Can indenting affect Matlab code? - matlab

Is this possible? It shouldn't be but sometimes its behavior is quite against ordinary programming sense.

No, Matlab isn't affected by indentation.
They do have editors that will automatically indent the code for you, but it is for readability purposes only. Keeping your code readable with smart-indenting is always a good idea not only for yourself, but for others who may have to read through your code.
Note: Warnings can occur (depending on the IDE) if the indentation isn't consistent, but even sporadic indentation won't affect how your code executes in Matlab.

It'll give you warnings if you don't indent properly. If you make a if or for loop or something like that and the end block isn't inline with it you'll get a possible warning that says the statement might not be aligned with its end block. CRTL+A CTRL+I is easy enough though.


Elisp strict mode

I am new to Emacs Lisp and the feeling is like it lacks strictness (and namespaces, and more...).
To be more comfortable with it I need a
way to make interpreter/byte compiler complain a lot if I use deprecated or obsolete function or variable (even better - hide them). Why this is not looks so simple and removing corresponding .el packages will not work is obvious - they may be needed by some legacy code.
Also, if it is possible, turning off all aliases would be nice. In my opinion they are there only for backwards compatibility, which I do not need. Because of setting this one globally can ruin something, I hope there is something like use strict in JavaScript, which can be applied to the inner body, so the effect is neatly localized.
Do not get me wrong, I think that global namespace of the Elisp is like a dump and if it could be any cleaner, why not?
To put in one sentence: how to make Elisp global namespace obsoleteless and deprecateless, as slim as possible?
I don't know of an Emacs Lisp linter that is built in to Emacs.
I do two things for my own code to try to ensure some level of cleanliness.
First, I make sure that byte-compiling the code doesn't give any errors or warnings. The byte compiler does a certain amount of checking.
Second, I enable lexical binding. This lets the byte compiler detect a few more possible warnings.
This is about the best you can do with the built-in tools. If you want to go further you could write your own tree walker to perform whatever other tests you like.

Emacs Mode for a c-like language

I'm trying to write a new emacs mode for a new template c-like language, which I have to use for some academic research.
I want the code to be colored and indented like in c-mode, with the following exceptions:
The '%' is not used as an operator, but as the first character in some specific keywords (like: "%p", "%action", etc.)
The code lines do not end with a semicolon.
Is it possible to create a derived-mode (from c-mode) and set it to ignore the original purposes of '%' and ';'? Is it possible to make the feature of "automatic-indentation after pressing RET" work without ';'?
Are there similar modes for similar languages (with '{}' brackets, but without semicolons) that I could try to patch?
Should I try to write a major mode from scratch?
I thought about patching the R-mode from, but this mode does not support comments of the form "/* comment */".
The most important feature that I'm looking for is the brackets-indentation, i.e. indenting code inside a '{}' block after pressing RET (and without the extra-indentation after lines that do not end with ';'). Partial solutions will help too.
More generally, CC-mode has been extended and generalized over time to accomodate ever more languages, and the latest CC-mode is supposed to be reasonably good at isolating the generic code from the language-specific code. So take a look at some of the major modes that use CC-mode (e.g. awk-mode), and get in touch with CC-mode's maintainer who will be able to help you figure out hwo to do what you want.
If you don't mind something really simple, you can look at Gosu mode. Gosu is a language that has curly braces and no semi-colons, so you should be all set for your minimum. It also uses the same comment syntax as C.
The implementation of the mode for it is really simple and based on generic mode, so modifying it to work the way you want should be easy. It is not based on C-mode.
This is what I used to make a mode for the language I was working on for my compilers class, and it was really easy even with limited elisp experience. On the other hand, the indentation is fairly simple--it works for most code, but is not as complete as C-mode's.
Check out arduino-mode:
It is a C based mode that uses the cc-mode features to quickly create something very useful and unique to arduino programming. Using this as a simple template should help a lot.

