I have multiple layers in a visio document.
One overview layer and some "detailed" layers.
What I would like to do is double click a shape in the overview layer (layer 1) and toggle the detail layer (layer 2) (so when clicking the shape in layer 1, layer 1 should become invisible and layer 2 should become visible).
Is there an easy way to accomplish this in visio 2010?
I have searched around the internet and the only thing I found was to add the following formula to the shape's shapesheet "EventDblClick", but I get the errormessage "Error in Formula":
Thanks in advance.
For setting property of layer put ID after property
I have three base layers in a layer group
var baseLayers = {"Straßenkarte": osmLayer, "Luftbild": bingLayer, "Luftbild mit Straßennamen": bingLabelLayer};
makes my control. After
the last layer metioned there is shown on top. I can draw another layer on top with zIndex or for example
But in this case, the layer marked in the control does not change. How can I alter this (sorry, leaflet-dummy)?
Welcome to SO!
What you have probably missed is that the visibility of your basemaps should be modified by directly adding them to / removing them from the map, instead of fiddling with their z-index / DOM position with bringToFront.
Then the Leaflet Layers Control automatically syncs its selection when you programmatically add / remove Layers it knows.
I have 3 polygons, one is overlapped by 2 others. Is there a way to "bring to front"? Please show a programmatic example or demo of how this can be done.
Yes, it is called bringToFront():
Brings the layer to the top of all path layers.
I have PSD file with about thousand layers. And I have one selected shape area. And 0 layers are selected. Now my question is how to select only those layers that are in selected shapes. Layer is in selected shapes if part or all layer is in selected shape. Selected shape is non rectangle.
I think it is possible with the ctrl - click. You can hold ctrl and then select layers you want to have selected.
If you are wanting a way to do this by shape area ,either a path or a selection, automatically that is not possible. (There might be a script or plug-in but not one I can think of off-hand.
A possible workaround:
If you select the move tool and check "Auto Select" and "Layer" in the options bar you can click an area of an image and Photoshop will automatically select a layer that contains the content you clicked.
If you hold down the shift key you can select multiple layers (shift-clicking a layer you already selected deselects that layer.) If there is a layer behind another layer it will always select/deselect the front-most layer. To get around this right-click the area that contains both layers, a list of layers in order will appear and you can select the layer you want by name. (see image)
Using this method you should be able to capture all of the layers within a certain area by hand in a fairly efficient manner.
After you have all the layers you want selected you can either group them (which is the best method but doesn't work if you need to maintain their current layer order in relationship to all of the other layers in the document) or you can link them which will allow you to select or move them together in the future.
Not sure if this solves your problem, hope it helps.
Good luck.
Holding Shift key & select your multiple objects
For Single selection:
Click Control(ctrl) button and select your layers.
For multiple selection:
Use Shift and then click your layers.
I drew a class diagram of the type 'UML static structure' with Visio 2013. Now I would like to reduce the width of the class shapes in the diagram. I removed the size protection in the developer tools section and also tried to set the width in the corresponding shape sheet but nothing worked.
Does someone know how to do this?
In Visio 2013, you can change class width using a control point (yellow dot), just drag it:
The class shape is composed of a group of objects. You should drag your mouse over it to select not only the external shape, but also all the elements inside it such as the ClassName text and any possibly existing members, etc.
Now, if you remove the size protection as you mentioned, this will apply to all the elements, and then you can change the size using "Size & Position" task pane. (Ribbon --> View --> Show --> Task Panes)
I am drawing a visio diagram and would like to change (i.e. reduce) the radius of the corners of some of my rounded boxes.
I searched the program's help and googled for >1/2 hour but can't find any hint on how to achieve this - at least none that works.
The context dialog shows a Rounded corner section (Right-click => Format => Line), but any change done there has no effect whatsoever. Does one maybe have to "unprotect" these settings? If so: how?
Any expert who knows how to change the corners' radius?
Later Edit: I just realized: I had used a flow chart symbol "Rounded Process" instead of a plain vanilla rounded box to draw this diagram. That's why I can't change these corners!
Is there an elegant way to globally change a shape into another type, i.e. these flowchart shapes into plain vanilla boxes? Ideally while keeping the associated text?
not without coding.
However, I'm pretty sure that Sandrilla has a ready to use tool.
It's available for reasonable money. http://www.sandrila.co.uk/
You can create your own shape in such situation, you can can create your own Stencil and then add the your predefined shapes into it. To add the predefined shapes into the stencil just follow the procedure
Select the shape from an existing Stencil and Right click on it
From the Menu select 'Add to My Shapes'
Create New stencil or add it to an existing Stencil.
Now you can edit the master shape but before that you have to put the Stencil in the Edit mode.
Right click on the newly added shape in the Stencil and click 'Edit Master' -> 'Edit Master Shape'
You can now modify the Shape as per your need , for ex. If you want to edit the Corner of the Shape then you right click on the Shape in the Master and then Select 'Format' - > 'Line' and then select type of corner from the 'Round corner' section.