can't find rhodes, need version 3.2.0 or greater - rhodes

I just started with Rhodes cross platform mobile application development. I followed the rhostudio tutorial to install RhoStudio and to start creating a Rhodes application.
Once I click the Finish button in create new project wizard I get an error message:
Cannot find Rhodes, need rhodes version equal or greater 3.0.1

That's because /YOURPATH/bin/ruby is not in the PATH, you have two choices:
add that to PATH
run your eclipse from terminal.(only if you are using rvm, for PATH
is modified by rvm when start from shell, start eclipse from GUI won't


Can you please help me with my Eclipse build error

I have made a basic Android App for my studies in Eclipse 2020-12 (lines up with the study module).
Now I want to run my app in the emulator to test it, but when I click on Run (the green little arrow), I get the error below. How do I fix it?
I followed these steps to install and setup my Eclipse:
I have the following installed:
JRE 1.8.0,
Java 8,
Android SDK
Keep in mind, I am new to all of this so you will have to give me Android for Dummies step by step instructions, lol.
Extra Info

Using core-plugins in phonegap build 2.9

I'm building a simple app for Windows Phone 8 (with limits me to PG 2.9, since PG 3.0 is not yet supporting WP8).
When I include one of core plugins (3rd party ones work just fine) in my config.xml, I get "Unable to create app: plugin unsupported" error.
Changanging PG version to 3.0 fixes problem, and shows included plugin under "Plugins" tab.
So the question is: how to use core plugins in PGB 2.9?
You don't need to use the plugin tag in your config.xml file for 2.9.0. That's why you're getting the error.
We're planning on rolling out support for Windows Phone 8 in PhoneGap Build by the end of the week so you can use 3.0.0 and not have this issue.

working with samsung smart tv sdk 4.1 for Mac

i have stupid question)
im install 2013_Samsung_TV_SDK_4_1_MacOS.pkg and download and setup .ova file for virtual box.
so i thought finally all is DONE. but not.
when im check in directory cd ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/ icon 'Samsung Smart TV SDK Editor' for launch editor i have this
==The alias “Samsung Smart TV SDK Editor ” can’t be opened because the original item can’t be found.==
so before i must insall ECLIPSE ?
because when i get info of icon = i seen the path of original ==/Users/SDK/SDK_INSTALL/build_tree/Samsung Smart TV SDK 4/eclipse/
i have not ECLIPSE IDE and i need install eclipse now ? and after egain install 2013_Samsung_TV_SDK_4_1_MacOS.pkg ?
if its true . which kind of ECLIPSE type ? indigo? juno? which version ? (i use MAC v 10.7.5)
so! my update! for everyone who need smart tv sdk for MAC . 8 steps
download eclipse-javascript-indigo-SR2 for macosx (example eclipse-javascript-indigo-SR2-macosx-cocoa.tar.gz)
download and install 2013_Samsung_TV_SDK_4_1_MacOS.pkg (go to link
move all files 'eclipse' folder (from archive eclipse-javascript-indigo-SR2-macosx-cocoa.tar.gz) to directory where your smart tv sdk (example ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/eclipse/)
install virtual box and setup 2013_Smart_TV_Emulator_4_1 (2013_Smart_TV_Emulator.ovf file) - instruction here
launch Samsung Smart TV SDK Editor (i have icon-launcher here ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/)
setup work environment (all Apps must be here ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/Apps)
create project and if you need -> import file-application form other store (if someone already developed an app and you need to open that app)
launch virtual box -> launch smart tv emulator -> open App and choose your project
The accepted answer didn't work for me when getting the IDE up and running on OSX 10.8.4, but this did:
Install 2013_Samsung_TV_SDK_4_1_MacOS.pkg
It will install files to your User Directory
Download this version of Eclipse:
Copy the from the above download into ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/eclipse/ directory...
Tried the above steps but didn't get it to work. So I experimented a bit. Here's my two cents:
Make sure that the eclipse you download is the appropriate version for your Mac (that is 32bit or 64bit). If you get a strange error mentioning that it's not able to load SWT components, then it's likely you downloaded the wrong version.
I tried both copying all eclipse files from ~/Downloads/eclipse to ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/eclipse, and only to ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/eclipse/. However it worked when I merged all files EXCEPT directory configuration and artifacts.xml from ~/Downloads/eclipse to ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/eclipse/. Make sure that you don't delete and write directories plugins/ and features/, as the Samsung SDK version contains the eclipse plugins.
Hope I helped!

RCP Building for mac fails using Delta Pack

I am having troubles building my RCP Application for Mac using the Delta Pack. I have Delta Pack 3.7.2 installed and configured right (inserted into a target platform ) and the Building part completes just perfectly.
When I try to run the build app on my windows(Dev PC) it works fine. But when I zip the Mac version and try to run it on my mac, then it fails on every version I try:
Cocoa 32b,
Cocoa 64b,
Carbon etc
The app won't open and I don't get an error message.
Is there a way to get an error message anyway? Has anyone had this problem before?
When you build for a mac on a windows machine you should not build directly to a directory. Instead you should build to an archive. Then put this archive on the mac and expand it there. Then everything should work

ADT Plugin Directory Location for SDK - (MotoDev)

Right now I am setting up Motodev.
Its a Android Development Suite built on Eclipse, created by Motorola.
What is needed is the Android SDK. Check, got that, newest version, everything is set with that.
Now it says I need the ADT Eclipse plugin. Version 20.0.1, currently mine is v18.
I know where to get it, I can easily get it, but I am curious, where should it be installed? Currently I dont have eclipse I am just using MotoDev. But since Motodev asks where the SDK location is, and says my ADT plugin is out of date, I am assuming I have to install the ADT in the SDK directory. But is there somewhere more specific to put it? In a specific folder? or just in the top level of the SDK directory?
Thanks for your time.
Unfortunately, you can't use ADT20 with MOTODEV Studio 4.0. The plugins had some API changes between 18 and 20 that made them incompatible with each other. You will need to roll your SDK back to 19 until we can release a newer version. I wrote about this about a week ago on the MOTODEV Studio blog.
We're done with the engineering work on the new version. It's just a matter of getting the push to the web server scheduled. I expect it to be ready by late next week or early the following week.
Until then, if you need to use ADT20 for Jellybean development, use Eclipse for Mobile Developers plus the MOTODEV Core Plugins (using Help>Eclipse Marketplace). Most of the functionality of the installed product is there, but without the dependency on ADT. See the blog for details on how to set that up.