Pay Pal Recurring payments via direct payments - paypal

I have some problems with integration of Recurring Payments with PayPal.
I developed Recurring Payments via Direct Payment with "Payment Pro" API.
It works fine on "Sandbox" environment but when we switch to "Live" we get error "DPRP is not enabled for this merchant".
Is PayPal doesn't support "Payment Pro" API?
If PayPal still supports "Payment Pro" API, please tell me which features must be enabled in merchant account.

As the error says, it's not enabled for your account. You will need to sign up for PayPal Website Payments Pro and request them to add the Direct Recurring Payments product to your account.


Payment error: PayPal error: DPRP is disabled for this merchant sandbox account

I'm working on a nopCommerce project, and I want to use PayPal recurring payment option with sandbox merchant sandbox account.
For that I've created PayPal developer(business for sandbox)account and configured PayPal direct Plugin.
But at the time of payment, it gives me an error of:
Payment error: PayPal error: DPRP is disabled for this merchant. (DPRP_DISABLED)
Also enabled Pro feature for my merchant account.
I saw this forum and other sites as well, but didn't get solution to solve this issue, all answers pointed out to upgrading pro with $60 USD
I'm really wondering, PayPal charge for sandbox business account?
Any help would be really appreciated!
DPRP = Direct Payment Recurring Payments.
PayPal charges $30/mo for PayPal Pro itself, and then an additional $30/mo for Recurring Payments for Pro. It sounds like you have Pro enabled, but not Recurring Payments.
PayPal does not charge any fee to use Pro in the sandbox, but you do need to create a sandbox seller account with Pro activated on it along with recurring billing. You can get this enabled by contact PayPal MTS.

PayPal Sandbox Recurring Payments

I am trying to setup recurring payments in our SandBox.
I have followed the instructions here:
How to enable recurring payments for sandbox account?
I have a working Python Django code, have setup billing plans and foward the user to a billing agreement with an Activated plan but it errors on the PayPal page, that this is currently not possible.
So I checked the above link and understand I need to enable recurring payments in my facilitator sandbox account.
Once I go to the Recurring payments dashboard-> Sign up for Enhanced Recurring Payments
I only end up with a message saying: Sorry, this feature is not available at this time.
How am I supposed to test this now ? This Sandbox account is an Account type: Business and verified.

How can i enable both services i.e., Direct Payment and Express Checkout on Paypal live US business account?

Recently I had implemented Recurring Payments API using the following payment methods:
Direct Payment
Express Checkout
All was working fine on Sandbox account. But on Live account when i enable one payment solution like Express Checkout then service for Direct Payment is disabled and vice-versa. How can i enable both above mentioned payment methods/solutions for Recurring Payments?
You are requested to go to the link below to upgrade your US PayPal account to the Pro account.
After that you are able to integrate Direct Payment for Recurring Payments.
You can also refer to the link below.

Paypal Website Payment Pro Merchant Configuration Error

I have a store, based on opencart, and to this day I have two types of payments configured, one is paypal express checkout and the other is paypal website payments pro, for both options I needed to enter info like api password, username and signature, info that is the same for both cases - and double checked - when someone buy something and pay with paypal express checkout it works wonderfully, but when they try to use paypal website payments pro it says that there's a configuration merchant error. Checked and double checked, nothing, re-create the credentials again, nothing, I don't know what else to do I was wondering if someone around had the same error and if there's a solution for this?
Thanks a lot!
Invalid Merchant Configuration means that DoDirectPayment is not enabled on your PayPal account, which means you don't have Payments Pro active.
It could also mean that Pro was approved, but you never agreed to the $30/mo payment. That agreement would show up in your overview when you login to your PayPal account.
Another possibility is that you've been approved for "PayPal Payments Pro 2.0" which uses the PayFlow API instead of the DoDirectPayment API. In that case, DDP would not be enabled on your account and would result in the error you're getting.
Have you been paying the $30/mo to PayPal for Pro?

Recurring payments via Express Checkout with CC not paypal account

Using the PayPal Express Checkout API, is it possible to set up recurring billing but have "PayPal account optional" feature enabled?
I have it enabled in the account (UK, Business with Express Checkout + Recurring billing enabled) and I'm also setting 'SOLUTIONTYPE=Sole' in the API call SetExpressCheckout which according to the docs sets the call to "Paypal Account Optional". However I still get the "Create a PayPal account - pay by debit card option".
Is there any way to have recurring billing without requiring a PayPal account?
Unfortunately, when working with recurring payments users will need a PayPal account to sign up through Express Checkout.
You would need to sign up for Payments Pro + Recurring Billing to get access to process credit cards directly and setup profiles that way. This way you could eliminate the redirect to PayPal altogether when people choose to pay with a credit card.