Where do facebook like for my website homepage come from? - facebook

My website homepage is Edit Photos For Free.
I use Facebook Like to see the number of likes for my homepage which is rapidly growing day by day.
But I wonder, I have not put any facebook like button in anywhere, even in my website's homepage. From where those likes came from. The no. of likes just now is 8,470. it's growing rapidly i.e. more than 200-300+ likes per day. How is this possible ?

Not a big deal , you dont have facebook like button on your website but people can search for your page on facebook and google also displays facebook pages in top search results so people can easily get its link and like it .
eg. like if you like ice cream , you can type it on facebook and get to the page and like it , similarly people must be searching for your website and likin

Facebook not just count liks on Like Button but also count all shares of your website, if someone share on Facebook links to your website Facebook will index this shares as likes.


Facebook like count not working on my site

Hope you can help with the below, which I've spent most of this weekend trying to resolve but to no avail.
I use a social share and vote plugin on my website, which works perfectly for G+ Twitter Pinterest etc etc. However my facebook like button simply does not want to work.
Example, yesterday I posted this on my websites facebook page.
As you can see, this links to this page of my website which has its like, share, +1 counts etc at the bottom: http://www.superluigibros.com/evolution-of-mario
As you can see from the Facebook post it has 85 likes. Yet the website shows only 1 like?
The social plugin that I use asks for an App ID. I have created, and activated an App in Facebook and put the App ID in the relevant field of the plugin.
However I am not sure that the App is actually set up properly on the Facebook side, or maybe it lacks the permission to actually count the likes?
The only other point of note is that I am using another Facebook widget (the one that shows who likes our page) in a seperate module. Could this be conflicting in some way?
If anyone could help would be greatly appreciated. I really dont understand whats up with it
Best regards
This is the case because those are two completely different things:
On http://www.superluigibros.com/evolution-of-mario the number of likes is the number of times the URL was liked
With https://www.facebook.com/116091541779464/photos/a.496114153777199.1073741829.116091541779464/696621417059804/?type=1 you just posted an image also present on your page to your Facebook pages. The like count show the likes only for this image
So, what you need to do is to add the OpenGraph tags properly to your website, as described at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/using-objects#selfhosted-creating Then, you shouldn't share just an image on your Facebook page's feed, but the URL instead. FB will then pull the content for the image etc. from your website upon sharing.
The like counter in your facebook post is handled separately from the likes of your website page. Each "like" that your post receive doesn't count towards the site's like counter.
EDIT: I've just tested your site's like counter, and it's counting correctly as I have just liked it myself.

Facebook Open Graph Analytics

I am trying to figure out how many likes came from a facebook fangate page.
For example,
http://example.com/ has 1000 likes.
The example's fangate page has a "Like" button to http://example.com/
Does Facebook's open graph analytics have a tool to bring up data on where these links come from?
Is there a way to pull up data to analyze this? Say is there a way I was able to have data that told me
200 Likes came from example fangate page
300 likes came from some other site etc.
You have analyics for the Facebook Fanpage. Not for a URL.
If you are the administrator of the page. acess this link http://www.facebook.com/YOUR_PAGE_HERE/page_insights_likes
You cant see the source of like, but you can see the types of likes. If come from the page, from a like button, from a popup, from timeline, from celphone...

Like button on website page link to like facebook page (differents urls)

I saw a lot of posts here and didn't find an answer. Let me explain. I have a site and a facebook page facebook . com/example . com. In website there is a like button for each page, so users can like example . com/page, example . com/page2. So I don't know if it is possible that when a user like page1 that this like increases like on facebook .com/example . com> page?
So resuming :
facebook . com/example . com has 2 likes.
example . com/page1 has 1 like.
example . com/page1 has 7 likes.
I would see on facebook.com/example.com on middle left 10 likes.
Is this possible? If yes how can I do it?
It is not possible, because every like button "likes" only one object. And there is no object hierarchy so that one object would consist of many other objects or one object accumulates the likes of other objects.
What you could do is to put a like button for your facebook.com/example.com page on every website. But in this case every like button shows the same like count. Then you can subscribe to the edge event with the javascript api and count the like-button-hits on every website: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/javascript/FB.Event.subscribe/
This allows you to display a counter for like-button-hits on every website but you are not allowed to display it as a facebook button.
Another solution would be to put different like buttons on every website and fetch the like counts with the facebook Graph API http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/. The sum could be displayed on the facebook page, but again not looking like an usual like count.
I think you should have looked first in Facebook before you ask here (but I guess that's FB's fault as well because the link for its help section is at the bottom of the page and if you scroll down, the timeline keeps showing older posts instead of letting you see the bottom links). Check this: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/web/
Not sure you are using a plugin in your website to accomplish this or using API directly. If you are using a Plugin, try Spider Facebook and it gives you a feature to add a hardcoded URL instead of a dynamic URL by page or by post. Spiderrock Facebook

Like count from "Like" button vs sharing URL on fanpage

I'm not sure if I have an issue or just a misunderstanding.
I have the following link
The "like" button on the page and graph api state I have 22 shares
However, on my Facebook fan page the same link has 70 plus likes
Up until a few days ago, I was under the impression that the likes that occurred on my fan page where eventually added to the count displayed on the "like" button for said link.
Am I wrong? Did something change? Help?
https://graph.facebook.com/http://theberrics.com/trickipedia/fakie-kickflip-hd.html shows the number of shares (people hitting share or liking it on the page its on as that shares it)
Liking its on your Fan Page is people liking that news entry not the link itself. If someone hits the share button on the same line as the like/comment/share then that will increase the share count.
Have the same problem, up until recently likes and shares of URL on facebook.com were counted and combined in like/share count for that URL (i.e. number displayed on like button on that page).
The count now only shows likes that were produced by like button, disregarding likes/shares of the same URL on facebook.com..
Did Facebook change that behaviour premamanently ? (it happened temporary before, but havent lasted so long, more than a month for now..)

Facebook Like Count Discrepancies - Page vs. Button

there is a huge discrepancy between the number of likes our page has received and the number of likes displayed when using the like button, and giving it the facebook page's URL (like button is much higher). Does anyone know why this happens?
As described in the doc :
What makes up the number shown on my Like button?
The number shown is the sum of:
The number of likes of this URL
The number of shares of this URL (this includes copy/pasting a link back to Facebook)
The number of likes and comments on stories on Facebook about this URL
The number of inbox messages containing this URL as an attachment.
I am a Facebook Partner Engineer working on platform. To bring your Facebook page Likes to your web page you should use the Like Box rather than the like button. This will allow you to gain Facebook page likes from your website while also giving you the option to show your page's stream stories right in your web site.
You can find out more about the like box here:
I hope this helps!
My understanding is the like button aggregates likes, comments and other interactions.
Basically the counter next to the button isn't the like count but an activity or interaction count.
You can get the actual like count through the graph api if you need it.