Aptana Studio 3 plugin doesnt get installed properly on Eclipse Juno - eclipse

I have Eclipse Juno running on 64bit windows 7, I tried installing Aptana Studio 3 plugin for eclipse. The installation goes fine, and aptana plugin shows up in the Installed plugin list too as follows:
But thats it! I cant see Aptana anywhere else in eclipse, not in preferences,perspectives, views nowhere!
A strange thing i noticed was that while installing aptana plugin, i wasn't shown any security warning dialogue box telling me that its an unsigned plugin, something that i was expecting.
Has anyone else faced this problem before? Am i going wrong anywhere? please help.
EDIT: The same problem persists with Eclipse Indigo too.

Solved it myself! after looking at the error logs i realized that i had previously added a archive file to install aptana from disk (failed attempt).It was mentioned in the logs at several places, dont know why, but when i removed that repository Aptana installed fine on eclipse. :)


Error Viewing HTML5 code in Eclipse Neon with subclipse and Aptana plugins

I've done a fresh install of Eclipse Neon, then installed subclipse, (successfully) imported a project from SVN, then installed the Aptana plugin (purely to have integrated sftp support). (These are all the very latest versions). When I attempt to open an html file, it fails to open and I get blank tabs where the filename would normally occur within eclipse. I've uninstalled and reinstalled numerous times with the same effect. There seems to be no updates or anything addressing this. I get various errors ranging from Null Pointer exceptions to Wordwrap errors. I've used the error reporting feature to report this bug to eclipse. This can be viewed here:
https://dev.eclipse.org/recommenders/community/aeri/v2/#!/submissions/gKGfmAiOTc7a1rLDYWpaRfpy7wE4EKDs1Co4OlqRpg7vpHKlOmVsD1YdyjNNbKVO. Has anyone got any clue about this please?

Eclipse 4.5.1 server timeouts it is not well rendered

I've this strange behavior of Eclipse 4.5.1 and STS 3.7.3 as shown in the picture
I'm using Ubuntu 15.10 but also my colleague with Xubuntu 14.04 has the same problem.
I cannot know how many seconds and it is very hard to edit them. The only way I found ctrl-A to select everithing and copy paste.
Anybody knows what it is?
Does resizing the editor help?
Timeouts section in the editor is coming from Eclipse WTP
Think you should raise a bug against Eclipse WTP component Tomcat server integration.

Eclipse luna showing incomplete help menu

I'm using eclipse luna 4.4.1.I installed it recently and it was working fine. I had to uninstall it and again install it. After re-Installing the help menu is incomplete and i'm not able to see install new software option or anything. It was working fine before.
I know this is a duplicate question.But none of the answers there solved my problem.
Please suggest a solution.

Syntax errors for keywords in pydev plugin for Eclipse

I'm using the Pydev plugin for Eclipse Luna for Java EE.
The python code runs correctly, but errors are showing up for built in keywords like print.
Error: Undefined Variable: print
I looked on stackoverflow for other answers, and the suggestions have all been to manually configure an interpreter. I changed my interpreter to point at C:/python34/python.exe, but this has not fixed the problem. I also made sure that I was using grammar version 3.0.
Update: I think it might be a problem with aptana instead of pydev. I uninstalled aptana, and installed pydev without any issues. But when I tried to reinstall aptana, I can only do it by uninstalling pydev. I need a way to try a previous version of aptana or else a way to install aptana and pydev separately
It seems like Eclipse Luna does not provide support for PyDev when it's installed with Aptana. I was able to install Aptana without PyDev and do a separate install of Pydev on its own and this solved the problem.

Pydev missing after upgrading Eclipse on FreeBSD

I recently updated my ports on my FreeBSD 9.0 release machine and I think eclipse was upgraded due to a port upstream forced Eclipse to be rebuilt. Now Pydev is gone. I tried uninstalling then reinstalling Eclipse, then installing Pydev using pydev.org/updates inside Eclipse. It appears to install ok but I can't create a Pydev project or use the Pydev view. I tried removing my ~/.eclipse folder to force the creation of a new one, and reinstalling Eclipse and Pydev to no avail. What am I doing wrong? I'm running Eclipse Indigo version 3.7.1 build id: R3_7_1
This question was most similar to mine, but the solution didn't work for me. I also tried pointing my install site as: http://update-production-pydev.s3.amazonaws.com/pydev/updates/site.xml per another question on StackOverflow, to no avail.
After some more testing I finally got the newest FreeBSD port to work. I had to launch and install the plugins as root. It didn't work another time I ran it but, this great troubleshooting document helped out. I methodically went through each step one by one, and the logs indicated there was an error on my /usr/local/lib file it was trying to unzip. My user doesn't have write access to that directory but root does. I don't know why it didn't work the last time I ran it as root, perhaps I didn't install the plug-in as root. It works now, so I'm happy. Thanks Fabio, for your input.
I'm not sure how FreeBSD packages things, so, maybe an easy way out would be getting Eclipse from Eclipse.org and installing PyDev on that fresh install (or if you're also doing web stuff, I'd suggest grabbing Aptana Studio 3, which comes with PyDev preinstalled, so, you don't have to worry about configuring it).
See: http://pydev.org/download.html for details