Unified Search in WebWorks - blackberry-webworks

We are trying to get Unified Search to work but I cannont find anything for the WebWorks API and seems to only be available to the Java development environment. Is there a WebWorks Java extension we can use? If not how could we accomplish this within our WebWorks app?

The BlackBerry WebWorks site contains the SearchArguments API to invoke the Search application: https://developer.blackberry.com/html5/apis/blackberry.invoke.searcharguments.html


Using Ionic to develop IBM MobileFirst Platform hybrid applications

I have mobile first development studio in my eclipse and by using that I created a new MobileFirst project and hybrid application. Added an Android and IOS environment to the application. I have idea of worklight. Ionic support is added using mobile first 7.1. How to install ionic? I have read many steps using all CLI based. Can any one guide me to install process of ionic.
It is not possible, or at least easily possible to use Ionic with a MobileFirst Hybrid project that was created in MobileFirst Studio.
Instead you should create a "pure" Cordova application, that uses MobileFirst's SDK.
You can read more on this in the following blog post: https://developer.ibm.com/mobilefirstplatform/2015/04/16/an-overview-of-using-the-ionic-framework-with-mobilefirst-hybrid-mobile-applications/

Will Chrome Packaged Apps work on Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)?

I am looking to use Chrome Bluetooth API's to run on Chromium Embedded Framework. Would like to know will it work? Thanks.
CEF does not support Chrome packaged apps. Chrome extensions API is not supported and without it a packaged app would be just a bundle of a javascript code running on a web page. If that's the case with your packaged app then you could make it work in CEF.

Worklight Facebook platform selection?

For Facbook integration in Worklight which platform should we select Android or Website
right now i am developing for android environment but later i will be doing for iphone and windows as well
Also were do i place the Facebook integration code in index.html(main) or in android project which is separately created ?
i am confused do reply
It looks like you are developing a Worklight-based Hybrid application, so in this case you should actually opt for the Facebook JavaScript SDK.
You can add it to your common\js folder and reference it in the common\index.html (just follow the instructions Facebook probably provides). This way you could easily 'extend' it to whichever additional environments you will add in Worklight Studio in your project setup.
Of course, you can also choose to use Facebook's native SDKs for each environment in your Hybrid application. In this case, you'll need to add the SDK in the iphone-ipad-or-android\native folder and follow Facebook's integration instructions (note that for iPhone the actual integration will be done in Xcode, not Eclipse).
If you choose to create a native application and bundle it with the Worklight SDK, then you should opt for the Facebook SDK dedicated to the specific OS. Here, you will add the SDK, again, by following Facebook's instructions.

How can i deploy my worklight project to my blackberry device..?

I have packaged my application successfully using ripple with chrome.
What process i have to follow to deploy my app to my blackberry device for testing purpose?
There are several ways.
You can try using the BlackBerry Desktop Manager software which should allow you application syncing.
You can use the JavaLoader commandline tool, provided by BlackBerry.
Personally, I use JavaLoader.
It is a simple one-liner in CMD: javaloader load path-to-cod-file
The one-liner above assumes you have added JavaLoader (an .exe in the bin folder of the BlackBerry WebWorks SDK for BlackBerry OS 6/7) to your PATH, so that it will be available for useage like in the example)
Please keep an mind that after you generate the .cod file using Ripple, what you basically have is an actual BlackBerry (WebWorks) project, the way to deploy it would be the same as any other BlackBerry application, whether it was created by Worklight or any other software.

Blackberry: Access Blackberry desktop manager and install application programmatically

I want to know using my desktop application can i access Blackberry desktop manager (or) any USB interface programmatically to load(install) a blackberry application into blackberry device? Basically i want to load(install) any blackberry developed application to the device using my desktop application interface.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
There is no BB Desctop API to install application:
BlackBerry Desktop Software - 4.1 - Desktop API Reference Guide
Similar questions:
Install/Uninstall App from Desktop Manager
SO - How to properly force a Blackberry Java application to install using Loader.exe
BB Forum - How to properly force a Blackberry Java application to install using Loader.exe
You can send data to device, but to open named channel you will need running application on device side which will register and operate with same-named channel... although there are speculation about "using RIM API calls to compose *.cod file directly in device internal memory." I have no idea how to do this without installing any app on device previously.