Why watson Personality Inisights shows different results using different API versions/demo - personality-insights

My apologies if the question is duplicated. We are facing an issue with the analysis of a profile using Watson Personality Insights API in Spanish. We have a demo we implemented using PI API version 2 and then we tested the results (exact same text) with the demo published on developer cloud(in spanish) and we found important differences on how the big five were calculated when the facet values were not that different. Is it possible that these differences are caused because of the API version? The issue that with our demo the big five values produced a kind of negative summary profile when the developercloud summary is kinder.
We could send both result jsons. For example here is how the big five rated:
BigFive DeveloperCloud Demo V2
Openness 0.773834349 0.847273232
Conscientiousness 0.916616088 0.914907481
Extraversion 0.796331544 0.612606551
Agreeableness 0.17445636 0.096118648
Emotional range 0.036287447 0.01623536
thanks in advance!!

So the API version would not make a difference, as that just governs the format of the API; the back-end models are the same for both v2 and v3 of the API.
So the jist of your question is that when you run the same text in your app, and in the demo you get different big5 results, while the facet values are about the same.
This might be easiest solved by you opening a support ticket so we can debug the issue together; if you'd rather not do that then can you provide a sample text? Typically it boils down to a difference in the way the text is parsed.
Another question; did you try making the request using curl? That would cut out any custom logic in your app and narrow down the problem.

thanks Neil for you answer!
We tested the text using CURL and we noticed that the results didn't change by the service version used but instead by how the text was sent. If we called the service using curl passing a plain text input(formatted in UTF-8 with line breaks) it returned the same results for version2 and version 3 and also matched the ones from our demo. If we called the service using curl passing json input WITHOUT line breaks it returned the same values as well. But if we called the service passing the json input WITH line breaks then the results changed and almost matched those shown by ibm demo. My question here is which are the correct results? The ones shown when the text is sent as a plain text input(with line breaks) or when the text is sent as json input(with line breaks)? Is there any technical guideline besides the one shown in developercloud on how the text should be parsed to use this service?
Thanks again!


Make tile-ID request URL work with mapbox-style "satellite-streets" using folium

I use Python for plotting geospatial data on maps.
For certain map-styles, such as ["basic", "streets", "outdoors", "light", "dark", "satellite", "satellite-streets"], I need a mapbox-access token and for some geospatial plotting packages like folium I even need to create my own link for retrieving the map-tiles.
So far, it worked great with the style "satellite":
mapbox_style = "satellite"
mapbox_access_token = "....blabla"
request_link = f"https://api.mapbox.com/v4/mapbox.{mapbox_style}/{{z}}/{{x}}/{{y}}#2x.jpg90?access_token={mapbox_access_token}"
However, when choosing "satellite-streets" as mapbox-tile-ID, the output doesn't show a background map anymore. It fails with inserting "satellite-streets", "satellitestreets" and "satellite_streets" into the aforementioned link-string.
Why is that and how can I come to know what's the correct tile-ID-name for "satellite-streets"?
I found an answer when reaching out to the customer support.
Apparently, one has to access the static APIs which have specific names listed on their website:
"In general, the styles that you mentioned including
"satellite_streets" that you are referencing are our classic styles
that are going to be deprecated starting June 1st. I would recommend
using our modern static API the equivalent modern styles. This
will allow you to see the most updated street data as well.
Like the example request below:
Here is more info on the deprecation of the classic styles and
the migration guide for them."
My personal adaptation after having tried everything out myself, is:
Via combining the above-mentioned with the details on how to construct a Mapbox-request link on this documention from mapbox' website,
I finally managed to make it work.
An example request looks like so (in python using f-strings):
mapbox_tile_URL = f"https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/{tileset_ID_str}/tiles/{tilesize_pixels}/{{z}}/{{x}}/{{y}}#2x?access_token={mapbox_access_token}"
The tileset_ID_str could be e.g. "satellite-streets-v11" which can be seen at the following link containing valid static maps.

