Emacs shell behavior - emacs

I am using cygwin on windows 7. I have a question regarding the Emacs shell.
Whenever I use the shell inside of the Emacs(M-x shell)
It echo pwd directory after prints out the result.
I found it very annoying since it distracts me.
$ ls
myname#pc ~/cs61bl
Is there any way to remove these lines?
myname#pc ~/cs61bl

When using Emacs, try using the eshell: M-x eshell. The eshell does not suffer from this problem.

You might be looking for "shell-dirtrack-mode". You can either do an M-x shell-dirtrack-toggle or (shell-dirtrack-mode 1) in your init file. Recent emacs versions seem to disable it by default.

There is this file http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/setup-cygwin.el that simplifies setup of various packages in Emacs (including shell) to use cygwin. Also try not to use ANSI sequences in your PS1 prompt because Emacs shell mode wouldn't interpret them, something like
export PS1="\h \W\$ "
should do.


How do I get tab-completion to work in emacs shell after using a symlink?

When I'm in Shell mode and cd to a directory through a symlink, tab-completion of the cd command stops working. Is there a fix? I'm on Fedora Core 18 and using Emacs 24.2.1.
There are a number of solutions to this problem. I happen to prefer my implementation which changes the prompt to contain the current path, which Emacs recognizes and uses to get the behavior you want. Additionally, my solution hides the portion of the prompt which contains the path because I find it ugly.
My solution can be found in the blog post: Emacs Tip #25 Shell Dirtrack By Prompt.
However, there are a number of other solutions which can be found on the Emacs Wiki or other places:
Shell dirtracking again
Emacs Wiki Shell Dirtrack By Prompt

What's the configuration file name for Emacs ansi-term?

I tried to create a .emacs-bash file and that works for M-x shell. But if I use the ansi-term, it appears that the .emacs-bash file is not loaded... How can I solve this?
I used M-x ansi-term and then \bin\bash.
The ~/.emacs_SHELLNAME (or ~/.emacs.d/init_SHELLNAME.sh) behaviour is special to the shell function (which, naturally, knows that you're going to be running a shell).
ansi-term is a terminal emulator. It doesn't know what kind of process you're going to be running with it, so it doesn't attempt to apply any custom config files.
If you run a shell in the terminal, that shell should apply its normal rules for config files, so I would try .bashrc for starters.
Failing that, read the bash man page to see what the rules are. Environment variables would likely come into play (and you could test for environment variables in your .bashrc to provide Emacs-specific behaviour).

Coding in Emacs shell?

I am using shell in my emacs version 22.2.1 (debian stable repos) and it has some kind of broken coding. For example, if I run `ls' command, output is
not "argouml-0.30.2" as normal. I have tried commands C-x RET p utf-8 and so others but without any effect. I have properly generated utf-8 locales and everywhere else in emacs coding works perfect. Does anybody knows what may be wrong with it?
Your terminal type in the shell is set incorrectly; those escapes are for colors, but the emacs shell doesn't support them. Try M-x term instead for better support.
You can also try M-x ansi-term, or even download Multi term and try that too.
Ansi Term
Multi Term

.emacs Edit to Always Start Emacs in Terminal Mode?

I use emacs as my editor-of-choice, and since I'm doing a lot of work in a terminal I always run emacs as
emacs -nw
so that it runs in the terminal instead of in a window.
I'd like to just run emacs and have it know that it should run in a terminal. My question is - how do I edit my .emacs file so that this is the default behavior?
You can't do this in the .emacs file. By the time that file is being parsed, the "chosen" emacs binary is already running.
You can install the emacs-nox package as one commenter suggests, or create an alias in your shell so that "emacs" is always treated as "emacs -nw".
I'm using a bash alias instead of .emacs to do that.
Add this line to your ~/.bashrc.
alias emacs='emacs -nw'
There is any easy way to solve the problem in general that has nothing to do with emacs at all and will work for any program that can choose between running in the console vs X:
Of course you may not want to put that in your configuration file to be applied globally to all your shell sessions, so if you want it to apply to only emacs, then either call it from the command line like this:
DISPLAY= emacs
note the space!!! if you leave the space out it means you're setting the DISPLAY to emacs instead of setting DISPLAY to nothing... this command is a shorthand for:
DISPLAY=; emacs
So either use the above from the command line(s) or put that in a wrapper script that would look something like this:
exec emacs
I recommend the exec there because it will replace your wrapper script with emacs; to see the difference between the two you can run:
pstree -p
When I was first setting up a "emacs -nw" alias for emacs in windows I got stuck in a situation where I thought tototoshi's explanation hadn't worked. Yet all that was required was a restart of my terminal. Therefore, i think its worth mentioning that in windows (at least) if you are using emacs within the git bash terminal to create the .bashrc file and add "alias emacs='emacs -nw" to it (as tototoshi mentions) you have to close and reopen your terminal for it to work.

How I can run 'cpan' inside emacs?

I like to know how I can run cpan to install modules using emacs? I often do that on command line now.
Update: I had asked this because I get the message "warning: extra args ignored after '-e'"
when I use M-x shell to run it. I still need help.
Have you tried M-x shell?
As far as I know, there is no tight integration of CPAN into Emacs, so going through shell will probably be your best bet. If you use w3m-el, you may also find this useful:
(add-to-list 'w3m-search-engine-alist '("cpan" "http://search.cpan.org/search?query=%s&n=100"))
From within any w3m buffer, I use this and a few keystrokes (C-u S RET cpan RET <search-term>) to find CPAN modules.
M-x shell-command
I just ran into the same thing and google found this workaround (from http://www.mail-archive.com/help-gnu-emacs#gnu.org/msg04015.html) :
cmd /c "foo.bat arg1 arg2 arg3"
This seems like an awkward hack, but it works.