How create node with unicode property in Neo4jClient? - unicode

I am using Neo4jClient in C#.
I added several nodes with properties which contains string in nicode format. The thing is that when i query nodes back in C# i get ???? instead of unicode values the same happen when i review data via Neo4j server DataBrowser page.
I added node directly in Neo4j server with unicode property, everything looks ok.
How can i tune Neo4jClient to create node/relationships with unicode properties?
thank you in advance
p.s. in neo4j-wrapper.conf file i found

This is a known issue:
Please monitor that issue to know when it is fixed.


Reading an SB-Messaging Send Port properties using the Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM makes a breaking change

I am working on a PowerShell script making use of the Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM to dynamically update the SB-Messaging SAS key for BizTalk Receive Locations and Send Ports. This is to enable us to roll the SAS keys for our Service Bus queues, and update BizTalk with the new keys as painlessly as possible.
I have this working correctly for Receive Locations, but Send Ports are giving me a different issue.
As soon as I read the PrimaryTransport properties of the Send Port, it seems that some change is made under the covers, that then prevents SaveChanges from working, instead throwing an "Invalid or malformed XML data exception".
This is compared to the the ReceiveLocation, where I can read any of its properties, and then SaveChanges successfully.
Note that in both of this cases, no changes have been made by me. I am simply doing a Read, and then a Save.
Can anyone offer any advice as to what could be causing the issue, and any possible solutions to try?
Had this very same issue, when using Powershell to replace values in ServiceBus ReceiveLocations & SendPorts.
The problem is with the none valid xml symbols in the TransportTypeData, which are converted when the script reads them out in the PS cmd.
All none valid xml symbols (such as the one occuring for Namespace value, ) need to be converted to amp, and if I'm not mistaken even double amp:ed.
Here's an example article showing examples on what I mean by "double amp:ed":
How do I escape ampersands in XML so they are rendered as entities in HTML?
Hope this make sense, and if not, then let me know and I'll give it another go.
Just tried doing this from C#, seems to work ok:
var root = new Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.BtsCatalogExplorer() { ConnectionString = "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=BizTalkMgmtDb;Integrated Security=SSPI;" };
var sendPort = root.SendPorts["xxxx.ServiceBusQueue"];
sendPort .PrimaryTransport.TransportTypeData = sendPort.PrimaryTransport.TransportTypeData.Replace("RootManageSharedAccessKey", "MySharedAccessKey");

Why watson Personality Inisights shows different results using different API versions/demo

My apologies if the question is duplicated. We are facing an issue with the analysis of a profile using Watson Personality Insights API in Spanish. We have a demo we implemented using PI API version 2 and then we tested the results (exact same text) with the demo published on developer cloud(in spanish) and we found important differences on how the big five were calculated when the facet values were not that different. Is it possible that these differences are caused because of the API version? The issue that with our demo the big five values produced a kind of negative summary profile when the developercloud summary is kinder.
We could send both result jsons. For example here is how the big five rated:
BigFive DeveloperCloud Demo V2
Openness 0.773834349 0.847273232
Conscientiousness 0.916616088 0.914907481
Extraversion 0.796331544 0.612606551
Agreeableness 0.17445636 0.096118648
Emotional range 0.036287447 0.01623536
thanks in advance!!
So the API version would not make a difference, as that just governs the format of the API; the back-end models are the same for both v2 and v3 of the API.
So the jist of your question is that when you run the same text in your app, and in the demo you get different big5 results, while the facet values are about the same.
This might be easiest solved by you opening a support ticket so we can debug the issue together; if you'd rather not do that then can you provide a sample text? Typically it boils down to a difference in the way the text is parsed.
Another question; did you try making the request using curl? That would cut out any custom logic in your app and narrow down the problem.
thanks Neil for you answer!
We tested the text using CURL and we noticed that the results didn't change by the service version used but instead by how the text was sent. If we called the service using curl passing a plain text input(formatted in UTF-8 with line breaks) it returned the same results for version2 and version 3 and also matched the ones from our demo. If we called the service using curl passing json input WITHOUT line breaks it returned the same values as well. But if we called the service passing the json input WITH line breaks then the results changed and almost matched those shown by ibm demo. My question here is which are the correct results? The ones shown when the text is sent as a plain text input(with line breaks) or when the text is sent as json input(with line breaks)? Is there any technical guideline besides the one shown in developercloud on how the text should be parsed to use this service?
Thanks again!

Outlook meetings and rich text format

I have been working on creating appointments from Powershell in Outlook. Everything seems to be working with the exception of being able to set the appointment.RTFBODY. It looks like it is stored as a byte array, but despite my best efforts and many attempts I have been unable to set it. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Edit: I was able to find what could be a similar issue.
"I assume you add a wrong version reference. If you add Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook 12.0, I could reproduce your issue. I suggest you remove this reference, and add Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook 14.0."
Also found this: Outlook AppointmentItem - How do I programmatically add RTF to its Body?
from the link in your question - "it is just a known problem in OOM - setting the RtfBody property using early binding works. Setting through IDispatch::GetIDsIfNames / Invoke does not."
Powershell always uses late bindings (i.e. you cannot declare a variable as an instance of a particular object. e.g. AppointmentItem).

Confluence pocketquery macro fetching unwanted word along with result from PostgreSQL

Hi I'm using a Confluence macro called 'PockketQuery'(PQ). I have connected to a server located at my client's base through PostgreSQL. I run PQ to fetch results from the db into my confluence page. However, it's fecthing an extra unwanted word "Hallo" along with every result. I m unable to figure out where this string maybe coming from and getting attached to my results like this. Please help me get rid of it.
For example I run a PQ on the db which is supposed to fetch me result "Jack London", so the result that I see is "hallo Jack London".
Note: I use VPN to connect to my client's server and Confluence.
Are you using the latest version from the Marketplace 1.14.6? This issue shouldn't exist in the latest version.
I got an upgrade to version 1.14.6 of Confluence's PocketQuery macro. The issue that I had is resolved, the unwanted string in the result is there no more. The bad part is they don't mention it anywhere on the macro's bug fixes. There are no release notes attached to this fix.Thank you Felix for your help.

Setting up replicated repositories in Plastic SCM

So we're trying to set up replicated repositories using PlasticSCM, one in the US, and one in Australia and running into a bit of a snag.
The US configuration is Active Directory, the AU configuration is User/Password. This in itself is not a big deal, I've already set up the SID translation table.
The problem is with plasticscm's replicate command itself. This is the command which should replicate from the US to AU, run ON the AU server.
cm replicate br:/main#rep:default#repserver:US:8084 rep:myrep#repserver:AU:9090 --trmode=name --trtable=trans.txt,dc=com
The part I'm stuck at is the authdata part (the above is an EXAMPLE only). How can I generate the obscured password? I think it's the only thing preventing these two repositories from talking to each other.
Ok, I've solved my own problem.
To get that "authdata" string, you need to configure your client to how you need to authenticate.
Then navigate to c:[users directory][username]\Local Settings\Application Data\plastic.
Pick up the client.conf and extract the string from the SecurityConfig element in the XML.
Check the new GUI here. It's a little bit easier.