web api XmlMediaTypeFormatter exception - interface

I want to use IoC / the dependency resolver of the web api framework for decoupling.
The XmlFormatter cant serialize interfaces,... Ok. But what would be the purpose of IoC and the DependencyResolver if I cant return xml?
I cant even do this:
(Method in my ApiController)
public HttpResponseMessage Get()
IEnumerable<Project> projects = new List<IProject>() { new Project(), new Project() }.Select(p => p as Project);
HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse<IEnumerable<Project>>(HttpStatusCode.OK, projects);
return response;
I create a list of IProjects and cast them to 'Project'. But while creating the response I get this:
The configured formatter
'System.Web.Http.Tracing.Tracers.XmlMediaTypeFormatterTracer' cannot
write an object of type 'WhereSelectListIterator`2'.
That is a XmlMediaTypeFormatterTracer? I dont want tracing that throws errors while serialization. (BTW: I replaced the standard XMLformatter with my own one. However "XmlMediaTypeFormatterTracer" throws the exception...
Info: I get the same error while using the standard formatter)
Why is this XmlMediaTypeFormatterTracer called even if I implement my own xmlformatter?

my problem solved with
config.Formatters.XmlFormatter.UseXmlSerializer = false;

Have you enabled Tracing in your application? If yes, the Tracing logic wraps formatters into its a wrapper tracer formatters.


How to Pass object to REST Get Method

I am using Jersey Rest implementation. There are one Rest Services Called HelloWorld. See the below code.
Please consider this code as reference not as compiled code.
public class HelloWorld{
public Response test(Person person){
I am using Jersey client to sent the request.
Here My question is apart from POST method is there any way to send the object to GET method directly. Instead of QueryString.
Please let me if there is any way to do so.
So the problem shouldn't be with the server. I did a few tests on different servers (not weblogic as I don't use it) and all of them seem to have no problems accepting a body in the GET request. The problem seem to be with the client. To test I used the following code
.property(ClientProperties.SUPPRESS_HTTP_COMPLIANCE_VALIDATION, true)
.method(HttpMethod.GET, Entity.text("Hello World"));
The SUPPRESS_HTTP_COMPLIANCE_VALIDATION allows us to pass a body to the request. If we didn't use this, then we would get an error.
The problem with this code, is that even though we set this override property, the client completely overrides the GET method and automatically makes it a POST method, so I would get back a 405 Method Not Allowed.
The solution I came up with is to just allow the client to set a header, e.g. X-GET-BODY-OVERRIDE, and then use a #PreMatching filter on the server side to check for this header. If the header is present, then just change the method to a GET
public class GetWithBodyFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext request) throws IOException {
String getOverride = request.getHeaderString("X-GET-BODY-OVERRIDE");
if (getOverride != null && "true".equalsIgnoreCase(getOverride)) {
Then just register the filter with the server side. On the client, you would simply need to add the header
.property(ClientProperties.SUPPRESS_HTTP_COMPLIANCE_VALIDATION, true)
.header("X-GET-BODY-OVERRIDE", "True")
.method(HttpMethod.GET, Entity.text("Hello World"));
This solution is good because it takes into account more than just the Jersey client, in regards with being able to send a body in the GET request.

Apache Camel Filter bean response via REST DSL

I am currently working on a REST based java application using the new Camel REST DSL as the foundation. I'm trying to filter a result of a list of objects before return the json response for the client.
This is a example code of what i'm trying to do:
.get("/api/list").description("Search all data")
.route().description("Lets suppose i need to aply a filter in return")
But int the the second bean execution i can't access the object returned of the first bean execution.
class ApiService {
public MyResponseJSON searchAll(MyJsonObjectRequest request) {
MyResponseJSON jsonReturn = new MyResponseJSON();
return jsonReturn;
public MyResponseJSON filter(Exchange exchange) {
//i can't do anything here. The message in exchange is empty
And the return of rest is empty to the client.
I'm trying to not put the filter inside the method searchAll because i'm using the single responsability principle.
If i remove the .route()....endRest() the response is OK, but not filtered.
This is possible to do using the REST DSL of Apache Camel, and if it's possible, what i'm doing wrong?
Only have either a to or route in the rest-dsl, not both, eg do:
.get("/api/list").description("Search all data")

RPCManager RPCRequest how to capture the response in gwt

hi i have requirement to capture the data for validations. i am able to fetch the data using RPCRequest and RPCManager by using setActionUrl to the controller class.from there creating the service class and dao classes .i am able to fetch the data into controller class.but i am unable get the data back into my grid.i want the data to be fetched into a variable.i am not using asynchronus service.i used async method in grid i am able to fetch into onSuccess() method.but without using how i can fetch.the data into grid.
with regards
Here example in our ServiceImpl class to retrive datas from DB
public final String getDatas(final HashMap<String, String> param) {
List<ShippingBean> result = null;
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
try {
// retrieve data from DB
data = dao.selectAll();
catch (BusinessException e) {
throw new InvocationException("BusinessException occurs ...", e);
obj = JSONObject.fromObject(result);
return obj.toString();
We use net.sf.json to serialize as DOM and return this to presenter call as AsyncCallBack method. And then , retrieve data as like that..
AsyncCallback<String> callback = new AsyncCallback<String>() {
public void onFailure(final Throwable caught) {
public void onSuccess(final String result) {
HTML html = new HTML(result.replace(" ", "-"));
JSONValue value = JSONParser.parseLenient(html.getText());
JSONWrapper json = new JSONWrapper(value);
I have done something similar within a project with retrieve data and posting it to GWT from database. My database setup was Microsoft SQL 2012 and Hibernate framework to retrieve it. However I created a custom try/catch block and if/else bocks for validation on client side.
I used this tutorial from Hibernate to GWT to set up the transactions between the web application and the database for both saving and retrieving. Their source code provides the web page modules for setting up the displaying which I mimicked to fit to my needs since I was not storing "records" or "users".
GWT does have a validation setup but I spent a 10 hours trying to figure out the client side validation and gave up for something much simpler such as try/catch on the data being submitted since I had no concern for the format of the numbers.
Google "GWT Validation" and you should have some documentation about it but their isn't that much to choose from since everything seems to be a copy of Google's documentation.
Link - Hibernate to GWT
Hope this helps or points you in the right direction towards your answer.

