if I want to store a external web service url in the web.xml file, how I must proceed?, in this way?:
What I should put on the service-interface if the web service is external?. I use eclipse
Thanks so much
You have to generate the client stubs of the service.
You can use ws-import for generating the client stubs:
wsimport -p your.package.name -s gen -d bin http://nxxxx/example/Services/PublicApiService.wsdl
This will generate the needed Java source files. Execute it in your project root dir.
After that you have to change your web.xml file:
I have to continue on an already existing CodeIgniter 3 application (not written by me) which contains multiple applications for different customers, the project structure looks a little like this:
config/, controllers/, models/, views/, ...
config/, metadata/, www/, ...
assets/, bundle/, ...
assets/, index.php, ...
Now for one of the applications I have to replace the ion_auth system with an SSO (setup as a Service Provider from their IdP metadata). I googled a lot and tought SimpleSAMLphp would be my best option.
But I am really struggling just even putting the SimpleSAMLphp SP API into my application and the documentation isn't great.
-I "include_once" the third_party/SimpleSAMLphp/lib/_autoload.php file in the customers/customer1/index.php file (before require_once BASEPATH...)
-I modified third_party/SimpleSAMLphp/lib/_autoload.php so it finds the vendor/autoload.php file
I expect to be able to use the methods of the SimpleSAMLphp library but instead I get the following errors:
-If I follow the code in this guide:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function SimpleSAML\Auth\Simple()
-If use include APPPATH . 'third_party\SimpleSAMLphp\www\index.php in my controller just above the code from above tutorial:
Fatal error: Class 'SimpleSAML\Error\Assertion' not found in
What am I doing wrong in my setup?
I really want to study how restcomm works in clearwater as a Telephony Application Server.
I follow the guideline at:
But seemly, the verion of Restcomm in this article is too old (TelScale-Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-7.1.2-GA), and I am using the Restcomm in newer version (Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-
I could not follow the guide in this article because of some difference configuration between two versions.
I set up the clearwater successfully. I could make a SIP call in clearwater.
When I setup the restcomm (version Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-,
I changed the local-address of media-server in file: standalone/deployments/restcomm.war/WEB-INF/conf/restcomm.xml
as follow:
( is my local IP address)
I did not change the references to in restcomm.xml file to point to
because there is no references to
I think that may be the difference between two versions.
I also did not edit the JAVA_OPTS in bin/standalone.conf file because of misunderstanding.
I edit the file mediaserver/deploy/server-beans.xml as follow:
<property name="bindAddress"></property>
<property name="localBindAddress"></property>
<property name="externalAddress"><null/></property>
<property name="localNetwork"></property>
<property name="localSubnet"></property>
After that, I start media-server:
$ cd ${JBOSS_HOME}/mediaserver/bin
$ ./run.sh
The media-server start successfully.
Then, I start restcomm jboss:
$ cd ${JBOSS_HOME}/bin
$ sudo ./standalone.sh -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100 -b
It got errors as the below picture.
enter image description here
But Jboss server still work, when I goto http:/
But I can not access the Restcomm managerment interface.
I also try to modify somes as the article:
-Modify default app: standalone/deployments/restcomm.war/demos/hello-play.xml
-Add configure IMS core through Ellis configure file:
"Restcomm" :
"<InitialFilterCriteria><Priority>1</Priority><TriggerPoint> <ConditionTypeCNF></ConditionTypeCNF><SPT><ConditionNegated>0</ConditionNegated><Group>0</Group><Method>INVITE</Method><Extension></Extension></SPT></TriggerPoint><ApplicationServer><ServerName>sip:</ServerName><DefaultHandling>0</DefaultHandling></ApplicationServer></InitialFilterCriteria>"
-Bind the number to defaul app:
curl -X POST http://ACae6e420f425248d6a26948c17a9e2acf:77f8c12cc7b8f8423e5c38b035249166# -d "PhoneNumber=4321" -d "VoiceUrl="
It got the error:
That are my problems.
Thank you very much for supporting me.
Best Regards,
Indeed those steps are way too old and won't probably work on the new version.
I would recommend starting Restcomm with Docker instead and configure the JVM options and port offset (see http://docs.telestax.com/restcomm-docker-environment-variables/) in the docker run command
The rest of the description to configure Clearwater should still be valid.
I'm using tomEE 1.7.1 with Apache CXF 2.6.14 inside.
I have a component that serves a WSDL first web service:
endpointInterface = "com.mycompany.SecurityTokenServiceWS",
targetNamespace = "http://sts.mycompany/wsdl/",
serviceName = "SecurityTokenService",
portName = "TokenService")
#SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.RPC, use = SOAPBinding.Use.LITERAL)
public class TokenService implements SecurityTokenServiceWS {
//service methods
When I deploy the web app, I see this log:
Jan 30, 2015 12:47:22 PM org.apache.openejb.server.webservices.WsService deployApp
INFORMATION: Webservice(wsdl=http://localhost:8080//webservices/TokenService, qname={http://sts.mycompany.com/wsdl/}SecurityTokenService) --> Ejb(id=TokenService)
In result the web service is available on: http://localhost:8080/webservices/TokenService.
