How to show ios app version number WITHOUT objective-c code [duplicate] - iphone

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
This is not a duplicate. The referenced duplicate question specifically asks
"Is there a way in objective-C to find out what the version is of my app?"
whereas the current question asks how it can be found without writing any code.
Possible Duplicate:
How can my iphone app detect its own version number?
I am writing an ios app and would like my trial users to be able to tell me what version they are using.
I know that you can programmatically display the installed version of your app to a user as in these two posts:
How can I check the bundle version of our application programmatically? and How to display the current project version of my App to the user?
But do I have to do it programmatically? How can I show ios app version number WITHOUT objective-c code? On android the version is automatically available under Manage Applications.

I think you want to show your current version in the Settings bundle and the use your Info.plist to know the version as explained in the links in your question.
Here is a little tutorial:
Hope to be useful!

The following code will give you the version you have defined in your plist. You can use that to populate a UILabel.
NSString *appVersion = [[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:(NSString*)kCFBundleVersionKey];
You could use that information to populate a Settings Bundle so that it would show up in the main on the phone.

There is no built in support for showing the user the bundle version. You should use the links you have found to fetch and display the value yourself.
If this is a matter of finding out already distributed app's version numbers, there are ways of reading the plist, but this doesn't use built-in support. You might want to have a look at iFile (if jailbroken) or iExplorer if not jailbroken. These allow you view the ios device filesystem and read files directly. (iExplorer is limited to what files you can read, but you can read Info plists)


Is there any way for progressive web apps to access local filesystem?

Boss is requesting that we make our new email web app into a Progressive Web App. We are finding that there is no way to save local files from PWAs but he has asked that we keep looking for a way.
Can somebody please confirm that it is impossible to save files to the local filesystem when the webpage is running as a PWA?
Obviously for an email app you need to be able to download the files from your email, so without access to local filesystem storage there's no chance of downloading files right?
This would need to work across devices (iOS + Android)
Edit: This is not a duplicate of the question: "how to save a file in javascript"
That solution does not work and it seems to be documented that it doesn't work in PWAs on iOS:
Anyway you guys have indirectly answered my question, it seems this is not supported and there is no workaround.
The answer is: no, there is no way to download files to the local filesystem in a Progressive Web App on iOS -- they do not support it.
Quote from here:
This issue is based on the general iOS WebKit download attribute
issue. The download attribute in iOS is not working, therefore the
browser does not recognize the generated ObjectUrl as download and
ignores the provided filename.
This issue cannot be resolved by WebKit itself, because it involves
iOS proprietary code, which is the reason why all browsers on iOS are
affected. I personally triggered an Apple Care incident assisted by
the Browser Compliance Center of my employer and got a feedback from
This incident was classified as high priority and will be fixed for
future releases. It will not be available in iOS version 12.1 or any
prior version.

How to enable file sharing in iPhone app using iPhone sdk [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to enable file sharing for my app?
How can i enable file sharing functionality in iPhone app. I am very curious about this to know because when i connect my iPhone with iTunes then it show me three apps. One is Skype and second one is bump and third one is my own app. My app is about augmented reality and show some videos and images on specific markers, also i did social sharing and APNS work and flurry integration that all major working in my app and I did nothing which enable this functionality but why and how this happen. Kindly let me know. This will be great for me. Thanks.
You should Enable UIFileSharingEnabled in the application plist file, Keep this value to YES like this then your application can share data of your application documents
There is an option in {projectname}-Info.plist named "Application supports iTunes file sharing".
Your app will appear in iTunes File Sharing if the UIFileSharingEnabled key is set in its Info.plist. (This appears in the Xcode editor as "Application supports iTunes file sharing ".) If this is enabled in your project and you're not sure how, either you accidentally clicked something for this in Xcode, or you're working from a project template in which it's pre-set.

find iPhone places using xcode

I would like to know my iPhone places using Xcode like this app.I know all the details related to my iPhones.Kindly help me how to do this.
The actual Find My iPhone implementation details are certainly private and/or using private Apple frameworks (especially as it's a feature that users have to explicitly turn on and off via Settings and there's no user-facing app), but you could use CoreLocation in an app that you create that runs in the background, reporting your location to some server that your own.
I also found an alternative app named iLostMyi, but this requires a jailbroken phone.

