coqIDE is not properly connecting files in project and is not compiling - coq

I'm new to using coq/coqIDE and I'm not computer savvy either so I don't know whats wrong or what to call the issue. I was trying to go through the Software Foundations book, but coqIDE isn't working right. I'm using the latest windows 10, and coqIDE 8.10.2
The first issue is when I go to the tab compile -> compile buffer in Basics.v, coqIDE doesn't create a .vo file or a .glob. None of the other buttons worked either. Running coqIDE as admin didn't make it work either, but I figured out I can get around this by manually dragging Basics.v into the coqc application file.
I had no issues with coq working during the first lesson, but in the next lesson we're meant to import the definitions from Basics.v into Induction.v, when I run what they say
From LF Require Export Basics.
I get the error The file C:\Users\...\Coq Files\Tutorial\lf\Basics.vo contains library Basics and not library LF.Basics even though the _CoqProject file contains "-Q . LF" as it should.
I can get around this error too by just writing "Require Export Basics."
which properly loads, up until I actually try calling a definition from Basics
Require Export Basics.
Example example: evenb 2 = true.
works until I get to evenb, and then gives the error
The reference evenb was not found in the current environment. even though it's in Basics.v
If I get even more anal and try
Add LoadPath "C:\Users\...\Coq Files\Tutorial\lf".
From LF Require Export Basics.
I get the error
Cannot find a physical path bound to logical path matching suffix <> and prefix LF.
And then finally if I try
Add LoadPath "C:\Users\...\Coq Files\Tutorial\lf".
Require Export Basics.
Example example: evenb 2 = true.
Loads properly.
So I'm wondering how should I fix the load path so that the project works without putting that junk in every file and how do I make the compile tab work.
There were some people talking about "hitting make in the top-level" but I have no idea what that means. I tried it anyway and ran the Makefile as a .bat even though I already downloaded it properly so there shouldn't be any need, but the Makefile didn't change anything anyway.
I don't think I'm forgetting anything, thanks in advance.

Instead of choosing Compile > Compile buffer, try Compile > Make instead (when browsing any one of the vernacular files in Logical Foundations) - I think that is what others meant by "hitting make in the top-level". But first, you may want to remove the workarounds you added in e.g. Induction.v, and save a trivial change in Basics.v such as adding/removing a newline somewhere in order to convince make to recompile it.


Running a 'Hello World' app in Agda emacs

I installed an Agda compiler, binarys can be from here:
... and I'm trying to make it compile a simple hello world app (I found the Agda 'Hello World' code online)
But I've never used Emacs before, and I don't know where to begin, or which commands to use to compile and run. I'm new to Agda, which seems to have limited options for compilers, and is lacking any step by step tutorial. Below is a screenshot of the Emacs compiler with the code I found:
open import System.IO using ( _>>_ ; putStr ; commit )
module System.IO.Examples.HelloWorld where
main = putStr "Hello, World\n" >> commit
I'm looking for step by step instructions to run a simple 'Hello World' program
A working example with another compiler would also be an acceptable answer
This looks like you attempted something like the general M-x compile rather than any specific Agda functionality.
The Agda:run mode indicator in the Emacs mode line suggests that you have a running Agda process in another buffer, but you're not looking at it. The Agda mode probably has something like agda-eval-buffer which should pass your current program to that process, and bring up the results in the lower half of the pane. (Try switching to a buffer called something like *inferior-agda* manually if you somehow cannot reach that buffer by other means.)
The site you link to says it's Agda 1 and you should probably actually look for Agda 2 on a different site.
Below the line is my original answer, which may still provide some useful insight.
The error message indicates that you need to install make.
I'm guessing there may be additional missing dependencies after you fix this one. Ideally the documentation should explicitly specify exactly what you need to install.
make is just a wrapper to run whatever cormands are found in the local Makefile. If there is no such file, you will probably want to change the compilation command to something else. (Typically Emacs asks you for a command to run, but supplies a plausible default.)
Given I am running on Linux and am no agda expert, this solution might not be worth it. But still I will give it a try.
When I installed agda and agda-stdlib on my system, it provides me with a file called agda2.el in /usr/share/agda/emacs-mode. That said I just had the following in my ~/.emacs.d/init.el file:
(load-file (let ((coding-system-for-read 'utf-8))
(shell-command-to-string "agda-mode locate")))
Since, you already have agada mode setup in Emacs the above wont be useful unless your version of agda mode is old.
We can compile the current file you have opened in Emacs using M-x agda2-compile. Doing this will open up another prompt asking you for a Backend. I used GHC as input and it compiled it. Yes, and I got some errors I don't know how to fix. So, I queried on a search engine and came up with:
module memo where
open import IO.Primitive using (IO; putStrLn)
open import Data.String using (toCostring; String)
open import Foreign.Haskell using (Unit)
main : IO Unit
main = putStrLn (toCostring "Hello, Agda!")
I need to point out that the first line module memo where should be same as the filename which for your case is memo.agda.
I now have a hello world program running on my machiene.
The following code compiles and works
open import Common.IO
main = putStrLn "Hello, world, strings working!"
is the code, stored in the file 'hello.agda', which I compile in emacs to 'hello'. I compile in emacs by selecting agda > compile, an option that is available on emacs when agda is installed correctly.
I can't give a detailed tutorial as to how to install agda on emacs as a friend did it for me, but the above code works, and compiles on emacs on linux, which is the set up which is working for me.