What I like to have is that the service runs directly on: http://localhost:8080/TokenService.
I have no idea where the "webservices" path element comes from. It isn't in the WSDL and not in any configuration file. My web application runs directly under the context path / (ROOT).
Is there a magic CXF servlet that is bonded to /webservices? How can I change this behavior?
this comes from TomEE which uses subcontext webservices by default.
This sample shows how to change it https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=tomee.git;a=tree;f=examples/change-jaxws-url;h=2f88382bd4f925ec27c7305e74d361c8baf46a92;hb=ebe63371a22709a50e79c42206b5e9a0fd8946cc (the interesting file is https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=tomee.git;a=blob;f=examples/change-jaxws-url/src/main/resources/META-INF/openejb-jar.xml;h=6c0ba44b14eb2e67a550c65d890d325c8bf409b7;hb=ebe63371a22709a50e79c42206b5e9a0fd8946cc)
Note: if you just want to rename /webservices you can set in conf/system.properties tomee.jaxws.subcontext=/myothersubcontext
PS: if you go with openejb-jar.xml solution note there is the equivalent for openejb-jar.xml 1.1 which is just the property openejb.webservice.deployment.address in your ejb-deployment properties
To change the publishiing address you need to change endpoint configuration. For now I guess you have no configuration and all is default. You need to create file service.xml (any name) and provide path to it either using web.xml CXFServlet init-parameter "config-location" or using Spring.
Here is the file contents http://cxf.apache.org/docs/jax-ws-configuration.html
And here is an example how to do it with spring http://cxf.apache.org/docs/writing-a-service-with-spring.html
I am using Spring Tool Suite (really eclipse). I just created a new springMVC project and created a simple controller. There was a problem with how STS created the project so I had to manually fix the groupID and artifactID in the pom. The problem I am currently having is I can't seem to hit my tomcat server (published and launched by STS). I have checked the directory structure in tomcat where it gets published and everything seems to be fine but I get 404's when I try and hit the controller. The tomcat logs look as if nothing has even tried to connect to it. They also show that my controller has been mapped:
2013-10-14 09:09:17.763] INFO o.s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping - Mapped "{[/Login],methods=[GET],params=[],headers=[],consumes=[],produces=[],custom=[]}" onto public java.lang.String com.verisk.underwriting.ims.web.IMSController.test()
This is what my controller looks like:
public class IMSController
#RequestMapping(value = "", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String test()
return "SUCCESS";
The app is called ims, so I should be able to hit this controller with this request:
It is configured with a java config (AppConfig.java):
#ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.some.package.ims.web")
public class AppConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry)
Is there a config file that specifies the base path for the app?
Have a look at the .metadata directory of our workspace. It has a .plugins folder, that constains the org.eclipse.wst.server.core directory, and there is one (or more) tmp0 diectory. That contains a wtpwebapps directory. This contains the deployed webapps with the name that is used -- for example MyApp.
Then your Login page is located at
http://localhost/ims/Login will hit port 80 ; by default tomcat runs on port 8080. So unless you have changed tomcat's HTTP port to 80 you need to use localhost:8080
If the port is good then check that your application context path is really ims, by default it is the exact name of the generated WAR file. If you use WTP, eclipse "servers" view will show it under the server instance.
If the context path is good then check the configured URL mapping in your web.xml descriptor. Make sure you are not missing a prefix in the URL for REST/MVC servlet URL aggregation. In your case it looks like you should use .../resources/Login because your configured your resources to be under the /resources/** pattern.
Our application provides a SOAP API. Our wsdl starting lines are something like
<wsdl:definitions name='ControlDServices' ... xmlns:soap='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/' ...
This usually works OK, but a customer complained that when they try to use our SOAP API in NetBeans with the wsdl we provide they got this error:
Web Service can not be created by JAXWS:wsimport utility.
Reason: invalid extension element: "soap:body" (in namespace "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/")
This can be easily recreated by running:
wsimport -d . -extension -Xnocompile -keep -s . -verbose <our wsdl file>
wihch yield the error:
[ERROR] invalid extension element: "soap:body" (in namespace "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/")
unknown location
Our support discovered that changing the xmlns:soap definition to use http://www.w3.org/2001/12/soap-envelope/ solves the problem, but this requires a change in our product, and also contradict most of the places I see on the web where a wsdl:definitions file is defined. Besides, that URI seems to belong to soap-envelop and not to wsdl, and is also for a specific date, and not a general URI.
Is there a way to solve the NetBeans / wsimport problem without changing our wsdl, e.g. by changing parameters? If no, and a change is needed, is it wise to change it to http://www.w3.org/2001/12/soap-envelope/, or should we use something else?
It looks like they don't support SOAP 1.1, only SOAP 1.2.