callback name and set it to a common callback function. Additionally, you can create a field (e.g. myPopupH) in the OpeningFcn of the GUI, in which you store the handles of the popups that should behave the same way. Then, in the callback, you'd use hObject, i.e. the first input argument, for all the get calls (to access the modified state of the popup-menu), but you'd use handles.myPopupH in all the set calls, so that you can ensure that both popups always have the same state. Thus, the ui-object may be redundant, but all the code (which is much more critical) only exists in a single copy.
One place where I routinely use a single callback for multiple ui elements is the close request function which is accessed from the "Cancel"-button as well as from the "X" that closes the figure, and possibly from one of the "File"-menu items.

gtk.fixed layout laid out events?

I have a gtk.Fixed. I move components inside it around using:
myFixed.move( myEventBox, new_x, new_y )
What event do I listen for to know when myEventBox has been rendered at its new position?
Do I connect to the fixed or the eventbox?
I need this information so I know when it is safe to queue a video under the eventbox... if I do it too soon (e.g. right after calling myFixed.move) I can see the glitch. Currently getting around this with a gobject.idle_add.
To be honest, I am not aware of any such event. The object should move immediately and redraw the screen, but I don't think any signal is emitted when that happens.
The PyGTK documentation is very comprehensive, and it will list all of the functions and events of every object in the library. In searching (through both the gtk.Container (for fixed) and gtk.Widget (for fixed and eventbox) signal lists, I can't find any such event. The closest thing is an "add" signal in gtk.Container, but I don't think that's what you're looking for.
If the object is not moving, please post your code, because there is probably a subtle error.
If the object is moving just fine and you just want the event/signal, you may have to simulate it yourself. Write the function you want to be called as soon as the object is moved in a function (def) inside "__ init __", and then call that function in code in the line right after "myFixed.move".