Matlab - Compile Program w\ Separate Functions

I wrote a GUI program which makes use of separate m-functions. What I have done thus far was to add the paths of the folders where the sub-functions are stored on startup, and remove those paths on close.
Everything works fine, but when I tried to compile the project, I got an error message (attached) which suggests that ADDPATH is not a function that can be used in a standalone app.
Is there a way to overcome with w\o any major changes in the program? Maybe some way to include those functions w\o ADDPATH?


I am attempting to use clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ts ). I have included time.h, and linked to librt (I think). I still get the error that CLOCK_MONOTONIC is undefined. (EDIT: error text added)
Symbol 'CLOCK_MONOTONIC' could not be resolved ... Semantic Error
c++ in eclipse. In myrojname->properties->C/C++ Build->GCC C++ Linker->libraries I added "rt". The resulting command line includes -lrt.
I tried a much simpler scratch program and compiled from the command line with g++ -o mytest mytest.cpp -lrt and it works great.
So, what am I missing?
I think that's actually an error message coming out of the CDT static analyser, not something from the compiler itself.
And I think it's complaining about the code itself rather than something missing from the linkage objects, so whether you link with rt or not is not relevant (for this particular issue anyway).
You should go into the C++ settings, specifically the include paths, and ensure that all needed directories are listed there.

