Is it possible to run emacs under MSYS? - emacs

I'm using MSYS with mintty
is it possible to run emacs with it? This emacs should accept posix path's, etc.
I want to use path's like: /c/Ptogram\ Files/
Which build I should use?

Sure. Just run the standard Emacs build for Windows, and make sure it is in your $PATH.


How to get Emacs on MINGW64 (Windows 10)

I currently use MINGW64 (Git Bash) as my terminal on my Windows 10 machine. It works great, I like it, but it only has Vim installed as an editor and I prefer Emacs. I'm unfortunately having a really awful time getting it to work in my terminal.
What's weirder still is that I have Emacs working in Cygwin64; but I don't like using that as my terminal. The most logical fix is simply that it Emacs to my Path ENV, however that doesn't seem to help (perhaps I'm doing that wrong?). I just get bash: emacs: command not found. I found a command to install it, using Pacman, however the Pacman command cannot be found either (which is weird because I thought that was installed by default with MINGW64.
Would love any and all help on this.
A couple of options:
Use Cygwin and the Cygwin emacs. Consider your Cygwin environment completely separate from Windows, so set your PATH from within the .bashrc, not within Windows. Launch emacs from the bash command-line.
Use the Emacs Windows binary distribution, but point to the utilities within Cygwin (there's an emacs package to help with this). Again, launch from the bash command line to inherit the bash environment within emacs.
Use the Windows Subsystem for Linux, with a Linux installation, and stick with emacs from there. You get the best of the Linux world, and access to the Windows directories and files as well.
My goto choice for MANY years was the Emacs Windows binary in conjunction with Cygwin. Once I started using the WSL, however, it just worked a lot better, in a clean Linux environment, and I could get terminal and GUI emacs (and other apps) running using the VcXsrv X Server. WSL has a version that directly supports X Windows, but I don't care for the windowing environment it uses, so I stick with VcXsrv.

Emacs shell behavior

I am using cygwin on windows 7. I have a question regarding the Emacs shell.
Whenever I use the shell inside of the Emacs(M-x shell)
It echo pwd directory after prints out the result.
I found it very annoying since it distracts me.
$ ls
myname#pc ~/cs61bl
Is there any way to remove these lines?
myname#pc ~/cs61bl
When using Emacs, try using the eshell: M-x eshell. The eshell does not suffer from this problem.
You might be looking for "shell-dirtrack-mode". You can either do an M-x shell-dirtrack-toggle or (shell-dirtrack-mode 1) in your init file. Recent emacs versions seem to disable it by default.
There is this file that simplifies setup of various packages in Emacs (including shell) to use cygwin. Also try not to use ANSI sequences in your PS1 prompt because Emacs shell mode wouldn't interpret them, something like
export PS1="\h \W\$ "
should do.

How Can I Get MinTTY (Cygwin Terminal) to Open Emacs in a New Window?

I can't figure out why this isn't easy to find on Google, but after searching for about 10 minutes, I just decided to give up and post here.
The subject basically says it all. I'm running MinTTY as a cygwin terminal on a Windows XP desktop. All I want to do is have emacs open up in a new window rather than inside my terminal. What would be best is a switch for this, so I could toggle it depending on my current needs. This seems like something that would be useful to a lot of people, and I know I've done it before on Linux boxes, so I imagine there must be a way to do this in cygwin too. Anyone know how?
Just start a new mintty, telling it to invoke emacs:
mintty emacs
There are a couple of scenarios that you might clarify:
Running the cygwin version of emacs within a standard windows environment will call emacs within the current shell
If the Cygwin X-Windows server (i.e., “XWin Server”) has been started and the DISPLAY environment variable has been set in the mintty terminal (e.g., export DISPLAY=":0"), calling emacs will start it in its own window.
running the Windows version of emacs within the cygwin terminal should launch the new frame you are seeking.
If you want a separate emacs 'window', you would be best served by installing the Windows native version of emacs (I use the gnu emacs precompiled binaries), and calling it from the cygwin terminal.

Make emacs run in console mode (-nw) by default

How can I make Emacs run in terminal (or console) mode by default, as if I'd used -nw? And once that's done, how do I force it to run in GUI mode (once) if I need to?
On my Debian testing, alias emacs='emacs -nw' followed by emacs opens Emacs in the terminal. And, in the same session, emacs23-x opens Emacs with the GUI.
In case you decide to use emacs in terminal mode always, install emacs-nox (emacs with no X support).
After installationis still ran by $ emacs so you no need to create aliases again!:)
Its there in repos of Debian Squeeze so must be in Ubuntu also.
This answer suggests the method I found works best for me (was having problems with aliases). Essentially, create an executable script
emacs -nw "$#"
and point $EDITOR to it in your shell rc file.
I ran into this problem and didn't want to set an alias (because I also wanted "emacs -nw" to be my default shell EDITOR but it wouldn't work) so I started grepping around and saw this line in configure
If you are sure you want Emacs compiled without X window support, pass
--without-x to configure.
So, if you want to download and build from source, you can just do
tar -xvzf emacs-25.3.tar.xz && cd emacs-25.3
./configure --without-x
make && sudo make install
alias emacs='emacs -nw'

Emacs + Cygwin setup under windows !

I just downloaded Emacs and Cygwin for Windows(Vista in my case). Have no idea how to set them up.
Any help would be appreciated !
Thanks !
I use these libraries, in this order:
(require 'cygwin-mount)
(require 'setup-cygwin)
They are both available on EmacsWiki:
Step 1: Install libraries
Step 2: Install cygwin to C:\cygwin (This requirement is hardcoded in setup-cygwin.el, so just do it unless you are willing to modify setup-cygwin.el).
Step 3: Add following code into your .emacs or .emacs.d/init.el. Please note the variable cygwin-mount-cygwin-bin-directory is not set by default in cygwin-mount.el, I suggest using hard coded path (I mean "c:/cygwin/bin" actually) since the cygwin install path is already hardcoded by setup-cygwin.el.
(setq *win32* (eq system-type 'windows-nt) )
;; win32 auto configuration, assuming that cygwin is installed at "c:/cygwin"
(if *win32*
(setq cygwin-mount-cygwin-bin-directory "c:/cygwin/bin")
(require 'setup-cygwin)
;(setenv "HOME" "c:/cygwin/home/someuser") ;; better to set HOME env in GUI
Maybe try posting your question on
Installing Emacs on Windows 95/98/2K/NT/ME/XP/Vista/Windows 7
Quick Start Guide for those more experienced with Windows
Use cygwin-mount.el to integrate Cygwin with Emacs:
You might also want to replace the DOS Shell with the Cygwin bash, that's also covered.
You can find instructions here.
There're several way to integrate emacs with cygwin as follows:
emacs-nox under cygwin. Not attractive!
emacs-X11 under cygwin. An X server is needed like XMing or Cygwin/X. A bit slow and heavy.
emacs-w32 under cygwin.
emacs under windows. You need some configuration to make emacs recognize the cygwin environment. Difficult for beginners.
I'd recommend using emacs-w32 with cygwin, which uses native Windows GUI so that you don't have to start an xserver just to run emacs and you don't need to write/download any tricky code to make emacs aware of cygwin env as other answers do.
Just install emacs-w32 and run it from mintty and here you go. FYI, if you want to start emacs "independently", write a .bat file with D:\cygwin\bin\run.exe /usr/bin/bash.exe --login -i -c /usr/bin/emacs-w32.exe inside or, as I do, write a .ahk script to start emacs with hotkey F12.