Facebook App Spam Threshold [closed] - facebook

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What will happen if the app cross the spam threshold? Will be app be taken down and be blacklisted?

It varies from app to app, so no guarantees, but in general you can expect one or all of the following -
Restriction of access to certain APIs, especially the ones you're maxing out spam reports on.
Removal from the App Center (if relevant)
Deletion of the App in question.
Deletion of all Apps you are an admin of
Deletion of your Facebook Account


Possible to publish app to specific app stores? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I was wondering, is it possible to publish an app to specific app stores, like ones where I know the ads will be targeted towards them? Or is there a way to set something in my app to do certain features for users in certain countries?
In iTunesConnect when creating a new App, after the first couple pages there an option at the bottom to "specific stores". Click on this and select only the store you want the app to be available in.

iOS in-app sign up or subscribing by phone [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to have a phone number displayed, and tappable on my app in which the user could call to subscribe to my service.
I'm aware that the App Store guidelines mention going to an external browser, but it doesn't mention anything about "phone-in" subscriptions.
Does anyone know if what I'm proposing is allowed?
In my experience Apple isn't very flexible in their guidelines. They make the final decision, and loopholes aren't something they're going to be lenient on. I would lean towards them disallowing what you're attempting. I wouldn't make that a core component of your app.

What does Facebook benefit from its Graph API? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I'm just wondering, what are the pros for Facebook to just give away user information (when allowed by the user of course) to external websites?
Benefits for Facebook
Customer Engagement
Drive Web Traffic
Reputation Management
New Customer Acquisition
Lead Generation
Client Retention
Feedback Mechanism

What is the consequence to customers of removing an iPhone app from the store [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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If we remove one of our apps from the iPhone app store what is the effect on all the people who have previously purchased the app. In other words if they change devices, or lose their phone and sign in with the same account used to buy our app, will they still be able to download it from the store? Or is it completely eliminated from Apple's servers?
They should still be able to download it even if they switch devices after you pull it from the store.

Can iPhone app's send meeting requests [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I have a client that wants an iPhone app that at some point sends a meeting request to a list of people. Is this allowed?
You need to be more specific. It can if those people have the same app or it can send an e-mail to them. If you are unsure wether is allowed by apple I can tell you that it is.
If event kit enables it seems like there should be no issues with this either.