emacs Semantic/senator : autocomplete for external lib's

It seems this forum is more alive than mailing list :
I would like repost my quest from a week ago from there:
First hi to all who contribute to this great package as CEDET :D .
Without much hussle I am able to get working most of the CEDET futures, but when it comes to senator / semantic things get more tought :\ .
Parsing local files are fine.
I don't use EDE not to get things more complicated.
I use the 1.0.6 git trunk version, for compability with ECB.
First is the rumble about the emacs core / cedet git-trunk hussle. How do I check that current installation is running the latter ? ( I have done some .emacs modificaitons see below) .
I generally cannot get the proper autocomplete working for external libs - in this case the OGRE3D project, which all are in the /usr/include/OGRE. I suppose I have added to 'search path' include properly, semantic-describe-c-env. sees them added properly.
2.a What are the basic commands to the semantic parser ? , that is I need to force it to parse the desired includes.
Once I saw semantic parsing the OGRE files in the 'idle time'. Still the autocomplete does not work ( OGRE:RAY is not recongized as a type).
senator-completition-menu-pop gives some non-matching 'c**p'
2.b I know there are customize-group options for semantic, tough their description say little to me.
From the other post:
"Yes, there is a setup cost. You can use to pre-parse your
code, but if you never open every file, you might end up with Emacs
having such a huge data structure it gets larger that your machine can
handle. If your project is small, this shouldn't be a problem."
Well this might be, if that would parse OGRE.
here's my .emacs:
.emacs at
Here's what I got on the mailing list, hope that it would help someone , thaks to Eric Ludlam :D :
1. First is the rumble about the emacs core / cedet git-trunk hussle. How do I check that current installation is running the latter ? ( I have done some .emacs modificaitons see below) .
After emacs start, use:
M-x cedet-version RET
and look for the 1.1 version from CEDET/bzr.
I just tried this and noticed not everything has the right version
number. Interesting. I'll have to look into that.
Anyway, the next thing to try is:
M-x locate-library RET cedet RET
and make sure it points where you think it should.
2. I generally cannot get the proper autocomplete working for external libs - in this case the OGRE3D project, which all are in the /usr/include/OGRE. I suppose I have added to 'search path' include properly, semantic-describe-c-env. sees them added properly.
If you enable global-semantic-decoration-mode you can right-click on
header files, and it will give you some options, such as showing where
it things the header is, and showing if it has been parsed yet or not.
2.a What are the basic commands to the semantic parser ? , that is I need to force it to parse the desired includes.
You can use the include menu to force a header to be parsed, or visit
said include. If it can't find it, you can add OGRE to your path from
there too.
If you vist your header, you can use the senator menu to force a file to
reparse, or use:
C-u M-x bovinate RET
to do it.
Once I saw semantic parsing the OGRE files in the 'idle time'. Still the autocomplete does not work ( OGRE:RAY is not recongized as a type). senator-completition-menu-pop gives some non-matching 'c**p'
Autocomplete can fail for many reasons. The best way to find out why is:
M-x semantic-analyze-debug-assist RET
at a place you want to do completion. It will tell you about your
header files, symbols, and the like. It could be your preprocessor
symbols need some setup.
For large complex library headers, sometimes it is just a matter of
having the right pre-processor symbols setup in Semantic so that the
right bits of the headers get parsed for symbols. You'd have to visit a
header where a symbol you want to complete is, and see if it was parsed.
M-x boviante RET
will dump the symbol table.
2.b I know there are customize-group options for semantic, tough their description say little to me.
From the other post:
"Yes, there is a setup cost. You can use to pre-parse your code, but if you never open *every* file, you might end up with Emacs having such a huge data structure it gets larger that your machine can handle. If your project is small, this shouldn't be a problem." Well this might be, if that would parse OGRE.
I doubt parsing the includes is the problem here. I think there is just
something new in the ogre headers we'll have to deal with.

How to generate and set up annotation for Ocaml in Emacs?

I am writing a compiler in Ocaml with Emacs. I am told that with -annot a file .annot could be generated while compiling, which could help Emacs to show the type of my code. But it is odd that no .annot is generated after running this makefile. Could anyone tell me what is wrong with that?
Also, once i have got .annot, do I need to set up anything (for instance .emacs?) so that my Emacs read it and show the type of my code?
Thank you very much!
Edit1: after make clean and make, I have got the .annot... But I still do not know how to make use of this .annot in Emacs.
Edit2: actually it is necessary to follow this link, copy the files in a local folder, then update .emacs. Then when a .ml is edited in Emacs, C-c C-t returns its type from .annot.
Regarding your emacs inquiry --I don't use emacs--, this is from the man-pages for ocamlc,
-annot Dump detailed information about the compilation (types, bindings, tail-calls, etc). The information for file is put into file src.annot. In case of a type error, dump all the information inferred by the type-checker before the error. The src.annot file can be used with the emacs commands given in emacs/caml-types.el to display types and other annotations interactively.
There are also other tools from the thread I mentioned previously.
As for the Makefile not creating the .annot files, I made a mock directory and successfully had .annot files created. I also don't see anything wrong with your Makefile. You may want to clean the directory and try again, or switch to another way to build your tool like ocamlbuild --which would require minimal setup, although, I haven't used it with menhir.
I will also note that -annot is new since OCaml 3.11.0, and prior the flag was -dtypes.