CLOCK_MONOTONIC not found - eclipse

I am attempting to use clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ts ). I have included time.h, and linked to librt (I think). I still get the error that CLOCK_MONOTONIC is undefined. (EDIT: error text added)
Symbol 'CLOCK_MONOTONIC' could not be resolved ... Semantic Error
c++ in eclipse. In myrojname->properties->C/C++ Build->GCC C++ Linker->libraries I added "rt". The resulting command line includes -lrt.
I tried a much simpler scratch program and compiled from the command line with g++ -o mytest mytest.cpp -lrt and it works great.
So, what am I missing?

I think that's actually an error message coming out of the CDT static analyser, not something from the compiler itself.
And I think it's complaining about the code itself rather than something missing from the linkage objects, so whether you link with rt or not is not relevant (for this particular issue anyway).
You should go into the C++ settings, specifically the include paths, and ensure that all needed directories are listed there.


coqIDE is not properly connecting files in project and is not compiling

I'm new to using coq/coqIDE and I'm not computer savvy either so I don't know whats wrong or what to call the issue. I was trying to go through the Software Foundations book, but coqIDE isn't working right. I'm using the latest windows 10, and coqIDE 8.10.2
The first issue is when I go to the tab compile -> compile buffer in Basics.v, coqIDE doesn't create a .vo file or a .glob. None of the other buttons worked either. Running coqIDE as admin didn't make it work either, but I figured out I can get around this by manually dragging Basics.v into the coqc application file.
I had no issues with coq working during the first lesson, but in the next lesson we're meant to import the definitions from Basics.v into Induction.v, when I run what they say
From LF Require Export Basics.
I get the error The file C:\Users\...\Coq Files\Tutorial\lf\Basics.vo contains library Basics and not library LF.Basics even though the _CoqProject file contains "-Q . LF" as it should.
I can get around this error too by just writing "Require Export Basics."
which properly loads, up until I actually try calling a definition from Basics
Require Export Basics.
Example example: evenb 2 = true.
works until I get to evenb, and then gives the error
The reference evenb was not found in the current environment. even though it's in Basics.v
If I get even more anal and try
Add LoadPath "C:\Users\...\Coq Files\Tutorial\lf".
From LF Require Export Basics.
I get the error
Cannot find a physical path bound to logical path matching suffix <> and prefix LF.
And then finally if I try
Add LoadPath "C:\Users\...\Coq Files\Tutorial\lf".
Require Export Basics.
Example example: evenb 2 = true.
Loads properly.
So I'm wondering how should I fix the load path so that the project works without putting that junk in every file and how do I make the compile tab work.
There were some people talking about "hitting make in the top-level" but I have no idea what that means. I tried it anyway and ran the Makefile as a .bat even though I already downloaded it properly so there shouldn't be any need, but the Makefile didn't change anything anyway.
I don't think I'm forgetting anything, thanks in advance.
Instead of choosing Compile > Compile buffer, try Compile > Make instead (when browsing any one of the vernacular files in Logical Foundations) - I think that is what others meant by "hitting make in the top-level". But first, you may want to remove the workarounds you added in e.g. Induction.v, and save a trivial change in Basics.v such as adding/removing a newline somewhere in order to convince make to recompile it.

Flex does not remove yyunput even with suitable flags

I'm Flexing a file with the
%option nounput
Option and using the command line
flex --nounput
And flex version 2.5.35.
However, the cpp output still contains the line
#define unput(c) yyunput( c, (yytext_ptr) )
And this causes compilation problems with g++ since unput is not used.
Is there some way to fix this problem in a "clean" way? The two dirty ways are obvious:
Use unput in some useless way.
Remove the line automatically from the generated cpp file using some script.
(I tried to flag this question as "problem no longer reproducible" but the flag timed-out/aged away. I'm answering it so that it does not remain an open unanswered question.)
As mentioned by #akond:
I don't experience this problem. The version I am using is the same (flex 2.5.35). %option nounput does the trick for me.
I also tried this on version 2.5.4 and can confirm there is no issue. The option --nounput is no longer recognised or documented; however, the %option nounput remains in the manual.
The cpp output still does contain the line #define unput(c) yyunput( c, yytext_ptr ) but this does not seem to generate any g++ errors for me. Are you using -pedantic-errors or some other similar option perhaps?
Good program but badly out of date documentation.
I found that version 2.6.4 accepts the nounput option and does the right thing.

