Facebook Open Graph Analytics - facebook

I am trying to figure out how many likes came from a facebook fangate page.
For example,
http://example.com/ has 1000 likes.
The example's fangate page has a "Like" button to http://example.com/
Does Facebook's open graph analytics have a tool to bring up data on where these links come from?
Is there a way to pull up data to analyze this? Say is there a way I was able to have data that told me
200 Likes came from example fangate page
300 likes came from some other site etc.

You have analyics for the Facebook Fanpage. Not for a URL.
If you are the administrator of the page. acess this link http://www.facebook.com/YOUR_PAGE_HERE/page_insights_likes
You cant see the source of like, but you can see the types of likes. If come from the page, from a like button, from a popup, from timeline, from celphone...


Where do facebook like for my website homepage come from?

My website homepage is Edit Photos For Free.
I use Facebook Like to see the number of likes for my homepage which is rapidly growing day by day.
But I wonder, I have not put any facebook like button in anywhere, even in my website's homepage. From where those likes came from. The no. of likes just now is 8,470. it's growing rapidly i.e. more than 200-300+ likes per day. How is this possible ?
Not a big deal , you dont have facebook like button on your website but people can search for your page on facebook and google also displays facebook pages in top search results so people can easily get its link and like it .
eg. like if you like ice cream , you can type it on facebook and get to the page and like it , similarly people must be searching for your website and likin
Facebook not just count liks on Like Button but also count all shares of your website, if someone share on Facebook links to your website Facebook will index this shares as likes.

Want to get website's like box to link with fan page instead of websites administrative intereface?

I am trying to link a like box on website to facebook fan page.
I created an APP (developer.facebook.com), went to settings -> advanced -> add page to create a fan page for a band. Then I used this open graph like button (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/) to link page.
It is working on website, but when I click like, it creates a 3rd page, an insight page, with this message "This is the administration interface for your webpage at http://witheri.com. You can see Insights and publish to the users that have liked your webpage. Only the administrators of the webpage can view this interface, other users are sent to the webpage."
This is all fine, but I want the likes to appear on the fan page instead of the insight page. How can I fix this?
That message explains the situation; the people who use the Like button are liking http://witheri.com , the page you see on Facebook.com is only visible to you, and lets you see the insights for who likes the page, and lets you post things which will appear in the fans' news feeds

Like button for Facebook page shows generic Facebook description in News Feed

I want a Like button on my web site that Likes my Facebook profile (rather than my web page), so that when a user clicks it they subscribe to my Facebook posts.
I've created the Like button using the tool at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/
Further down that page there is an FAQ entry:
Can I link the Like button to my Facebook page?
Yes. Simply specify the URL of your Facebook page in the href
parameter of the button.
So, I've edited the href parameter to point to my Facebook page. eg:
When a user clicks the Like button it has the desired effect. The user ends up having Liked my Facebook page. This is easily verified by the user going to my Facebook profile and checking that the Like button has changed to Liked.
But. When the user clicks the Like button, and entry appears in their News Feed with a generic Facebook description. ie:
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and
others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to
keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, post links
and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.
I don't want a generic post about Facebook to appear. I want the description to relate to my Facebook account and/or web site.
Normally, I could modify this behavior with the Opengraph og: description tag, but as the page in the href is a Facebook page and not my own, I can't control the Opengraph tags.
I'm pretty sure that this was working okay before I enabled timeline for my account, so maybe this is a timeline bug?
So, how do I add a Like button which a) Likes my Facebook profile rather than one of my own web pages, and b) Posts a description of my Facebook profile rather than give a generic Facbook description?
Are all your fields in the info part of your page filled in, and/or completed? I just tested your theory and it seemed to work as expected, only thing is I know all fields in "info" are filled it. Give that a try.
This may happen if you have filled invalid/incomplete/wrong og tags in past and later changed them. Facebook's cache creates problem sometime.
Try putting all the entries (i.e. all og tags) and then debug them here http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug. This debugger gives a detailed info about the url with og tags and also clears the cache for you.
This should solve the problem.
You have 3 important fields that used on page opengraph: Name,Description,Profile Image.
They are used when some one post your link on Facebook, or Google or some else web service that handle opengraph.
Actually, the suggested answers currently do not work and there is an open bug / ticket on Facebook for it. Up to now, there's no fix.
The problem is that you can not use simply https://www.facebook.com/myfacebookid. You should copy and paste the exact page URL. If you have a low number of likes it would look something like https://www.facebook.com/pages/[YourPageName]/[Your page Id]/, and this is the URL that you should use at this point.
If it does not work, try also https://www.facebook.com/[YourPageName]/[Your page Id]/.
In short, copy-paste the URL, do not type it manually.

How to get users who liked my website pages?

I am generating Like buttons for each of all my pages, objects or something that can be liked. After that I want to display on a page called "User statistics" all users who liked pages.
Searched web - nothing interesting.
Need a server side solution, no JS.
No. There's isn't a summary page.
But you can see number of shares/likes by using Graph API, for example

Facebook Like Count Discrepancies - Page vs. Button

there is a huge discrepancy between the number of likes our page has received and the number of likes displayed when using the like button, and giving it the facebook page's URL (like button is much higher). Does anyone know why this happens?
As described in the doc :
What makes up the number shown on my Like button?
The number shown is the sum of:
The number of likes of this URL
The number of shares of this URL (this includes copy/pasting a link back to Facebook)
The number of likes and comments on stories on Facebook about this URL
The number of inbox messages containing this URL as an attachment.
I am a Facebook Partner Engineer working on platform. To bring your Facebook page Likes to your web page you should use the Like Box rather than the like button. This will allow you to gain Facebook page likes from your website while also giving you the option to show your page's stream stories right in your web site.
You can find out more about the like box here:
I hope this helps!
My understanding is the like button aggregates likes, comments and other interactions.
Basically the counter next to the button isn't the like count but an activity or interaction count.
You can get the actual like count through the graph api if you need it.