Custom UIButton image buttontype - iphone

If you can set a button's image even if it's button type is rounded rectangle, then what is the purpose of the button type to begin with? I usually use the custom button type, but does this in fact actually make a difference?

You can use UIButtonType to make a button of a standard type: a detail disclosure, an info, and so on. In these cases you would not need to set the image at all - the system will do it for you automatically.
When you pick rounded rectangle and set the image, the image would be clipped to the rounded rectangle's border; when you pick custom style, there will be no clipping.

Yes this definitely makes a difference. For example, if you have two buttons, One RoundRect and the other 2nd Custom.
Try to set a background color on both buttons. You will see the difference. The Custom Button has occupied the background color properly and the round rect has few issues.
Even with background Image, you can check both. The Custom button has no issues with setting images, as it has a transparent background and the round rect will have an issue on its corners.
UIButtonType definitely have difference of this.
I hope this is what you are looking for.


Make bottom part of UITextField(UIScrollView) transparent

Here's a good example that sums it up:
This is a UITextField that contains long text, so the user is able to scroll down to view the rest of the text.
How can I make the bottom rows appear "transparent"?
UITextField only allows setting global text properties (like color, font size, etc).
The trick is to create a CALayer containing a gradient and use it as mask layer of your UIView's layer (alpha values of the mask layer will be used.) see this answer: UIView border with fade or blur effect
This will help you.Not sure but some functionality like you want.
Hope this helps you.
All the best !!!

Double border to a UIButton

I have to display a UIButton like in the following image. Button size can be varying. How can I do that? Please suggest a way.
If you just want a simple outline (it's a little hard to tell from your image what the button is), create the button with UIButtonTypeCustom (so you get a blank slate) then set its background color to be black. next, get the CALayer of the button (through the layer method) and set the borderColor and borderWidth properties as desired.
make a view and set it's color a bit darker than your desired button color, then make a button a bit shorter than the view size and place it as your fit position, check n tell me if it helps youe

UIButton with changing images when pressed - but unattractive effect when changing them

I have a button that changes its image to different images depending on what modus we are in.
The images are set with:[modusBtn setImage:cx forState:UIControlStateNormal];
The images have round corners and the button is of Type "Custom".
Now when the button is pressed one can see another image in the upper and lower edge background.
Really weird - the buttons ALL have round corners - but for example when the blue modus is on and shows the blue image and one presses the blue button now - one can see red little edges only on the left two corners.
I already played around with all the button attribute settings in IB, but no luck.
Did anyone have a similar experience when changing button images?
So far all my button images where 100% rectangular and did not have round corners - therefore I never experienced this before.
Many thanks!
Use this UIButton's propriety for your button.
avatarButton.clipsToBounds = YES;
Whenever you set an image for custom button make sure to set
yourButton.backgroundColor=[UIColor clearColor];
The effect was happening as your button was using default background transitions during changing the state.

What's this UI element?

What's the UI element that is top of that number buttons to display number ? (which is in light blue color)
It looks like a UINavigationBar with a prompt. However, the location of the gloss (which differs from your typical UINavigationBar) and the centering of the numbers (not shown) makes me think it is a custom view.
If you're trying to replicate it, I'd suggest starting with a UIView. Add a UIImageView with appropriate image for the the blue background and a UILabel for the text. Or, instead of the UIImageView, you could draw the background in the UIView's drawRect: method.

How to configure UIButton to use showsTouchWhenHighlighted?

I have a UIButton that's 90x90 in size and I would like it to glow when tapped. Using showsTouchWhenHighlighted will make it glow but it's glowing out of the center of the button and for a small radius only. This might work well for a small button like the info button, but for my button size, it's not. Is there anything I can do to make it glow from the outer perimeter of the button before I resort to designing a highlighted state?
I can think of 2 ways to do what you want:
Use different highlighted background image for your button's highlighted state,
Use CoreGraphics to draw the glow effect in your button's IBAction (touchDown is a decent place).
This is assuming you want some kind of custom glow effect of course - UIButtons already naturally have a highlighted effect when touched.