What text editor does most accurate job of syntax highlighting Perl

I know I risk asking a speculative question, however, inspired by this recent question I wonder which editor does the best job of syntax highlighting Perl. Being well aware of the difficulties (impossibilities) of parsing Perl I know there will not be a perfect case. Still I wonder if there is a clear leader in faithful representation.
N.B. I use gedit and it works fine, but with known issues.
Komodo Edit does a good job and also scans your modules (including those installed via CPAN) and does well at generating autocomplete data for them.
I'm a loyal vim user and rarely encounter anything odd with the native syntax.vim, except for these cases (I'll edit in more if/when I find them; others please feel free also):
!!expression is better written !!!!expression (everything after two ! is rendered as a comment quoted string; four ! brings everything back to normal)
m## or s### renders everything after the # as a comment; I usually use {} as a delimiter when avoiding / for leaning toothpick syndrome
some edge cases for $hash{key} where key is not a simple alphanumeric string - although it's safer to enclose such key names in '' anyway so as to not have to look up the exact cases for when a bareword is treated as a key name
I haven't used it, but Padre should be good since it's written in Perl. IIRC It uses PPI for parsing
jEdit...with the tweaks that I have amassed over the years. It's got the most customizable syntax highlighting I've ever seen.
I use Emacs in CPerl mode. I think it does a terrific job, although similar to Ether's answer, it's not perfect. What's more, I usually use Htmlize to publish highlighted code to the web. It's kind of annoying to use fancier forums like this one that do their own syntax highlighting, since it's not really any easier and the results aren't as good.

Is it possible to define a macro that looks almost like a comment?

I try to make a useful macro for logging. But I find that NSLog and all other sort of macros that carry textual information with them simply distract a lot from the code.
Is there any way to "hack" Xcode in a way that it will interpret something like
/*** do this because of that ***/
as a macro call, which results in calling NSLog, for example? I want those logs to "feel" like comments. Anything else that looks like critical code is just distracting and reduces productivity at the end, and then there's no real benefit from logging what's going on.
Is it possible to define a macro that looks almost like a comment?
Why do you want to make your code less readable?
The answer is no, and that's a good thing.
Is there any way to "hack" Xcode in a way that it will interpret something like
/*** do this because of that ***/
as a macro call…
Probably, but that's useless. All that would do is make the syntax coloring incorrect (coloring this comment as if it were a function call). The compiler (either GCC or Clang) would still see this as the comment that it is.
Making the compiler think it's a function call or macro invocation is what would actually achieve log output at run time, but even if you could do that, it's still a bad idea because you would have a function call or macro invocation disguised as a comment.
If you want your program to log messages, write logging code:
NSLog(#"Do %# because of %#.", foo, bar);
This code is explicitly code that does something at runtime. No mystery. No surprises. That's why it's better.
You can enclose one or more lines of NSLog in curly braces and then use Xcode's folding option to hide them.
when folded look like:
The braces will also indent the statements when unfolded making them more visually distinct.
I think you should reconsider your use of log statements. If you have as many logs statements as lines of code something is wrong. You should be using the debugger to print most values and messages. If you have that many log statements you reach a point where mistakes in the log statements produce more bugs than the code. You also have a big problem cleaning up the code for release.
Not that I know of (though I may be wrong!)
I think that if you want it to look different, a macro is probably the best that you can hope for - at least it will be highlighted a different color :)

Why is it bad to put a space before a semicolon?