Complex (non string) return type for Jersey REST method

I'm having trouble setting something up that I'm pretty sure /should/ be easy, so I thought I'd throw it to the crowd. I can't seem to find what I'm looking for elsewhere on the web or on SE.
I am simplifying my project of course, but basically I have a JAX-WS annontated Jersey resource class that looks something like this:
public class MyResource {
MyComplexObjectDAO daoInstance;
public MyComplexObject findObject( #PathParam(value="id") String id ) {
return daoInstance.findObject( id );
public MyComplexObject saveObject( MyComplexObject objectToSave ) {
MyComplexObject savedObject = daoInstance.saveObject( objectToSave );
return savedObject;
So you can see I'm autowiring a DAO object using spring, and then I use the DAO methods in the REST handlers.
The 'findObject' call seems to work fine - so far it works exactly as I expect it to.
The 'saveObject' call is not working the way I want and that's what I need some advice on.
You can see that I'm trying to directly take an instance of my complex object as a parameter to the REST method. Additionally I would like to return an instance of the complex object after it's been saved.
I put together some 'client' code for testing this out.
public void saveTest() {
WebResource wsClient = createWebServiceClient();
MyComplexObject unsavedInstance = createMyComplexObject();
MyComplexObject savedInstance =
.put(MyComplexObject.class, unsavedInstance);
Which is returning the following error:
com.sun.jersey.api.client.UniformInterfaceException: PUT http://localhost:8081/rest/myresource/save returned a response status of 400 Bad Request
I don't see why this isn't working and I think I've tried just about everything I can think of. Any help or direction would be very much appreciated.
Thanks so much!
I see that you call the accept() method in your test client (which means that a "Accept:" header is added to the request, indicating the server what type of representation you would like). However, you don't call the type() method to add a "Content-type:" header and inform the server that you are sending XML data. See http://jersey.java.net/nonav/documentation/latest/client-api.html#d4e644 for examples.
Side remark: your URLs are not RESTful - you should avoid verbs in your path:
So, instead of:
You should use:
Last note: to create an object on calling /api/objects, you should do a POST and not a PUT to adhere to REST best practices and widely adopted patterns.
switching to the 'concrete class' solution I alluded to in my earlier comment is what fixed things up for me.

GWT JSONPRequestBuilder - "Unknown Token :" error in browser console with Timeout exception at the end

I am trying to call a Restful WS from GWT using JSOPRequestBuilder. I have a similar issue which was reported in the link
But, I could not figure out the solution. Kindly help me at the earliest.
My JAX-WS resource code snippet from server
public DealerAddress getDealerAddress(#QueryParam("dealerId") String sDealerId) {
DealerAddress dlrAd = new DealerAddress("test", "test", "test", "test", 10, new Date(), new Date());
return dlrAd;
Jersey returns a JSON object of DealerAddress.
Now rest URL ""
works absolutely fine when i tried request in browser.
It even works with RequestBuilder approach from GWT but not with JSONPRequestBuilder approach.
Code snippet to invoke WS from GWT using JSONPRequestBuilder
JsonpRequestBuilder jsonPReqBuilder = new JsonpRequestBuilder();
jsonPReqBuilder.requestObject("" , new AsyncCallback<DealerAddressJSON>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Window.alert("Inside error"+caught.getLocalizedMessage());
public void onSuccess(DealerAddressJSON result) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Window.alert("Inside success"+result);
where as DealerAddressJSON is a JavaScriptObject type class.
I could see that my JAX Rest resource getting called and saying returning from server.
Also, I could see that in Firebug that the response comes in browser but fails with an exception "Unknown token :"
At the end I always get a Timeout exception.
Now I am in big question whether the way we return JSON from JAX-RS resource is a problem in server
JSONPRequestBuilder calling procedure is a problem? I could not understand the callback changes which some of the links explained on this issue.
Kindly help me.
You are probably sending back JSON, while the JSONPRequestBuilder expects JSONP. These are not the same thing.
JSON is just the data, as is - make the request using AJAX (i.e. the RequestBuilder), and the contents can be read directly. These requests can only be made to the same server. Example JSON data:
{"response":"success", "items":[{"id":1}, {"id":2}]}
In contrast, JSONP is designed for cross-origin requests, so instead of just containing the data, the data is wrapped up in a JavaScript. Since your JSON service isn't wrapping the a response in a js function call, this isn't working. Example JSONP data:
callback_1({"response":"success", "items":[{"id":1}, {"id":2}]})
The callback changes with each request, so the server is supposed to change that callback function based on what the client requested each time.