I have 3 polygons, one is overlapped by 2 others. Is there a way to "bring to front"? Please show a programmatic example or demo of how this can be done.
Yes, it is called bringToFront():
Brings the layer to the top of all path layers.
When using leaflet-react WMSTileLayer (with Geoserver as the WMS server) I appear to have different contrasts for the various tiles, creating visible 'borders' between tiles as below.
If i use the layer view within Geoserver i get a nice flat set of tiles.
Built-in GeoServer viewer:
I'm using a very simple example just as a test for now:
I'm not super up to speed with all of the intricacies of react, or leaflet, so I have struggled a bit with the leaflet-react docs, so I've likely missed something pretty simple, for example I haven't found out how to use png instead of jpeg.
After 3 days, I decide to post. Then solve it 2 hours later.
Issue here is due to GeoServer (helpfully) applying its own ColorMap to each tile that is being requested. Solution is to specify a fixed ColorMap in the relevant Style:
<ColorMapEntry color="#323232" quantity="-300" label="label1" opacity="1"/>
<ColorMapEntry color="#BBBBBB" quantity="200" label="label2" opacity="1"/>
Solution from here:
I'm trying to create custom markers, but add 2 map layers.
Essentially trying to combine this:
With this:
How do I specify my customized markers, but assign them to 2 layers?
Markers don't exist within the map's Style, so they don't live within Layers either. They sit on top of the map, effectively within a single "layer" (but not actually a Layer).
So if you're trying to find a way to hide or show groups of markers in a single action, you'll have to find another way to do that.
Alternatively, if you really want your markers within Layers, you should create Symbol Layers with icons, not markers.
I'm wondering if there is a way to take off some of the default labels on a leaflet tile base-map. For example, I'm using the leaflet "dark matter" tile-set, found here, I believe: 'http://{s}.basemaps.cartocdn.com/dark_all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
I'd like to only put on country labels, or city labels, in certain places. By default, the labels already seem to be set. Any way to change this? Thanks in advance!
I have PSD file with about thousand layers. And I have one selected shape area. And 0 layers are selected. Now my question is how to select only those layers that are in selected shapes. Layer is in selected shapes if part or all layer is in selected shape. Selected shape is non rectangle.
I think it is possible with the ctrl - click. You can hold ctrl and then select layers you want to have selected.
If you are wanting a way to do this by shape area ,either a path or a selection, automatically that is not possible. (There might be a script or plug-in but not one I can think of off-hand.
A possible workaround:
If you select the move tool and check "Auto Select" and "Layer" in the options bar you can click an area of an image and Photoshop will automatically select a layer that contains the content you clicked.
If you hold down the shift key you can select multiple layers (shift-clicking a layer you already selected deselects that layer.) If there is a layer behind another layer it will always select/deselect the front-most layer. To get around this right-click the area that contains both layers, a list of layers in order will appear and you can select the layer you want by name. (see image)
Using this method you should be able to capture all of the layers within a certain area by hand in a fairly efficient manner.
After you have all the layers you want selected you can either group them (which is the best method but doesn't work if you need to maintain their current layer order in relationship to all of the other layers in the document) or you can link them which will allow you to select or move them together in the future.
Not sure if this solves your problem, hope it helps.
Good luck.
Holding Shift key & select your multiple objects
For Single selection:
Click Control(ctrl) button and select your layers.
For multiple selection:
Use Shift and then click your layers.
I'm displaying a map that's been tiled (-p raster) using gdal2tiles.py. The X-coordinate is about [0..-1160]. The Y-coordinate, for some reason, is [-700,0]. Zoom-levels 0-5.
I simply cannot get a plausible display to work. Sometimes, if I zoom-out to level-zero, I see the map way down at the bottom of the display ... not centered. Nothing at all appears at other levels.
I am also seeing the display "bounce back and forth" between about a 3-o'clock and a 6-o'clock position. (Only, once again, at zoom-level zero.)
I am at my wit's end. Please give guidance. Complete examples. Anything ...
Well, I found my answer:
If you're going to be using several layers in your Leaflet map, add them in the constructor-call, using the layers parameter.
If you try to do things with the layers before joining them all together, or with the map with no layers added, "strange and default things will happen." (For example, although I requested the Simple CRS when constructing things (separately...), the net-effect was to actually try to use a different one. Therefore, "do what the author expected." Specify all the layers at once, to the Map constructor. Then, customize them as you need to. Make very sure that they all know about each other from the very start of things.