How to enable file sharing in iPhone app using iPhone sdk [duplicate] - iphone

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to enable file sharing for my app?
How can i enable file sharing functionality in iPhone app. I am very curious about this to know because when i connect my iPhone with iTunes then it show me three apps. One is Skype and second one is bump and third one is my own app. My app is about augmented reality and show some videos and images on specific markers, also i did social sharing and APNS work and flurry integration that all major working in my app and I did nothing which enable this functionality but why and how this happen. Kindly let me know. This will be great for me. Thanks.

You should Enable UIFileSharingEnabled in the application plist file, Keep this value to YES like this then your application can share data of your application documents

There is an option in {projectname}-Info.plist named "Application supports iTunes file sharing".

Your app will appear in iTunes File Sharing if the UIFileSharingEnabled key is set in its Info.plist. (This appears in the Xcode editor as "Application supports iTunes file sharing ".) If this is enabled in your project and you're not sure how, either you accidentally clicked something for this in Xcode, or you're working from a project template in which it's pre-set.


Can an iOS app have no icon?

Is it possible to create an app that does not appear in the Home screen, and allows another app to grab its resources (sounds, images, etc)?
I want to create a lightweight app (app #1) and upload it to the app store. Then I would like to be able to direct users to download an add-on (app #2) if they want that contains more images and sounds. Then app #1 would read these resources from app #2.
I'm trying to avoid having my own server to serve these images, and just have the App Store handle this for me. I know I can do this on Android, and was wondering if it's possible in iOS as well.
Is it possible to create an app that does not appear in the Home
screen, and allows another app to grab its resources (sounds, images,
Not only can you not create an app that's hidden from the user, you also can't access the resources of one app from another. Each app lives in its own sandbox and cannot read (or write) into the sandbox of another app.
I want to create a lightweight app (app #1) and upload it to the app
store. Then I would like to be able to direct users to download an
add-on (app #2) if they want that contains more images and sounds.
Then app #1 would read these resources from app #2.
The normal way to do something like that would be to host the resources you need on a server or just store them inside your app.
I'm trying to avoid having my own server to serve these images, and
just have the App Store handle this for me. I know I can do this on
Android, and was wondering if it's possible in iOS as well.
No, not possible.
If you are able to use the In-App Purchase system, then Apple will host this for you. From the docs, I'm not clear if this is iOS 6 only or is available for older versions (I haven't seen any reason it wouldn't work for older versions, but I haven't tried it).
Note that most iOS 6 specifics are under NDA, so please do not discuss them here until iOS 6 releases. This particular fact is public, however:
No it's not possible. You have to setup an icon and it will be displayed on the iPhone springboard.
No it cannot, why do you need one?
Sadly No in IOS but in android this is possible.
There can exist an app without an icon. But it can still be managed or removed in "Manage Application" under settings.
This is required in scenarios, like say I want this app to alert user when he is going out of region, using GPS in the background. I do not want any icon nor any user interface.

How I can save and use file locally in iphone application developed in AS3?

In a iPhone application developed with adobe air, I must save permanently from web to device some files (image or pdf).
For example for me is important that the files are not deleted when the app is closed or re-opened.
How I can do that?
For that you can use the applicationStorageDirectory. Take a look here:
This might be useful, as well:

iTunes App Store Language String

I would like to know where is the correct place to put the available languages of an app so they show at the iTunes App Store app description.
Some peeps here at SO say it should be at the binary while others say it is at the iTunes Connect Site.
Any idea?
The answer is probably both of those.
If you localize files in your app within Xcode and populate the InfoPlist.strings files correctly, then assuming the iOS device's system language changes then it will load them when your app is launched. You must also correctly setup your app's localizations within iTunes Connect as well, so that you can upload your description & screenshots (etc) in their localized formats too.
Hope this helps.
If you already uploaded your app to iTunes connect and you just want to show app description/screen shots in other language then follow this steps to add languages.
1. Open iTunes connect
2. Manage your Applications
3. Select your app and Click on View Details Button.
4. Click on Manage Localization button on right top side.
5. Click on Add Languages.
6. You will then redirect to select/fill up all the details for new language.
Hope this help.

Uploading new screenshots to iTunes Connect [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Editing screenshots in iTunes Connect after iPhone app was approved
I've recently uploaded an update for one of my iPhone apps, but I didn't update the screenshots. It has now dawned on me that they are old screens for the new game, which might be confusing for users.
Is there anyway to upload the new screenshots without submitting a new binary?
Seems like Apple can't make up their mind what they want to allow. Originally, you couldn't and then they changed it to allow you to change them and now you can't change them anymore.
Here's the relevant section of the documentation:
Important: Screenshots are locked for all apps except Newsstand apps.
Newsstand apps are able to change their screenshots without creating a
new version of the app.
Wait a sec, update Sept 16, 2010:
Screenshots are now an unlocked metadata attribute and can be updated at any time
From the iTunes Connect Developer Guide.
Although when I go into iTunes connect and click the Edit link to edit my Screenshots, I see that I can change the order of them but I don't see an upload button. I also see I can click an "X" at the top right of the screenshot. I assume this deletes it, but will I then get a box to add one back?? Not really sure I want to experiment here. So much for intuitive interfaces.
It looks to me like Apple's documentation doesn't match their implementation. I agree that iTunesConnect does not allow us to edit the large 512x512 icon (that's the case today anyway, 08.03.2011). But according to the iTunesConnect_DevelopmentGuide.pdf (version 6.9, July 20, 2011, p.97), "Clicking on the Edit button next to Uploads will allow you to edit the large app icon and your screenshots for your version. For Mac OS X apps, you will only be able to edit the screenshots, as the large icon is uploaded as part of the binary".

Can my app provide an "Update in App Store" link?

For various reasons I need my iPhone app to include a way to tell the user that a new update for the app is available and prompt them to go update in the App Store.
It looks like there used to be an undocumented way to give an HTML link that would lead the iPhone to open the Upgrade page for app, or something?
How can i make a link to update my iPhone application?
Unfortunately it appears that iTunes links have changed format from these old "Phobos"-type links (which used "WebObjects") to something new? I'm not very familiar with the old system or the new one...
Can I create a link that will take my users directly to the "upgrade apps" screen on the App Store? Or even better, one that will initiate the upgrade for my app immediately?
Apple provides an iTunes Link Maker tool which you can use:
Just put the "Media Type" as apps and type in the app name. Apple recommends using an NSURLConnection for opening the link within your app since it will cut out all of the re-directing that goes on and open straight into the AppStore app.