RCP Building for mac fails using Delta Pack - eclipse

I am having troubles building my RCP Application for Mac using the Delta Pack. I have Delta Pack 3.7.2 installed and configured right (inserted into a target platform ) and the Building part completes just perfectly.
When I try to run the build app on my windows(Dev PC) it works fine. But when I zip the Mac version and try to run it on my mac, then it fails on every version I try:
Cocoa 32b,
Cocoa 64b,
Carbon etc
The app won't open and I don't get an error message.
Is there a way to get an error message anyway? Has anyone had this problem before?

When you build for a mac on a windows machine you should not build directly to a directory. Instead you should build to an archive. Then put this archive on the mac and expand it there. Then everything should work


Freeze on Copying APK file

I created a new empty project, switched platform to Android and started Build and Run. But when it comes to "Copying APK File to device" it just freezes and I have to restart Unity.
I installed Android SDK & NDK tools just before that (through Unity Hub). Android Build Support was installed by me manually a while ago so it was visible as installed in Add Modules window. I did not do any changes to the project. The most interesting thing is that the apk is built in my Builds folder. Not sure if it works though.
I am using Unity 2019.1.0f2. The device Android version is 9.0 (API level 28) and the minimum API set in Player is 16, so the problem should not be with API.
Does anyone know possible reasons for it?
Try to turn off the following setting on your android device.
Settings -> Developer options -> Monitor apps installed by ADB
This setting(if turned on) will ask a verrification if you want to install the app. It feels like this cuts off the connection with unity which causes it to get stuck.
Unplugging and replugging the device seems to work aswell. In case of big projects this is anoying tho since if you are to quick it will just say it lost connection and it will ask if you want to reconnect, which in turn causes the same problem.
This is the only answer that worked for me:
In short, Player settings -> Publishing settings -> Split application binary
First of I would ask you on what computer did you run this on? (performance wise)
Second you can just copy the .apk file to the phone and install it there. If you got to where it prompts for copying to android your apk file is fine and built.

Can't debug native Android apps in Genymotion via Eclipse

I've built my application as an x86 native app, and I've ran it on Genymotion. The problem occurs when I try to debug from Eclipse. In the console view, I get the age old:
gdbserver output:
run-as: exec failed for lib/gdbserver Error:No such file or directory
Verify if the application was built with NDK_DEBUG=1
It all works fine with ARM builds though. I checked that the x86 gdbserver is getting included in my .apk lib/x86/gdbserver. I've also read that the x86 versions of android include a gdbserver locally anyway, so not sure what the point of all that is.
I've been able to manually attach the included gdbserver using adb shell, and then get Eclipse to attach to it remotely using this is a starting point: How to get ndk-gdb working on Android?
It doesn't mention anything about x86 or Genymotion though. Unfortunately, it's tedious, and it's seemingly useless since it doesn't load any symbols (though that's probably because of my ignorance.)
Is there any guidance for making this setup, using Eclipse and Genymotion to debug native apps, work?
Sadly, this is due to a bug in Genymotion v2.2
It will be fixed on our next release (I work for Genymotion).
You are right, gdbserver is not deployed from the apk, and this is why it doesn't work.
You can find here a patch to apply that will fix this apk deployment bug for Genymotion KitKat devices created with Genymotion 2.2: native-debug-fix.kitkat.zip
Warning this patch is only for:
Kitkat (Android 4.4.2) devices
created with genymotion v2.2
Don't apply the patch on other devices, it will brake things.
to apply the patch, simply drag n'drop the zip file on genymotion.

working with samsung smart tv sdk 4.1 for Mac

i have stupid question)
im install 2013_Samsung_TV_SDK_4_1_MacOS.pkg and download 2013_Smart_TV_Emulator_4_1_VB.zip and setup .ova file for virtual box.
so i thought finally all is DONE. but not.
when im check in directory cd ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/ icon 'Samsung Smart TV SDK Editor' for launch editor i have this
==The alias “Samsung Smart TV SDK Editor ” can’t be opened because the original item can’t be found.==
so before i must insall ECLIPSE ?
because when i get info of icon = i seen the path of original ==/Users/SDK/SDK_INSTALL/build_tree/Samsung Smart TV SDK 4/eclipse/Eclipse.app==
i have not ECLIPSE IDE and i need install eclipse now ? and after egain install 2013_Samsung_TV_SDK_4_1_MacOS.pkg ?
if its true . which kind of ECLIPSE type ? indigo? juno? which version ? (i use MAC v 10.7.5)
so! my update! for everyone who need smart tv sdk for MAC . 8 steps
download eclipse-javascript-indigo-SR2 for macosx (example eclipse-javascript-indigo-SR2-macosx-cocoa.tar.gz)
download and install 2013_Samsung_TV_SDK_4_1_MacOS.pkg (go to link https://www.samsungdforum.com/Devtools/Sdkdownload)
move all files 'eclipse' folder (from archive eclipse-javascript-indigo-SR2-macosx-cocoa.tar.gz) to directory where your smart tv sdk (example ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/eclipse/)
install virtual box and setup 2013_Smart_TV_Emulator_4_1 (2013_Smart_TV_Emulator.ovf file) - instruction here http://www.samsungdforum.com/Guide/d10/index.html#install-the-smart-tv-emulator-in-virtual-box
launch Samsung Smart TV SDK Editor (i have icon-launcher here ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/)
setup work environment (all Apps must be here ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/Apps)
create project and if you need -> import file-application form other store (if someone already developed an app and you need to open that app)
launch virtual box -> launch smart tv emulator -> open App and choose your project
The accepted answer didn't work for me when getting the IDE up and running on OSX 10.8.4, but this did:
Install 2013_Samsung_TV_SDK_4_1_MacOS.pkg
It will install files to your User Directory
Download this version of Eclipse: http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/download.eclipse.org/eclipseMirror/technology/epp/downloads/release/indigo/SR2/eclipse-javascript-indigo-SR2-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.tar.gz
Copy the Eclipse.app from the above download into ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/eclipse/ directory...
Tried the above steps but didn't get it to work. So I experimented a bit. Here's my two cents:
Make sure that the eclipse you download is the appropriate version for your Mac (that is 32bit or 64bit). If you get a strange error mentioning that it's not able to load SWT components, then it's likely you downloaded the wrong version.
I tried both copying all eclipse files from ~/Downloads/eclipse to ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/eclipse, and only Eclipse.app to ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/eclipse/. However it worked when I merged all files EXCEPT directory configuration and artifacts.xml from ~/Downloads/eclipse to ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/eclipse/. Make sure that you don't delete and write directories plugins/ and features/, as the Samsung SDK version contains the eclipse plugins.
Hope I helped!