Undefined parameter in Google Action

I have a DialogFlow agent I am trying to test on Google Assistant. I've created a relatively simple Intent called "Set name" with the following Training phrases:
My name is Ryan.
I'm Steve
The name's Bond. James Bond.
It has two parameters:
Required: given-name with the Entity #sys.given-name and the value stored as $given-name
last-name with the Entity #sys.last-name and the value $last-name
I'm able to test in just fine in the DialogFlow test console. But when I try to "See how it works in Google Assistant." I get the following error:
Request contains an invalid argument. The query pattern 'The name's
Bond. $SchemaOrg_Person:given-name $SchemaOrg_Person:last-name.'
contains an undefined parameter 'last-name.'
If I delete the "James Bond" training phrase, it works okay. But I would like to include that. What am I doing wrong?
Here is a screenshot of the intent that is causing the problem:
Here is the link I'm clicking to try in Google Assistant:
And finally, here is the error message that appears in the bottom-right corner of the screen when I click that link:
I suddenly got a few of these error messages when both clicking the "See how it works in Google Assistant" link and submitting the app for production.
It seems like characters like apostrophes and hyphens in the training phrases creates trouble and can give that error message.
In addition it complained about a variant of the training phrases that I could not find anywhere no matter how much I looked at all languages, all pages of the phrases and all intents. I finally found the phrase in question by exporting the project and searching through the JSON files. Then I could delete the phrase locally, delete the intent in Dialogflow and do an import back to Dialogflow. (From my understanding it had messed up a follow-up intent which it also in the JSON (nowhere in the UI) had attached parts of some training phrases.)
Try to remove the dot from the sentence. So it will be:
"The name's Bond. James Bond"
I ran into same error and finally it was found to be an issue with the additional language I have added.
There was default "en" language and "en-IN" added by me. The issue was with training phrases in "en-IN" language. I didn't need it so removed it and it worked fine.
So, do check how many languages are enabled in your agent and whether training phrases are set properly for them or not.

How create node with unicode property in Neo4jClient?

I am using Neo4jClient in C#.
I added several nodes with properties which contains string in nicode format. The thing is that when i query nodes back in C# i get ???? instead of unicode values the same happen when i review data via Neo4j server DataBrowser page.
I added node directly in Neo4j server with unicode property, everything looks ok.
How can i tune Neo4jClient to create node/relationships with unicode properties?
thank you in advance
p.s. in neo4j-wrapper.conf file i found wrapper.java.additional.3=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
This is a known issue:
Please monitor that issue to know when it is fixed.

Trying to figure out what {s: ;} tags mean and where they come from

I am working on migrating posts from the RightNow infrastructure to another service called ZenDesk. I noticed that whenever users added files or even URL links, when I pull the xml data from RightNow it gives me a lot of weird codes like this:
{s:3:""url"";s:45:""/files/56f5be6c1/MUG_presso.pdf"";s:4:""name"";s:27:""MUG presso.pdf"";s:4:""size"";s:5:""2.1MB"";}
It wasn't too hard to write something that parses them and makes normal urls and links, but I was just wondering if this is something specific to the RightNow service, or if it is a tag system that is used. I tried googling for this but am getting some weird results so, thought stack overflow might have someone who has run into this one.
So, anyone know what these {s ;} tags are called and if there are any particular tools to use to read them?
Any answers appreciated!
This resembles partial PHP serialized data, as returned by the serialize() call. It looks like someone may have turned each " into "", which could prevent it from parsing properly. If it's wrapped with text like this before the {s: section, it's almost definitely PHP.
These letters/numbers mean things like "an array with six elements follows", "a string of length 20 follows", etc.
You can use any PHP instance with unserialize() to handle the data. If those double-quotes are indeed returned by the API, you might need to replace :"" and ""; with " before parsing.
Parsing modules exist for other languages like Python. You can find more information in this answer.

2 legged oauth and spreadsheet updating

I am using the google api to update some spreadsheets (using 2 legged oauth as explained here, except that I check the Two legged access control box ).
Creating the spreadsheets work fine, creating new worksheets inside a spreadsheet also works fine. But I can not seem to interact with the data on the spreadsheet....
I get either:
using listFeed
We're sorry, a server error occurred. Please wait a bit and try reloading your spreadsheet.
using CellFeed
Any ideas ?
I ran into both of these errors when learning the Google spreadsheets API. I wish Google did a better job documenting these.
My issue with the listFeed method was that I was using upper case letters and spaces in my GDataSpreadsheetCustomElement names. Google doesn't like this. Here is what I posted on a similar question: Add row in spreadsheet (List-based feed) but it not works
"This very misleading error can occur if the GDataEntrySpreadsheetList you're trying to insert contains no GDataSpreadsheetCustomElements that are relevant to the worksheet.
When creating a GDataSpreadsheetCustomElement, the string you use for "name" must match the value in the first row of the spreadsheet for the column you're interested in, EXCEPT that it must be converted to all lower-case and have all spaces removed."
My issue with authentication using CellFeed was that I was using the wrong FeedURL. The feedURL you want when updating cells is [[worksheet cellsLink] URL]; where worksheet is the GDataEntryWorksheet object for the worksheet you're editing.