The perlstyle pod states
No space before the semicolon
and I can see no reason for that. I know that in English there should not be any space before characters made of 2 parts ( like '?',';','!' ), but I don't see why this should be a rule when writing Perl code.
I confess I personally use spaces before semicolons. My reason is that it makes the statement stands up a bit more clearer. I know it's not a very strong reason, but at least it's a reason.
print "Something\n with : some ; chars"; # good
print "Something\n with : some ; chars" ; # bad??
What's the reason for the second being bad?
From the first paragraph of the Description section:
Each programmer will, of course, have his or her own preferences in regards to formatting, but there are some general guidelines that will make your programs easier to read, understand, and maintain.
And from the third paragraph of the Description section:
Regarding aesthetics of code lay out, about the only thing Larry cares strongly about is that the closing curly bracket of a multi-line BLOCK should line up with the keyword that started the construct. Beyond that, he has other preferences that aren't so strong:
It's just a convention among Perl programmers for style. If you don't like it, you can choose to ignore it. I would compare it to Sun's Java Style guidelines or the suggestions for indenting in the K&R C book. Some environments have their own guidelines. These just happen to be the suggestions for Perl.
As Jon Skeet said in a deleted answer to this question:
If you're happy to be inconsistent with what some other people like, then just write in the most readable form for you. If you're likely to be sharing your code with others - and particularly if they'll be contributing code too - then it's worth trying to agree some consistent style.
This is only my opinion, but I also realize that people read code in different ways so "bad' is relative. If you are the only person who ever looks at your code, you can do whatever you like. However, having looked at a lot of Perl code, I've only seen a couple of people put spaces before statement separators.
When you are doing something that is very different from what the rest of the world is doing, the difference stands out to other people because their brain don't see it in the same way it. Conversely, doing things differently makes it harder for you to read other people's code for the same reason: you don't see the visual patterns you expect.
My standard is to avoid visual clutter, and that I should see islands of context. Anything that stands out draws attention, (as you say you want), but I don't need to draw attention to my statement separators because I usually only have one statement per line. Anything that I don't really need to see should fade into the visual background. I don't like semi-colons to stand out. To me, a semicolon is a minor issue, and I want to reduce the number of things my eyes see as distinct groups.
There are times where the punctuation is important, and I want those to stand out, and in that case the semicolon needs to get out of the way. I often do this with the conditional operator, for instance:
my $foo = $boolean ?
If you are a new coder, typing that damned statement separator might be a big pain in your life, but your pains will change over time. Later on, the style fad you choose to mitigate one pain becomes the pain. You'll get used to the syntax eventually. The better question might be, why don't they already stand out? If you're using a good programmer font that has heavier and bigger punctuation faces, you might have an easier time seeing them.
Even if you decide to do that in your code, I find it odd that people do it in their writing. I never really noticed it before Stackoverflow, but a lot of programmers here put spaces before most punctuation.
It's not a rule, it's one of Larry Wall's style preferences. Style preferences are about what help you and the others who will maintain your code visually absorb information quickly and accurately.
I agree with Larry in this case, and find the space before the semicolon ugly and disruptive to my reading process, but others such as yourself may find the exact opposite. I would, of course, prefer that you use the sort of style I like, but there aren't any laws on the books about it.
Like others have said, this is a matter of style, not a hard and fast rule. For instance, I don't like four spaces for indentation. I am a real tab for block level indentation/spaces for lining things up sort of programmer, so I ignore that section of perlstyle.
I also require a reason for style. If you cannot clearly state why you prefer a given style then the rule is pointless. In this case the reason is fairly easy to see. Whitespace that is not required is used to call attention to something or make something easier to read. So, does a semicolon deserve extra attention? Every expression (barring control structures) will end with a semicolon, and most expressions fit on one line. So calling attention to the expected case seems to be a waste of a programmers time and attention. This is why most programmers indent a line that is a continuation of an expression to call attention to the fact that it didn't end on one line:
open my $fh, "<", $file
or die "could not open '$file': $!";
Now, the second reason we use whitespace is make something easier to read. Is
foo("bar") ;
easier to read than
I would make the claim that is harder to read because it is calling my attention to the semicolon, and I, for the most part, don't care about semicolons if the file is formatted correctly. Sure Perl cares, and if I am missing one it will tell me about it.
Feel free to put a space. The important thing is that you be consistent; consistency allows you to more readily spot errors.
There's one interesting coding style that places , and ; at the beginning of the following line (after indentation). While that's not to my taste, it works so long as it is consistent.
Update: an example of that coding style (which I do not advocate):
; sub capture (&;*)
{ my $code = shift
; my $fh = shift || select
; local $output
; no strict 'refs'
; if ( my $to = tied *$fh )
{ my $tc = ref $to
; bless $to, __PACKAGE__
; &{$code}()
; bless $to, $tc
{ tie *$fh , __PACKAGE__
; &{$code}()
; untie *$fh
; \$output
A defense can be found here:
(2011 Update: that page seems to have gone AWOL; a rescued copy can be seen here:
Well, it's style, not a rule. Style rules are by definition fairly arbitrary. As for why you shouldn't put spaces before semicolons, it's simply because that's The Way It's Done. Not just with Perl, but with C and all the other curlies-and-semicolons languages going back to C and newer C-influenced ones like C++, C#, Objective C, Javascript, Java, PHP, etc.
Because people don't expect it . It looks strange when you do it .
The reason I would cite is to be consistent within a project. I have been in a project where the majority of programmers would not insert the space but one programmer does. If he works on a defect he may routinely add the space in the lines of code he is examining as that is what he likes and there is nothing in the style guide to say otherwise.
The visual diff tools in use can't determine this so show a mass of line changes when only one may have changed and becomes difficult to review. (OK this could be an argument for a better diff tools but embedded work tends to restrict tool choice more).
Maybe a suitable guide for this would be to choose whichever format you want for you semicolon but don't change others unless you modify the statement itself.
I really don't like it. But it's 100% a personal decision and group convention you must make.
Code style is just a set of rules to make reading and maintaining code easier.
There is no real bad style, but some are more accepted than others. And they are of course the source for some "religious battles" (to call curly braces style ;-) ).
To make a real life comparison, we have trafic lights with red, yellow/orange and green. Despite the psychological effects of the colors, it is not wrong to use Purple, Brown and Pink, but just because we are all used to the colors there are less trafic accidents.