How to build native app bundles for Windows, Linux & Mac in a single build?

I am running my build on Windows 8 O.S. , 64 bit machine. I have JavaFx2.0 and Java 1.7.0_09 installed on my system. I am able to build a 64 bit window executable that launches my JavaFx application as a self-contained Javafx application.
Now I want to deliver native app bundles on Windows, Linux and Mac without build my project on all three platforms i.e I would like to achieve these set of bundles in a single build that I suppose to run on by Windows 8 O.S. 64 bit machine.
I am also okay if I can do it by distributing a single Application JAR file as .zip for MAC and Linux. But what I want is that JAR should work on there respective platform.
When I used to run a single application Jar on MAC using command
java -jar application.jar
It always shows a dialog "The application require a newer version of Java Run-time" with download link. Even I have downloaded and successfully installed it on my MAC machine but it still shows me the same window.
I don't want the users to experience such difficulties while running my JavaFX application on MAC and Linux.
What I need to ship more with the Application JAR so the users can run my JavaFx application on MAC and Linux without any hassle?
I guess you are making the JavaFX Solution in a 64bit machine and on the other hand you must be having all the SDK and runtime for 64bit version. The problem is that the application made using 64bit version of SKD would required 64 bit OS to render itself. So the bottom line is, is yout mac and linux PC have 64bit version of OS and JavaFX Runtime as well as Java7.X all 64 bit? If not then you must update your runtime to 64bit version or make your application in a 32bit version of SDK. One quick suggestion. If your mac or linux is 64bit(I dont have much idea about mac) then just install a browser i.e. 64bit version and runtimes and try out. I was having the same problem and that got fixed. Let me know if my answer caused any confusion.

Running directx SDK samples on a Windows Mobile 6.1 device

I tried to run the directx samples from ..\Windows Mobile 6 SDK\Samples\PocketPC\CPP\win32\directx\d3dm\tutorials on a Samsung Omnia and on the emulator and it doesn't work because of a deployment error.
I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and have installed Windows Mobile SDK Standard and Professional refresh.
The device is correctly plugged in and set up for active sync (I know this because other samples work, also a creating Win32 smart device application and running it works).
When I try to run a directx sample application it compiles without errors but the message:
" There were deployment errors, Continue? Yes/No" appears
If I manually copy the application from the debug folder to the device and run it from there, it works.
The same deployment error message appears if I try it on an emulator. Other applications are deploying successfully.
Is there any way to make the deployment work? Maybe there is an obscure option I need to set...
What I do is:
Connect the Mobile device to the PC,
Open Visual Studio 2008,
Open a directx sample project,
Click Run (in Debug or Release mode).
The problem with the deployment is that the file msvcr80.dll could not be found.
It was specified at the deployment options as an additional file "Project->Properties->Configuration Properties->Deployment" then "General->Additional files"
with the paths msvcr80.dll|$(BINDIR)\$(INSTRUCTIONSET)\|%CSIDL_WINDOWS%|0;
Removing it makes the deployment successful. I have only tested this on a Windows Mobile 6.1 device and with the D3DM reference driver on an WM6.1/WM6 emulator.
What I haven't figured out is where does $(BINDIR)\$(INSTRUCTIONSET) point to.
Also I don't know why msvcr80.dll is in the addition files if it is not actually needed.
Is there actually a msvcr80.dll compiled for Windows Mobile platform on an ARM cpu?
I was able to resolve this issue after doing some low-level Sysinternals Debugging. It was trying to deploy NETCFv35.Messages.EN.cab to the device and in my case it was deleted for some reason. Re-installing .NET CF fixed the issue for me. Wish VS 2008 said what file was missing instead of a generic message. Hope this helps you too.