Using Posgresql on different cores - postgresql

reading from the web, if not mistaken, I understand that Postgres runs only on one core. My question: if I have 2 Postgres programs on the same workstation, one runs on PGAdmin and the other one runs on DBeaver, would Postgres use 1 core for PGAdmin and 1 core for DBeaver?
Also, is there function that I can use to check how many core Postgres is using?
Thank you in advance for educating me on this!


pgAdmin 4: Cannot open public schema "Tables" after upgrading to Win11

I am hosting a PostgreSQL 9.5 database on a DigitalOcean Droplet. I am using pgAdmin 4 v6.14 to access the database server.
Since upgrading to Windows 11, I still can connect and manually query the databases, but if I try to open /Schemas/public/Tables, there is just an endless "Windows-Sweep-Waiting-Icon" without any result nor error message. Other subsections such as Sequences are seemingly working fine. Other stakeholders using Windows 11 are experiencing the same issue, while users using Windows 10 can still use pgAdmin to access the database tables.
Are there any experiences with this problem? Is "just upgrade your postgreSQL version" the way to go? I am unexperienced in hosting a postgreSQL server and since there are multiple projects currently running, I am afraid to mess up with the server while it is "basically" working, and Windows 11 seems to be the discriminant factor.
Best regards

PGAdmin restore remote database [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Export and import table dump (.sql) using pgAdmin
(6 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
Let I first state that I am not a DBA-guy but I do have a question regarding restoring remote databases using PG Admin.
I have this PG Admin tool (v4.27) running in a Docker container and I use this portal to maintain two separate Postgress databases, both running in a Docker container as well. I installed PG Agent in both database containers and run scheduled daily backup's, defined via PG Admin and stored in the container of each corresponding databases. So far so good.
Now I want to restore one of these databases by using the latest daily backup file (*.sql), but the Restore Dialog of PG Admin only looks for files stored locally (the PG Admin container)?
Whatever I tried or searched for on the internet, to me it seems not possible to show a list of remote backup files in PG Admin or run manually a remote SQL file. Is this even possible in PG Admin? Running psql in the query editor is not possible (duh ...) and due to not finding the remote SQL-restore file I have no clue how to run this code within PG Admin on the remote corresponding database container.
The one and only solution so far I can think of, is scheduling a restore which has no calendar and should be triggered manually when needed, but it's not the prettiest solution.
Do I miss something or did I overlook the right documentation or have I created a silly, unmaintainable solution?
Thanks in advance for thinking along and kind regards,
Aad Dijksman
You cannot restore a plain format dump (an SQL script) with pgAdmin. You will have to use psql, the command line client.
COPY statements and data are mixed in such a dump, and that would make pgAdmin choke.
The solution by #Laurenz Albe points out that it is best to use the command line psql here, and that would be my first go-to.
However, if for whatever reason you don't have access to the command line and are only able to connect to this database via pgadmin, there is another solution which you can find here:
Export and import table dump (.sql) using pgAdmin
I recommend looking at the solution by Tomas Greif.

Relation between postgres and pg-admin

can any one help me with this?
How pg-admin is used with postgresql?
How do they work together?
I want to know the working and the realtion between the two.
pgAdmin is a GUI client specifically written for PostgreSQL. It is written in Python and uses the PostgreSQL C library libpq via psycopg2 to communicate with the PostgreSQL database server.
You need the PostgreSQL server running before you can connect to it with pgAdmin.
pgAdmin is an independent project, and it is written by different people than PostgreSQL (although there are naturally overlaps).

Stymied by idle_in_transaction_session_timeout

Immediate problem: When I do a pgAdmin 4 restore I get "Stymied by idle_in_transaction_session_timeout" error.
I am on a MacBook Pro running macOS Mojave version 10.14.5, using Java and PostgreSQL. I use the pgAdmin 4 GUI, as I am not proficient in psql, bash, etc. I have a test database named pg2. As you can see from the attachment, PostgreSQL servers 9.4 and 10 have the identical databases. If I make a change in a database on one server, it will show also in the other server’s database. There is a third server, 11, in which there is only the postgres database.
I have tried psql and get errors (including timeout errors).
I have tried to Delete/Drop server 11, it will disappear but when I sign out of pgAdmin 4 and then go into pgAdmin 4 again the server 11 will be there again.
See the attachments for screen shots.
I expect the backup/restore to work: backup, then make a change to the database, then correctly restore to previous state.
I would like to have just one server, preferably 11 with only pg1 and the test db tempdb running in it. I thought that I could live with the three, for I am aware of my current capabilities and thus did not want to screw things up further. However, I suspect that the two servers 9.4 and 10 are the source of my current problem: receiving the idle_in_transaction_session_timeout error while doing a restore. Note: I did the backup using the server 10’s pg1 backup. Did it create 2 backups, one for 9.4 and one for 10?
I tried to attach these before. They will help make sense of my problem.
The 2 servers have the same database; is this causing the idle in transaction session timeout?

How do I connect to my heroku shared database for postgresql?

I have pulled the SHARED_DATABASE_URL from heroku config
SHARED_DATABASE_URL => postgres://
I am using pgAdmin to try to connect to it but it keeps on timing out. Do I need to specify a port? What am i missing?
You can use this command to connect to psql.
heroku pg:psql
If you are happy to change to postgres 9.1 you can use the newly launched development database, which permits connections via normal postgres tools. Read more at
You cannot access the shared database using psql, pgadmin, etc.
Heroku offers you the choice of running on a shared or dedicated database package. The shared plan is suitable for development and staging applications. It runs Postgres 8.3. The dedicated plans are suitable for production scale applications. In addition, the dedicated databases offer a number of advantages, including direct access (via psql or any native postgres library), stored procedures, and Postgres 9 support.[source]