Why can Eclipse not "see" the structure of a class?

I am debugging my program with apache mina 2.0.2. The specific library is irrelevant.
The problem is that Eclipse can see internal structure of some classes and cannot see one of the others. No apparent differences visible for me: both classes have both code and source.
You can see that Eclipse draws arrow near AbstractPollingConnector class and does not so near AbstractPollingProcessor.
Of course Eclipse can't set line breakpoints inside "bad" classes.
What is the reason of it and what to do?
I guess, it depends whether the referenced classes were compiled with the debugger options on or off. According an older Javac manual, the -g switch seems related:
Generate all debugging information, including local variables. By default, only line number and >source file information is generated.
Do not generate any debugging information.
-g:{keyword list}
Generate only some kinds of debugging information, specified by a comma separated list of >keywords. Valid keywords are:
Source file debugging information
Line number debugging information
Local variable debugging information

Compiling a MEX file using object files in another folder

I'm writing some MATLAB code, and I want to use some optimized C routines. I have the C source code, and it works just fine. I've created a MEX file and am capable of compiling it provided that it is in the same folder as the optimized C routines. However, I want to be able to distribute this code to others on various platforms. Since MEX files are binaries, each individual must (likely) recompile on their own machines. That is fine, but I want to make the process as painless as possible.
Currently, if all of the files are in the same directory, then calling something like
mex mexfile.c other1.o other2.o other3.o
from that directory works just fine as you would expect. For organizational purposes, however, I'd like for the C code to be in its own (sub)directory, say code. Unfortunately, if I structure things like this, the mex command errors out (the errors differ based on the different things that I've tried). I've tried things like
mex mexfile.c code/other1.o code/other2.o code/other3.o
and the -Ipathname and -Lfolder options on the mex command, but these haven't worked for me. I would think that there has to be a simple way to do what I'm wanting to do, but I just can't find the appropriate documentation or figure it out myself. Any help would be appreciated.
[OP's solution converted to answer below]
In the setup given above, using the following command works as desired for me:
mex -Icode mexfile.c code/other1.o code/other2.o code/other3.o
I stumbled across this solution while regenerating error messages.
I'm guessing that this is just the appropriate syntax for the -Ipathname option to the mex command, but I can't find documentation to support this conclusion. If anyone else can provide a link to actual documentation, that would certainly be better than a potential solution that just happened to work for me.
I use something along the lines of
emlc -I './somedir/' -o sourcefilemex -T mex sourcefile
By changing the -T argument you can generate mex code or embeddable C. That's handy.

How to generate and set up annotation for Ocaml in Emacs?

I am writing a compiler in Ocaml with Emacs. I am told that with -annot a file .annot could be generated while compiling, which could help Emacs to show the type of my code. But it is odd that no .annot is generated after running this makefile. Could anyone tell me what is wrong with that?
Also, once i have got .annot, do I need to set up anything (for instance .emacs?) so that my Emacs read it and show the type of my code?
Thank you very much!
Edit1: after make clean and make, I have got the .annot... But I still do not know how to make use of this .annot in Emacs.
Edit2: actually it is necessary to follow this link, copy the files in a local folder, then update .emacs. Then when a .ml is edited in Emacs, C-c C-t returns its type from .annot.
Regarding your emacs inquiry --I don't use emacs--, this is from the man-pages for ocamlc,
-annot Dump detailed information about the compilation (types, bindings, tail-calls, etc). The information for file is put into file src.annot. In case of a type error, dump all the information inferred by the type-checker before the error. The src.annot file can be used with the emacs commands given in emacs/caml-types.el to display types and other annotations interactively.
There are also other tools from the thread I mentioned previously.
As for the Makefile not creating the .annot files, I made a mock directory and successfully had .annot files created. I also don't see anything wrong with your Makefile. You may want to clean the directory and try again, or switch to another way to build your tool like ocamlbuild --which would require minimal setup, although, I haven't used it with menhir.
I will also note that -annot is new since OCaml 3.11.0, and prior the flag was -dtypes.