is it possible to make a Facebook canvas app that is not a game? - facebook

I am interested in creating a canvas app that will work as a communication tool that will use facebook user's friends lists. Is it possible to make a facebook canvas app that is actually a tool and not a game? Or is this agains facebook's policies? I couldn't find a direct answer for this question anywhere, so I thought I would ask here.

Of course you can create Apps too, but you will still not get the full friend list of the user, only those who are using the App (with /me/friends).
You can use taggable_friends to tag friends, But you are not allowed to use those for something else - only for tagging.
According to the Facebook docs, invitable_friends is only for Games - and of course it has to be used for inviting friends only.


facebook app request for non-games apps

in the Facebook API documentation for requests it says that you can send app requests to friends but it's in the game section! now my question is whether it is allowed for non-game apps to use the send request dialog or not?
There is in fact a current hole in the Facebook API regarding web invites to non-game canvas apps. The Facebook API changelog from v 2.2 to v 2.3 states that the apprequests function that opens the Request Dialog is now only limited to games, and that non-game apps should use App Invites. However, App Invites work only in iOS and Android.
So currently, there is no way for users to invite friends to a non-game canvas app via the web, except by using the Send Dialog which is a lousy user experience and really shouldn't be used for that.
I have filed a bug report with Facebook and they have acknowledged it is a valid bug. Let's hope they fix it soon.
No, it's not possible (or at least legally) to use the app request feature for non-canvas apps that are outside the Facebook domain. For example, is a canvas app which is inside the Facebook domain and can use this feature as well as send notifications to other people on Facebook.
Even though, you can still send invitations to friends and they will see them on on the tab ìnvites, but they will not receive any notification.
There's still possible to make a canvas app that only redirects to the page you want, but that's against Facebook policies.
This is an extract from the latter:
Don’t build an app whose primary purpose is to redirect people off of Facebook.
The closest solution is to send email through the Send dialog feature but that's not intended to invite friends in the way you want.
You can find more references on this other thread.
As per the Facebook documentation:
"If your app has a Canvas presence but is not a game, you should just render the Requests Dialog. Access to the Invitable Friends API is not required in order to let people invite their friends to use your app."
This is pretty hard to find since most of the documentation pertains to games or mobile apps. This is the only reference to Inviting friends to non-game canvas app I could find.
Since the Invitable Friends API is only available for games, what this tells you is to just use the generic Requests Dialog WITHOUT using the Invitable Friends API.

Posting something that happened to Facebook through an HTML Button

I've looked through several tutorials on using the Facebook API, but none of them address what I'm trying to do.
I'm working on a website for a small college. When the user applies online, they would like it to redirect to a page with a link that will put a post on your Facebook wall that says, "Billy just applied to Awesome State College" with a link to apply and an image of some sort (probably the school's logo).
I guess it would be similar to the way Facebook games throw up posts, saying "Gertrude just clubbed 300 baby seals in 'Clubbing Baby Animals Pro'!" But I wouldn't need to create a whole new Facebook app for this, would I?
Posting on a user's wall requires an access token, which you can get with the help of
one of Facebook SDKs, which will need your app id.
Reference for posting on user's wall:
See section Publishing.
You can use Facebook Javascript SDk as the need is simple:

Allow user to post to friends wall as user (not as app)

Is there a way (perhaps through a rest api or graph api) to allow a user of my application to write on a friends wall without the usual 'on behalf of' or posted by my application? I know many people will not authorize an application that can post on your behalf, but I'd still like my users to be able to easily write on friends walls (without leaving the game page). I'm fine with it not promoting my game in any way - it should look just like it would if done through Facebook's site. I know there is something like this for Google+ using their mobile restful interface. Is this possible for Facebook and if so, how?
No, I don’t think there is a way of doing that. If a user uses an app to create content, then it will show that he used this app.

Developing a new app using facebook friends list

I am looking at developing an app that will make use of Facebook and have a question. In order for the app to work it would need to not only access the user's friends list, but also the user's friends' friends list and beyond. It would only access the users who have also signed up to the app.
Thanks in advance
And your question is …? :-) If you want to know if it’s possible to get that information – well, as long as the friends have authorized your app, there should be no problem, even over several „levels” of friends.

Share a link on FaceBook without creating a facebook app

From my iPhone app I would like to share a link on Facebook. I know that this can be done by creating an app in the facebook and use the id/key of that Facebook app.
Is there any other way for sharing a link in FB, like the AddThis library for webapps. So that I neednot create an app in the facebook
AddThis has iOS Sdk now :
Not that I know of. AFAIK, the best & easiest way to do this is w a Facebook app. User authentication (through a Facebook app) is required in order to post anything to a wall; anonymous wall posts are not allowed. It's really easy to create a Facebook app. Then, check out the facebook-ios-sdk.
Unfortunately you cannot have anonymous wall posts to facebook, so I would recommend using the sdk, if you only need to post to walls, take a look at which will make this trivial to do