wsdl xmlns problems with NetBeans and wsimport - soap

Our application provides a SOAP API. Our wsdl starting lines are something like
<wsdl:definitions name='ControlDServices' ... xmlns:soap='' ...
This usually works OK, but a customer complained that when they try to use our SOAP API in NetBeans with the wsdl we provide they got this error:
Web Service can not be created by JAXWS:wsimport utility.
Reason: invalid extension element: "soap:body" (in namespace "")
This can be easily recreated by running:
wsimport -d . -extension -Xnocompile -keep -s . -verbose <our wsdl file>
wihch yield the error:
[ERROR] invalid extension element: "soap:body" (in namespace "")
unknown location
Our support discovered that changing the xmlns:soap definition to use solves the problem, but this requires a change in our product, and also contradict most of the places I see on the web where a wsdl:definitions file is defined. Besides, that URI seems to belong to soap-envelop and not to wsdl, and is also for a specific date, and not a general URI.
Is there a way to solve the NetBeans / wsimport problem without changing our wsdl, e.g. by changing parameters? If no, and a change is needed, is it wise to change it to, or should we use something else?

It looks like they don't support SOAP 1.1, only SOAP 1.2.


How to set SameSite LAX using JBOSS 7.4

We are currently using JBOSS 7.4 for functional testing. I've read on the documentation that undertow version is 2.2.5
and according to the undertow blog
that to configure the samesite cookie on a webapp, I have to added an undertow-handlers.conf file (located in the WEB-INF folder) which contains only the following line:
but this is not working (I'll update with stacktrace later)
I tried different syntaxes but I still cannot start Jboss :
path(/)->samesite-cookie(mode=Lax, cookie-pattern=*) ---> PatternSyntaxException: Dangling meta character '*' near index 0
path(/)->samesite-cookie(mode="Lax", cookie-pattern="*") --->
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: UT000045: Error parsing predicated handler string no handler named samesite-cookie known handlers are [disallowed-methods, allowed-methods, buffer-request, jdbc-access-log, http-continue-accept, secure-cookie, access-log, mark-secure, response-rate-limit, canonical-path, response-code, disable-cache, ssl-headers, trace, blocking, url-decoding, error-file, access-control, redirect, set, ip-access-control, request-limit, resource, compress, restart, clear, byte-range, eager-form-parser, done, rewrite, forwarded, stuck-thread-detector, reverse-proxy, jvm-route, learning-push, dump-request, proxy-peer-address, resolve-local-name, header, store-response, path-separator, resolve-peer-name]:
path(/)->samesite-cookie(mode=\"Lax\", cookie-pattern=\"*\")
Any help will be greatly appreciated as none of the above is working.
Thank you.

Apache Meecrowave OAuth2 JPA

I succeedeed in creating my own OAuth2 server using JCache as token store but I'm facing an issue when moving to JPA.
My configuration is :
But I got exception below during OpenJPA bootstrap :
here was an error while setting up the configuration plugin option "MetaDataFactory".
The plugin was of type "org.apache.openjpa.persistence.jdbc.PersistenceMappingFactory".
Setter methods for the following plugin properties were not available in that type: [,,,,].
Possible plugin properties are:
Ensure that your plugin configuration string uses key values that correspond to setter methods in the plugin class.
I suppose I missed something in configuration...
Any help would be appreciated.
Using --oauth2-jpa-properties you can set any persistence unit properties you want, I guess you will have to override openjpa.MetaDataFactory default value which is set to jpa(,,,,,
You can also check if your configuration is properly propagated and if there is no classpath conflict (another persistence.xml with an oauth2 unit?) because I just retested and your configuration seems to work.

Setting up SimpleSAMLphp as a SP for CodeIgniter

I have to continue on an already existing CodeIgniter 3 application (not written by me) which contains multiple applications for different customers, the project structure looks a little like this:
config/, controllers/, models/, views/, ...
config/, metadata/, www/, ...
assets/, bundle/, ...
assets/, index.php, ...
Now for one of the applications I have to replace the ion_auth system with an SSO (setup as a Service Provider from their IdP metadata). I googled a lot and tought SimpleSAMLphp would be my best option.
But I am really struggling just even putting the SimpleSAMLphp SP API into my application and the documentation isn't great.
-I "include_once" the third_party/SimpleSAMLphp/lib/_autoload.php file in the customers/customer1/index.php file (before require_once BASEPATH...)
-I modified third_party/SimpleSAMLphp/lib/_autoload.php so it finds the vendor/autoload.php file
I expect to be able to use the methods of the SimpleSAMLphp library but instead I get the following errors:
-If I follow the code in this guide:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function SimpleSAML\Auth\Simple()
-If use include APPPATH . 'third_party\SimpleSAMLphp\www\index.php in my controller just above the code from above tutorial:
Fatal error: Class 'SimpleSAML\Error\Assertion' not found in
What am I doing wrong in my setup?

