Creating a 64 bit version of a 32 bit database - progress-4gl

I am using Linux and running 102b06. I have to create a 64 bit version of a 32 bit database. What is the best approach here? Its hard to find documentation for this task. I have tried dumping and loading but it appears you cannot dump all the tables with one command. My database has thousands of tables!

The Progress database doensn't have a "bitsize" - that's strictly a program thing, so you can connect to and work with the database using either 32 or 64 bit binaries.

Your db is a 10.2 db so it already has 64 bit rowids. Why do you think that it is "32 bit"?


Using Posgresql on different cores

reading from the web, if not mistaken, I understand that Postgres runs only on one core. My question: if I have 2 Postgres programs on the same workstation, one runs on PGAdmin and the other one runs on DBeaver, would Postgres use 1 core for PGAdmin and 1 core for DBeaver?
Also, is there function that I can use to check how many core Postgres is using?
Thank you in advance for educating me on this!

Database lost on pgadmin after uninstallation - Is my database irretrievably lost?

I worked on pgadmin 4 and QGIS in localhost port 5432 with version 13 of PostgreSQL creating and updating table in a spatial database. I installed PostgreSQL 14 a few days ago but finally I was not using it, I worked only on PostgreSQL 13 database. So, today, I decided to uninstall PostgreSQL 14. However, after that, I lose all tables and data I've done until then on the database in PostgreSQL 13 and I don't know why because I let PostgreSQL 13 and uninstall only version 14. I cannot access to my work in QGIS as well. Can anybody help me to understand what's happened and is it possible to get back my work and how?
I still have the folder called data from PostgreSQL 13 and 14 in OS. I would like to know if it's possible to extract tables I have done before uninstallation from the data folders of PostgreSQL 14, with files in base.
Postgres data folders
base folder
Thank you if anyone can tell me and how if it's possible.

Cannot connect Firebird in IBexpert

I have installed Firebird 3.0.2 (x64) and IBExpert 2018.12.15.1.
I'm trying to create a Firebird DB on IBExpert but everytime getting this error:
Unsuccessful execution caused by system error that does not preclude successful execution of subsequent statements.
Error loading plugin Engine12.
Module C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_Server\plugins/Engine12 exists but can not be loaded.*
My configuration:
Local, XNet (FB3)
Connection string
Client Library File
C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_Server\WOW64\fbclient.dll
Page size
SQL Dialect 3
How to solve this problem?
This happens to me when I select the firebird fbclient dll from the following location
C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_3_0\WOW64\fbclient.dll
However if I instead (against all sanity and reason) chose what I think ought to be a 64 bit dll, from c:\windows\system32, it works.
ie, client choice:
Now it might seem logical to some readers that system32 could contain a 32 bit dll, but actually almost every dll in there, and probably EVERY dll in there SHOULD be 64 bit, on windows 64 bit systems. However I am guessing that whatever is in there must be a 32 bit fbclient.dll in the main windows 10 system directory.
Microsoft made a now ancient but at the time, kind of odd decision that c:\windows\system32 will be full of 64 bit stuff on Windows XP 64 bit, and has kept it that way. It appears to me there's something wrong with Firebird 3.0.4's installer team's decisions.

How can i install Mongo Db in Win32 system ?Anyone has installed mongo db in win 32 bit system

Anybody has installed mongo db in win 32 bit system, please help.
I don't find Mongo DB set up file for Win 32 system in mongo db official site.
Here I can see set up for 64 bit but my system is 32. Frown | :(
I just installed RoboMongo without installing any other mongo db setup but I get the following error.
Unable to connect
Can anyone help me on this?
The new release is currently for only 64 bits but you can download previous version for 32 bits link.
PS:- Recommended to use 64 bits.
You could download Mongo DB for 32 Bit Windows OS here --

MongoDB 2Gb limit - can't compact database

I have been adding files to GridFS in my 32bit Mongo database. It eventually failed when the size of all Mongo files hit 2Gb. So, I then deleted the files in GridFS. I've tried running the repairDatabase() command, but it fails, saying "mongo requires 64bit for larger datasets". I get the same error trying to run the compact command against GridFS.
So, I've hit the 2Gb limit, but it won't let me compact or repair because it doesn't have space. Talk about Catch22!!
What do I do?
This is an immediate problem I have - how do I compact the database right now?
I think the only recourse is to upgrade to a 64-bit OS.
I had the same problem on my database and I solved it such way. At first I created Amazon EC2 64-bit instance and moved database files from 32-bit instance via plain copy. Then I made all needed cleanups in database on 64-bit instance and made dump with mongodump. This dump I moved back to 32-bit instance and restored database from it.
If you need to restore database with same name, that you had before, you can just rename your old db-files in dbpath (files have database name in their name)
And of course, you should move to upgrade to 64-bit later. MongoDB on 32-bit OS is very bad in support.
shot in the dark here... you could try opening a slave off the master (in 64 bit) and see if you can force a replication over to the slave, essentially backing up your data. I have no idea if this would actually work, as it's pretty clear that 32bit has a 2gig limit (all their docs warn about this :( ), but thought I'd at least post a somewhat potentially creative solution..