Is a Dynamically Linked Framework possible on iOS?

The keyword here is possible. I know of a few resources that talk about this and how to create static frameworks - here: and here:
I'm interested to see if it's possible to create a dynamically linked framework in an app that will not be submitted to the app store. I know it's impossible to write to the application bundle on a device without jailbreaking it. Is it possible to say, download a compiled framework file, put it in the documents directory and then access it via the application (think plug-in architecture). I know that if it is, you would be turned away from the app store for submitting it, but let's say this was an enterprise app, or an ad-hoc distributed app where Apple would not have to approve.
In my initial research I haven't found anything supporting that it is possible, but I feel like this may be such a fringe case that no one has published anything about it. Looking for a guru to give me a definite "no" before I give up.
not sure if this is what you are after but according to Apple there dynamically linked libraries even usable in iOS - for example the system libraries... XCode contains copies of them and references them via symbolic links...
see near the end of this
just an idea:
put the .dylib + include files you want to use into the respective folders where XCode expects the system libraries... use themn and then put symlinks into your bundle on deployment... let the symlinks point where ou copy the .dylib
I believe the answer is no. Apps on the iPhone are sandboxed. That is, aside from Apple supplied frameworks, an app cannot access anything outside of its own build.
This is possible now with IOS 8 Xcode 6.

Is it possible to make your uploaded iphone application auto-update? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Can I force an iPhone user to upgrade an application?
(16 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am about to upload my Iphone application to the apple store, however I intend to release more versions in the near future. Is there anyway to make my application auto update once I upload a new version to the apple store?. That is as I am about to upload version 1.0, once i upload version 1.x, can the user be notified of this or can the application be auto-updated?. Can anyone point me in the right direction?. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
No, this functionality is not available on the iPhone. The AppStore provides updates through the store only, and Cydia provides updates through Cydia only.
The direction i've seen many applications take is at start, check an XML file that you host for information on newer versions, and typically display a message to the user (preferably in a news ticker or non-obstructive manor) about a new version being released, and why they should upgrade.
You can't auto-update, however as far as I'm aware nothing prevents you from notifying the user that a new version is available, within your app. For example you could contact a web server to find out what the latest version is, and compare that to a build number in your app bundle, then display an appropriate alert/notification to the user. Or, you could get fancy and use the 3.0 push notifications for this.
In theory the appstore app/itunes will do this anyway, but it's clear that a lot of users don't see that.
Another thing you can do using the method I outlined (that the app store won't do) is tell the users that a new version is available, what it does, and that it's waiting for apple.
Even simpler is just to embed an 'announcements' channel in your app somewhere. That lets you talk to your users without waiting for apple - you can tell them there is a new version on the way, etc. I do this with an app I'm beta testing - a button on the main screen shows announcements, which I pull from my server.
Maybe if enough app developers did this, apple would start turning the approvals around quicker. Or change the legalese to prevent it [assuming it doesn't already] :-)
This is functionality provided by the app store. When you submit new versions, after apple has approved them, they will become available through the app store as updates to users that already have the app installed.
User will see new available updates to apps he owns in iTunes. User can then choose to get the update.
I'm not sure about updates via iPhone but if you pay for data downloads you would prefer to download apps/updates over iTunes on your Mac and then sync to iPhone. It's cheaper that way.
My guess is automatic version updating is intentionally left out. Think about it: what kind of strain will they have on their server if everyone on the planet with an iPhone downloaded An update to Fruit Ninja at the same time? I think their passive notification to the users via the red circle and white number allows them to spread out/stagger the update downloads and reduce server load.