Jenkins CORS Filter plugin not adding Access-Control-Allow-Origins header

I am trying to add CORS support to my Jenkins server so I could access the REST API from the browser. From looking around, the recommended approach is to use the CORS Filter plugin.
I have installed it, enable it, and add http://localhost to the Access-Control-Allow-Origins field, as well as GET to Access-Control-Allow-Methods field. However, these headers are not showing up in my requests.
This plugin has not been updated in a few years, so I'm not sure if it's compatible with the latest version of Jenkins. I'm running version 2.172.
In the Jenkins system log, I see these errors, not sure if it's related/ relevant
Caught exception evaluating: descriptor.getPropertyType(instance,field).itemTypeDescriptorOrDie in /configure. Reason: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
java.lang.AssertionError: class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger$IvyConfiguration is missing its descriptor in public hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger$IvyConfiguration[] hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger$DescriptorImpl.getConfigurations(). See
Caught exception evaluating: h.filterDescriptors(it,attrs.descriptors) in /configure. Reason: java.lang.NullPointerException: Descriptor list is null for context 'class hudson.model.Hudson' in thread 'Handling GET /configure from : qtp589873731-14 Jenkins/configure.jelly GlobalLibraries/config.jelly LibraryConfiguration/config.jelly SCMRetriever/DescriptorImpl/config.jelly MultiSCM/DescriptorImpl/config.jelly'
java.lang.NullPointerException: Descriptor list is null for context 'class hudson.model.Hudson' in thread 'Handling GET /configure from : qtp589873731-14 Jenkins/configure.jelly GlobalLibraries/config.jelly LibraryConfiguration/config.jelly SCMRetriever/DescriptorImpl/config.jelly MultiSCM/DescriptorImpl/config.jelly'
These errors have at org.jenkinsci.plugins.corsfilter.AccessControlsFilter.doFilter( in their stack trace.
Does anyone know of a good way to enable CORS support for Jenkins REST API?
Jenkins version 2.303 and I struggle with the same issue. I would recommend to add the port number on the localhost URI you defined in the plugin settings, even though I'm pretty sure that won't change anything.
It actually seems the plugin is having no effect at all.
Probably the best solution is to set up your own proxy which would take care of CORS. Here is a good and well document example Build a Node.js Proxy Server in Under 10 minutes!

matchOnUriPrefix=true does not seem to be working

I am using:
wildlfy 10.1.0 final
Camel 2.19.1
Camel Java DSL RouteBuilder
In my RouteBuilder.configure I have the following from:
from("undertow:http://localhost:" + portNum + "/DataplatformESB/v3?matchOnUriPrefix=true&httpMethodRestrict=post,get,put,options,patch,delete")
When I test to "localhost:8080/DataplatformESB/v3" with GET, PUT, or PATCH, they all work fine. But when I test to "localhost:8080/DataplatformESB/v3/anythingelse" I'll get a 404 (page not found) in return. In the Wildfly log it stats: "Matched prefix path /DataplatformESB for path /DataplatformESB/v3/anythingelse". So for me it looks like the "matchOnUriPrefix=true" is not working.
I have already tested with from("restlet:http://localhost:" + portNum + "/DataplatformESB/v3?matchOnUriPrefix=true&httpMethodRestrict=post,get,put,options,patch,delete"), but that does not work as well.
I have also tried it with the restConfiguration and .componentProperty("matchOnUriPrefix", "true") but also no luck.
Does anyone has an idea why the matchOnUriPrefix=true does not seem to work for me?
I have done some further research and found out the folliwing:
I got the undertow test project from and run/tested in it in my NetBeans.
The code is:
.transform(bodyAs(String.class).append(" Matching prefix"))
This runs fine and returns OK when the URL starts with the prefix: "bar". So "bar/foo" returns OK as well.
But when I paste this code into the Wildfly Camel Rest Swagger example (there is no Wildfly Camel Rest example) from the website, then I only get an OK when testing with "bar" as path.
Using "bar/foo" result in a 404 return code.
Im still using Wildfly 10.1 final and Camel 2.19.1.
So what is causing the difference in output? What do I have to change in Wildfly to get it working?
Is the option matchOnUriPrefix default disabled/ignored on Wildfly?
When using the Wildfly-Camel 2.18.3 on the Wildlfly installation it seems to work.
It looks like the default value for matchOnUriPrefix is changed or the handling of this property.
In that case it seems to me that this introduced the bug as described above.