JAVA ME Socket send and receive - sockets

I wanted to make an app that when the user press by example (m) on the keyboard the mobile device connects to the server which is made with C# ,and i want it to send a Word and wait for a response , can anybody help me with that because that is my first JAVA ME Application
(i've made a C# Code Client For Testing , if anybody wants to see it so that he can convert it to JAVA ME just comment)

To handle a single key stroke you will need low level graphics with Canvas. Please go through this tutorial
keyPressed method will trigger a new connection to your server. See this other tutorial


Problem using signalr for chat application flutter

I had made a whole chat application using signalr as a socket with the online and offline facility. I am facing a few problems,
Signalr connection is always time out after some time, to overcome that I had condition if hubconnection is not connected then create new hubconnection (onResume app), but still it get hubconnection._callback got increased when sending message and not moving to server side socket. Again need to refresh whole app.
Can someone tell me whether this is problem because there are lot of operations going on and so signalr loses its connection as flutter is single thread and it cannot handle much? or should I use Isolate or inherit widget.
Summary problem:
I cannot send message in chat after sometime. It stores all message in hubconnection._callback and not going for server.
Is anything better solution to keep alive in both Android+iOS.
I had used package.
Please do not mention about firebase.
Any other logic suggestion is appreciable.
Thank you.
I've been using a different package,, which works fine without any particular issues what I have observed at the moment.
I'm only running about 10 listeners simultaneously, not sure if that is more or less than you. In the package I'm running you can establish connection with automatic reconnect. It looks like this:
It seems like your package have the same functionality... Have you tried that?

Eclipse Scout Neon Message box triggered on server side

I am wondering if there is a way to trigger message box on server side.
My case is that I have some logic on server side of the scout application. In the middle of the process some decision need to be made. It this case I would like to trigger message box with YES, NO, CANCEL options.
The way my logic works it really hard to split it into two functions and call one first, ask question and call another with on answer. So this is out of the way for me.
If it is not possible to triggered message box on scout service, is there a way to "mimic" it. So call service method, in the middle pause it, go to client side, present messsage box, return to same service method and continue it.
Why do I need this:
I have dependencies graph (between fields) implemented on scout server side.
After one field has been changed, the whole dependencies graph will be resolved.
One node of the graph has some logic that need user interaction. Problem is that I don't know if this method will be called (dependent on a graph), and if after this method other nods will be called.
You have asked a very similar question few months ago:
Scout Eclipse present optional message on server side
MessageBox is a client concept (package is: org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.messagebox).
You need to transfert the data you need from the server to the client and intercept this information client-side to display the message box you want.
As Jmini already said, MessageBox is a client concept. What you can do is sending back a status (from server to client), checking it on client side and show an appropriate message (box). But then you interrupt your service method and cannot go on where it stopped (alternatively you can throw a VetoException, but this interrupts your service method aswell, so same problem). In my opinion, it is also not a good design to 'request' a user interaction from server side, because in this case, the server side has to wait for the user to respond.
I suggest, if possible, to split your logic into different parts. At first, you execute the first part until you reach the point where you need the user interaction. Then you could save the current state of execution, return to client and show the message. After the user has responded, you should start the 'second' execution, depending on the user's input. This second execution should be started by calling another (new) service, which at first should load or restore the state of the execution saved before requesting the user input.

Showing timer with WebSockets

I have an application (Laravel + MongoDB running on Nginx) where I pull some data from the database and render it on the screen. The application focusses on multiple real life objects. Once an object is turned on (is_on equals to true in the database), the timer on the screen needs to start ticking. Once the object is turned off (is_on equals to false in the database) the clock stops ticking and resets to 0. The format of the clock is HH:MM:SS. So it shows how long the real life object is turned on.
My problem is that I don't really now how to save/implement such timer. When the user request the page, I pull the necessary data from the database. If I also save the timer in the database, you have to make a query every second which is very bad practice.
I remembered something about WebSockets and tried to look into them. I actually managed to build a basic Hello World chat application, but don't really know how to implement this in my project. There is no place for it in the database (because of the queries), so I don't really know where to save that timer on the server. I'm also doubting if WebSockets are the way to go.
So are WebSockets the way to go and if it is, can you guys point me in the right direction on how to implement this? If not, can you advise me what I should do?
Thanks in advance!
From your question:
I understand that the objects you print in the screen are modified by
users in the application, and your aim is to live forward those
modifications to other active client instances of your application.
In that case, as you mention, I would point you to websockets. They are a great way to feed information directly to the client, so the client receives the update signals and modify the interface, with no need of user action.
In order to implement the logic to notify the client, I recommend using a push approach, but this is really depending on what kind of clients you'd like to notify, since the push world is still a bit tricky.
Further readings for this websocket based push implementation:
Question about Push Flags:
Difference between push and urgent flags in TCP
If your client runs in browser or mobile this question is nice to read:
How to send push notification to web browser?
Also html5 websockets:
As a sidenote:
A nice architecture for client-server live communication is based on node.js together with library offering good performance and not really complex implementation if you know what you do.

Unity - trading card game architecture

I'm trying to develop a TCG(trading card game) in Unity(I'm Unity newbie) and currently stuck on the architecture of the project and the card effects in particular. Coming from web development background for me all the logic and card effects should be on the server but going through some tutorials for Unity I think the logic should be on the client and I should use a simple room-based server to notify for player actions. Is that correct?
To summarize - where the game logic should be(e.g. card effects, rounds etc)? On the client or on the server?
I actually worked on one of the major TCG's out now for iOS/droid, so this is coming from experience. You definitely want all game logic and rules to be on the server. Do not trust your client to be the source of truth for any game outcomes etc. People will be able to hack that by tampering with the data sent back to the server. They don't have to decompile the game to do that, it can be done merely by sniffing the net traffic.
That said, you may end up with some duplicated logic on both client and server, only so that you can enforce game rules and display the outcomes without always hitting the server. However, your server is always the source of truth and the client is just there to accept input and display outcomes.
The general flow was the client would send a message requesting a new game to the server. The server would respond with the cards for each side and the opening move for the first player. Then the client would simply parse each move and display the outcome. On the cards objects we had methods for many of the actions, such as DrainHealth() and BuffAttack(). When called, these methods would trigger things like particle effects and sound fx attached to the card script.
Yeah the effects should be on the client, I assume your game will be turn based right? You might want to take a look at photon then:
They have a loot of good tutorials about their API and it's well documented :)
Hope that helps you,
good luck

how to get queue information from asterisk

I am running asterisk on a elastix 2.2 distro. I have a Queue with EXT 9000 where 3 softphone (c#) extensions belong to this round robin queue.
I know that I could trigger a AGI or AMI event from the dialplan and let in some way a webservice know about the length of the queue and then forward this information to the softphones.
Is there any way that the softphones could get this information directly from asterisk. Either something AsteriskBuiltIn or ElastixBuiltIn.
a last resort (baaaaaad) idea was to open a line, call an encoded number like (555*1) and receive back a dtmf. it is a Bad Way but it would work.
Open for any suggestions
Queue drop events into ami.
Also queue log all actions into /var/log/asterisk/queue_log, which is posible put to mysql(see this)
There are no way say how your softphone can catch that event. But for sure you can get that info from mysql and rewrite your softphones to show that info.
Also elastix call center edition have web panel for call center. As option you can check fop2 project for panel.