Bash Script to append for specific file extensions in a directory - sed

How do I prepends a special character in front of all the lines in all .txt files in my directory? Im new to writing bash scripts and having trouble doing this. I only know of using the grep function but thats only to search for keyword.
For now, I have this,
sed -i 's/^/#/' Machine1.txt
However, this is only for that specific .txt file. I want to do this for all files with a .txt extension in my directory. There are other extensions like .tar, .rpm, .sh files which I want to ignore. Thank you!

Just give a wildcard filename argument.
sed -i 's/^/#/' *.txt

you can use for loop.
For example
cd your_folder
for f in *.txt; do
sed -i 's/^/#/' "$f";


Just trying to delete lines of several .txt files - but keep getting SED error

So, I am trying to delete the first 23 lines of many .txt files. This is what I am currently doing:
sed -i -e 1,23d * .txt
but it gives me a weird error:
sed: 1: "1,23": command expected
I have no idea what to do. _
Like this:
sed -i -e '1,23d' *.txt
# ^ mandatory 'd'
# ^
# no space between * and .txt
The original question (before editing) showed:
sed -i -e 1,23d * .txt
but it gives me a weird error:
sed: Applications: in-place editing only works for regular files
The space between * and .txt was a mistake, but is an explanation of the weird error: It looks for all files as well as for the hidden file .txt.
Linux considers the directory Application as a file, but sed does not work on files.
The directory Application suggests that the files might come from Windows.
Another question is why echo *.txt don't show the txt files Mia was expecting. A logical explanation is that the files originated from Windows and Mia doesn't know that Linux is case sensitive. Files like A.TXT and b.Txt don't match *.txt.
When all txt files end with TXT, you can do
sed -i -e '1,23d' *.TXT
When you have a mix of upper- and lower case, the easiest way is
sed -i -e '1,23d' *.[tT][xX][tT]

how to use the name of the input file in sed replace

i have several files in which i want to replace a certain word with the name of the file itself..
for example i have 2 files named test1.txt and test2.txt
both files are equal and look like
with the sed i want to replace the word temp with the name of the file itself
so after the sed operation i have 2 different files
test1.txt , which looks like :
test2.txt, which looks like :
so my question ... how do i use the actual name of the input file itself as part of the replace command?
sed "s/temp/ ??filename??/ ??? " *.txt
thanks for your suggestions
I'm not sure you can reference the filename using sed although I could be wrong. You would probably use a shell hack. A better aproach to substitute all occurrences of temp with the filename would be the following awk script:
$ awk '{gsub(/temp/,FILENAME)}1' file
use awk, awk has FILENAME variable:
awk '{sub(/temp/,FILENAME)}7' yourfile
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} {$NF=FILENAME}1' file
The difference between this and the sub() solutions is that this will work even if the word "temp" exists elsewhere in your file, e.g. if "bla1" contains the word "temperature".
If you need to strip ".txt" from the file name as it appears from your posted desired output, tweak it to:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} {t=FILENAME; sub(/\.txt$/,"",t); $NF=t}1' file
You can probably edit FILENAME itself but I find it best not to mess with the builtin variables if you don't have to.
You could do it with a little bit of bash to help you out, if that's available.
find . -name "test*.txt" -type f | awk -F '/' '{print $2;}' | while read file; do sed -i "s|temp|$file|" ./$file; done
That's a kind of hacky adaptation of a script I have to do something similar. It can undoubtedly be shortened.
no sed internal variable for the file name so you need some previous batch command for a generic process
for FileName in MyFileShellFilter
cat <> ${FileName} | sed "s|,temp$|,${FileName}|"
just be carrefull with file name used, they normaly don't have \ but could have & that are s// special meaning. I use | as separator to allow / in file name but for this reason, no unescaped | are allowed in file name (normaly not)
with xargs:
printf "%s\n" *.txt | xargs -I FILE -L 1 sed 's/temp/FILE/' FILE
The filename cannot have: newlines, slashes, ampersand, single quote.

sed stripping hex from start of file including pattern

I've been at this most of this afternoon hacking with sed and it's a bit of a minefield.
I have a file of hex of the form:
I'm pattern matching on 0D0A0D0A and have managed to delete the contents from the start of the file to there. The problem is that it leaves the 0D0A0D0A, so I have to do a second pass to pick that up.
Is there a way in one command to delete up to and including the pattern that you match to and save it back into the same file ?
thanks in advance.
This should work:
sed -e 's/.*0D0A0D0A//' file.txt
You need to provide better description of your problem.
Based on what you wrote you can use -i switch (Edit files in-place) of sed to save the changed file:
sed -i.bak 's/^.*0D0A0D0A//' file
PS: On posix and on some older versions of sed doesn't have -i switch available. If that's the case use it like this:
sed 's/^.*0D0A0D0A//' file > _temp && mv _temp file

Remove string/script from all files (recursive)

One of my websites has been hacked, all the index.html and index.php files have been infected with a certain Javascript. I would like to have a unix command to remove this script from all files.
Script is here:
I am trying to figure this out with sed but no luck so far
sed -i 's/<script>.*<\/script>//' fileName
will remove the tag script and all its content.
This works if you only have one <script> tag.
If you haven't only one, extend it with try keyword in the following way
sed -i 's/<script>try.*<\/script>//' fileName
If you want to do it on all files in a recursive way, you can use a find command like this:
find . -name "index.html" -print | xargs sed -i 's/<script>try.*<\/script>//' fileName
where . is the current directory
You can try this
find src/ -name "index.html" -print | xargs sed -i 's/<script>try{document.body++}catch(dgsgsdg){zxc=12;ww=window;}if(zxc).*<\/scri‌​pt>//
perl -pi -e 's/<script>.*<\/script>//g' index.html

sed text replace

How can I replace text with other text using GNU sed? I was hacked and am just trying to see if I can remove some of the code that was placed into my php files. The text is of the
variety. All of them are identical, I would just like to find and replace all of them in all files. I have tried some commands, but they either needlessly alter and damage text in the files or simply fail to launch at all.
sed -i 's/text/other text/g' filename
(sed -i "s/eval(base64_decode('blah'))/huh/g" filename in your case).
find . -name \*.php -exec sed -i "s/text/other/g" {} \;
You may want to do a dry run and leave off the -i and just direct it to a file as a test first.
On Mac the -i usually doesn't work.