sed to replace value in .bashrc - sed

I have the following line in my .bashrc:
I want to replace APP_HOME=/home/user/app/1.0 with a different path, say /home/user/app/2.0 this could really be anything.
I have the following:
sed s,APP_HOME=,"/home/user/app/2.0", -i ~/.bashrc
However, what I get in the file is the replacement path appended to the original. What am I doing wrong?

You are replacing 'APP_HOME=' with the new path. Try this:
sed 's,APP_HOME=[^;]*,"APP_HOME=/home/user/app/2.0",' -i ~/.bashrc


Bash Script to append for specific file extensions in a directory

How do I prepends a special character in front of all the lines in all .txt files in my directory? Im new to writing bash scripts and having trouble doing this. I only know of using the grep function but thats only to search for keyword.
For now, I have this,
sed -i 's/^/#/' Machine1.txt
However, this is only for that specific .txt file. I want to do this for all files with a .txt extension in my directory. There are other extensions like .tar, .rpm, .sh files which I want to ignore. Thank you!
Just give a wildcard filename argument.
sed -i 's/^/#/' *.txt
you can use for loop.
For example
cd your_folder
for f in *.txt; do
sed -i 's/^/#/' "$f";

sed outputs correct change on console but doesn't edit in file

I am trying to edit my file using this sed command
sudo sed "s/192[^:]\+ /" file
The command outputs the complete file with correct change, but doesn't edit the file. If I open the file it is same as before.
if inplace -i option is not working you can do this
sed "s/192[^:]\+ /" file > temp && mv temp file
make sure you have a backup though.

sed extra characters at end of l command

I am trying replace value in a config file with sed in cshell.
However it gives me the error:
sed: 1: "/usr/local/etc/raddb/mo ...": extra characters at the end of l command
I am trying the following command:
sed -i "s/private_key_password = .*/private_key_password = test/" /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-available/eap
I have looked at examples of sed to do this but they all look similar with what I am doing, what is going wrong here?
FreeBSD sed requires an argument after -i to rename the original file to. For example sed -i .orig 's/../../' file will rename he original file to file.orig, and save the modified file to file.
This is different from GNU sed, which doesn't require an argument for the -i flag. See sed(1) for the full documentation. This is one of those useful extensions to the POSIX spec which is unfortunately implemented inconsistently.
Right now, the "s/private_key_password = .*/private_key_password = test/" parts gets interpreted as an argument to -i, and /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-available/eap gets interpreted as the command. Hence the error.
So you want to use:
sed -i .orig "s/private_key_password = .*/private_key_password = test/" /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-available/eap
You can then check if the changes are okay with diff and remove /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-available/eap.orig if they are.

sed command to find a string but replace that line with another line.?

I am using chef recipes for setting java_home. For that i am using sed command for finding JAVA_HOME string in bash_profile and then going to replace that line with
export JAVA_HOME="a/b/java"
so how to replace that line with sed command.
This should work whether or not JAVA_HOME is found
sed -i '/JAVA_HOME/d;$aexport JAVA_HOME="a/b/java"' .bash_profile
Another sed,
sed -i.bak '/JAVA_HOME/s#.*#export JAVA_HOME="a/b/java"#' .bashrc

Add text at the end of each line

I'm on Linux command line and I have file with
I want
I remember my colleagues were using sed for that, but after reading sed manual still not clear how to do it on command line?
You could try using something like:
sed -n 's/$/:80/' ips.txt > new-ips.txt
Provided that your file format is just as you have described in your question.
The s/// substitution command matches (finds) the end of each line in your file (using the $ character) and then appends (replaces) the :80 to the end of each line. The ips.txt file is your input file... and new-ips.txt is your newly-created file (the final result of your changes.)
Also, if you have a list of IP numbers that happen to have port numbers attached already, (as noted by Vlad and as given by aragaer,) you could try using something like:
sed '/:[0-9]*$/ ! s/$/:80/' ips.txt > new-ips.txt
So, for example, if your input file looked something like this (note the :80):
The final result would look something like this:
Concise version of the sed command:
sed -i s/$/:80/ file.txt
sed stream editor
-i in-place (edit file in place)
s substitution command
/replacement_from_reg_exp/replacement_to_text/ statement
$ matches the end of line (replacement_from_reg_exp)
:80 text you want to add at the end of every line (replacement_to_text)
file.txt the file name
How can this be achieved without modifying the original file?
If you want to leave the original file unchanged and have the results in another file, then give up -i option and add the redirection (>) to another file:
sed s/$/:80/ file.txt > another_file.txt
sed 's/.*/&:80/' abcd.txt >abcde.txt
If you'd like to add text at the end of each line in-place (in the same file), you can use -i parameter, for example:
sed -i'.bak' 's/$/:80/' foo.txt
However -i option is non-standard Unix extension and may not be available on all operating systems.
So you can consider using ex (which is equivalent to vi -e/vim -e):
ex +"%s/$/:80/g" -cwq foo.txt
which will add :80 to each line, but sometimes it can append it to blank lines.
So better method is to check if the line actually contain any number, and then append it, for example:
ex +"g/[0-9]/s/$/:80/g" -cwq foo.txt
If the file has more complex format, consider using proper regex, instead of [0-9].
You can also achieve this using the backreference technique
sed -i.bak 's/\(.*\)/\1:80/' foo.txt
You can also use with awk like this
awk '{print $0":80"}' foo.txt > tmp && mv tmp foo.txt
Using a text editor, check for ^M (control-M, or carriage return) at the end of each line. You will need to remove them first, then append the additional text at the end of the line.
sed -i 's|^M||g' ips.txt
sed -i 's|$|:80|g' ips.txt
sed -i 's/$/,/g' foo.txt
I do this quite often to add a comma to the end of an output so I can just easily copy and paste it into a Python(or your fav lang) array