delegate called on leaving the foucus on textbox - iphone

textFieldShouldEndEditing is calling only when leaving the focus from first text field and focus the second text field.. here i want to call the delegate when i click outside the text box rather than focus the other text box.

daclare an instance to UITextField: UITextField *currentTextField;
in textfieldDidBeginEditting say currentTextField = textField;
place a custom button without image and title all over the screen and give it the action below:
Now your delegate will get called when you tap wherever on the screen (excluding other controls).
[currentTextField resignFirstResponder];


Show UITextField keyboard on firstResponder even when userInteractionEnabled = NO

I have a UITextField that is first responder. I want to show keyboard when entering the view but I want to do that the user will not be able to edit it and the cursor will be hidden all time as well.
When you click on a keyboard letter, it will be written in the UITextField, but the user will not be able to edit nothing there, even not to copy.
Ok, per my comment, my solution is to have a surrogate UITextField that has its hidden property set to YES. What I do is add that hidden text field to the view, and call becomeFirstResponder on it. The user has no idea this text field exists. In the delegate callback from the text field, I take the text the user typed in and add it to a UITextView (though you could add the text to whatever you wanted, like a UITextField like in your question). I turn off userInteractionEnabled for the visible text view. This creates the effect you desire.
I created a sample project that I uploaded to Github. (If you aren't familiar with it, just click the zip button to download it, unzip it, and open the .xcodeproj file).
I had a UISearchBar property in my viewController. And I did it like this:
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
[self.searchBar becomeFirstResponder];
This should work the same for a UITextField.
As for disabling editing, use:
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField{
return NO;
You should have set your viewController to be the delegate of UITextField.
Edited answer: Try this:
1. [txtField becomeFirstResponder];
2. txtField.enabled = NO;
3. when some press on keyboard, then txtField.enabled = YES;
Check this out :

Adding and removing keyboard

I have a textfield and when the user clicks on it, they will be presented with the keyboard. there is a GO button on the keyboard, and i want to write an action event to it.
1.) How can i write an action when the user clicks on this button
2.) when the keyboard is open, and when the user clicks on the background i need the keyboard to disappear, how can i do this programatically?
I have no code to demonstrate, i have only added a texfield, so the keyboard would appear by default once clicked
for performing some action on return of textfield/ Go button use following code
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)theTextField {
[theTextField resignFirstResponder];
//call Method when the GO button is pressed
return YES;
And when user touches on the background and keyboard should return - for that ,write below code
-(void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
[textFiedl resignFirstResponder];
hope your issues are resolved with this.
A textfield is present whenever a UITextField or UITextView is the first responder. You can manually "show" the keyboard by calling becomeFirstResponder or "hide" it by resignFirstResponder.
In your case, Look at the UITextFieldDelegate reference; when the user hits "GO", the textFieldDidEndEditing: callback is invoked. In this method, you should call resignFirstResponder on the text field to hide the keyboard.
For hiding the keyboard when you touch on the background you can write [txtName resignFirstResponder]; where txtName is the reference name of the TextField.

Multiple UIText fields with Multiple UIPickerViews in UITableView

I have a grouped style UITableView with a HeaderView that is loaded from another .xib.
The HeaderView has 4 UITextFields in it:
2 of the fields should display the Keyboard and allow user input.
2 of the fields should display a UIPickerView and update the UITextField with selection.
The Main TableView (with the sections and rows) is filled with UITextFields as well.
The UITextField in the first section (indexpath.section = 0) displays a UIPickerView
All other UITextFields in the rest of the sections/rows should display the Keyboard
I can get the Keyboard to display correctly and dismiss when the Done button is touched for all the UITextFields that can display the keyboard.
I can get the UIPickerView to display correctly and dismiss (with Custom Save/Cancel buttons).
The problem I have is when mixing the two...
When I do the following I have a hybrid effect:
Step 1: Touch the first UITextField to begin to enter data with the Keybard.
Step 2: Enter some data in the UITextField.
Step 3: Touch a UITextField that displays a UIPickerView instead of the Keyboard.
The result is the Keyboard AND my custom UIPickerView being displayed at the same time with the Keyboard actually displaying ON TOP of my UIPicker!
Any suggestions on how to prevent this from happening?
Need to show some code, but most likely you're not calling [myTextField resignFirstResponder] just before calling the UIPickerView.
You need to resign your keyboard for your textField. From the fact that you did not do it, I am guessing that you did not resign the pickerView as well. So you need to resign both of them or they will continue to stay on the screen
Resigning the textField.
Implement UITextFieldDelegate
- (BOOL) textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField
[textField resignFirstResponder];
return 1;
Resigning pickerview:
Implement the picker view as your property and implement [self.yourpickerview resignFirstResponder] in textFieldDidEndEditing and in the IBAction of your custom DONE button for your picker view.

How to hide the iPhone keyboard? resignFirstResponder does not work

I have the following code...
- (void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
//some code here...
NSInteger theTag = textField.tag; //I set the tag to 5 in IB
if (theTag == 5) {
[textField resignFirstResponder];
The problem is, the keyboard never disappears. Another thing to note is that I have some other methods that move the view up and down based on the position of the textfield selected. Maybe that's messing up my Responder, but I just don't understand why the keyboard won't go away.
Also, I might just be doing this all wrong. I want this textField, when pressed, to hide the keyboard and show a date picker. Should this be in a different method?
If you're targeting iOS 3.2+, I'd suggest looking into UITextField's inputView property. You can assign a custom view (i.e. a data picker) to be displayed when the text field becomes the first responder instead of the keyboard.

iPhone: is there another way of yielding First Responder status?

Problem: If you have a big form with a lot of text input fields with number pad, you would not want to tell every single text field something like
[myTextField1 resignFirstResponder];
[myTextField2 resignFirstResponder];
instead, it would be great to just tell for example an invisible background button, that it is the First Responder as soon as the user tabs outside of any text field.
Like in JavaScript, when you give an element the focus(), all others lose it. How can I do that in UIKit?
[button becomeFirstResponder];
In your header file, paste this: -(IBAction)backgroundClicked:(id)sender;
in your implementation file, paste this:
(IBAction) backgroundClicked:(id)sender
[nameField resignFirstResponder];
[numberField resignFirstResponder];
In InterfaceBuilder, create a button that covers the entire view.
with the button selected, click Layout > Send to Back
Control drag from the button to File's Owner and select the outlet called: backgroundClicked.