design high volume MSMQ - msmq

We have many communication servers sending data packets. We would like to store these data packets coming from these server programs in MSMQ until an updater will process them. Data loss has been a concern and we would like to not lose any data packet coming from these server programs and want an efficient and performant solution.
What will be the best design approach?

Well, there are two basic things you need to do to get started. First, you'll want to modify the default installation to move the storage location to a drive that is mirrored and/or is not the same as the one that the operating system boots from on that server. Also you'll want to ensure there is enough space there to hold messages as they are queued, depending on the volume you're contemplating. This article covers that.
Second, you'll want to use transactions and journaling to ensure reliability. This is both a programming and infrastructure issue, so you can start by looking at this article, and then following up with a general guide on how to program against MSMQ correctly. This for example is a good starting point if you've never used MSMQ, although it's fairly basic. If you're going to use MSMQ as a binding/transport for WCF then you have the plumbing part pretty much covered; it's just a matter of configuring your services to handle the volume and traffic you think you're going to see.

We have many communication servers sending data packets.
When storing 'data packets', I would recommend writing [Serializable] .NET objects to WCF, mainly because WCF can read/write them transparently to MSMQ. This will be easier to work with, but if your data packets are say TCP/IP or binary packets, you will need to turn on 'Ordering', to ensure they go into the queue in the exact order they were placed.
MSMQ also has sessions, so if you want to group items together this is possible. WCF does not make this guarantee. You will need to write custom code for this, but it is only a case of assigning a unique ID to each message in a particular session.
Data loss has been a concern and we would like to not lose any data packet coming from these server programs
MSMQ can persist the data to disk, so if a server goes down, its queue is preserved. MSMQ can hold the queue in memory, which is more efficient but crashes/restarts will not retain the queue information.
and want an efficient( good performance )
MSMQ is fairly performant. The persistence to disk has a small overhead, but only due to the disk write. If performance includes multi-threading, MSMQ does not offer this feature as the queue is sequential, so must be processed in order. But this is typical of queue technologies.
MSMQ also have 4MB max message size, so keep in mind what you want to send across the network.
The only other thing is that MSMQ is not massively scalable. Its primary goal is guaranteed delivery. If you post millions of packets, they will get to their destination, but MSMQ does have a finite ability to push the messages to other machines. It operates a ThreadPool-like system, so it will not scale if this is also a requirement.
I have also added info to the #msmq-wcf wiki with a basic example of writing data.


CAN Communication: Good Practices

I am preparing to write some code for a master controller that communicates (via CANbus) with multiple nodes in a product. Each node monitors its own sensors (i.e. voltages, currents, fault flags, etc.) and can be started/stopped by the master controller. The master controller also sends the data to a display.
I am using an STM32H7B3I-EVAL board and using the STM32CubeIDE environment to write the code. I am trying to determine some good practices for writing this code, but I am inexperienced in CAN communication. I wanted to get people's opinions on the following high-level questions:
If we want to be constantly monitoring, should all the code for transmitting and receiving data be in a never-ending while loop?
Is it better to transmit all data then receive all data, or transmit data when needed and have an interrupt for received messages?
What are the pros/cons in using an RXBUFFER vs RXFIFO?
First of all, you need to invent an application tier CAN protocol unless you have one already. This isn't entirely trivial and requires some experience of CAN. Here you first of all need to take bus load in account, which in turn depends on the amounts of nodes and data allowed, as well as the baudrate. How to design this also depends on if it's a control system (hard realtime, milliseconds) or just some industrial sensor network (hundreds of milliseconds or seconds).
If we want to be constantly monitoring, should all the code for transmitting and receiving data be in a never-ending while loop?
Probably not. Regarding RX, depending on what CAN controller you have, there will at least be some manner of RX FIFO. Modern controllers also support dedicated "mailbox" slots for individual messages, which is more powerful and easier to work with. Your only requirement for never losing data is that you empty the FIFO at least as often as FIFO size times the time it takes to send the minimum package size (DLC=0). Unless your program is very busy, this is usually not a tough realtime deadline to meet.
Regarding TX, again it depends on the controller, but here it is usually sufficient to see that the previously send message has been send before attempting a new one. And unless you are really competing hard for bus access during a time of heavy bus load, this shouldn't be happening. Sensible CAN application protocols have some simple scheduling requirements such as "this gets sent after x ms in relation to that". Re-sending messages lost due to errors is handled by the controller hardware.
Is it better to transmit all data then receive all data, or transmit data when needed and have an interrupt for received messages?
TX and RX buffers work independently of each other. Also what you are saying doesn't really make sense, since CAN is semi-duplex and one node's TX is another node's RX.
What are the pros/cons in using an RXBUFFER vs RXFIFO?
Those terms are pretty much synonymous. I suppose they may have some special meaning given a specific CAN controller, but you don't mention one (STM32 have several, one old and really bad "bxCAN" and one newer which I don't know much about. And some stubbornly insist on the horrible solution of using external controllers, particularly the Arduino kids).
Anyway, it is better to have neither, using a CAN controller with mailboxes is the best option. Unless the amount of expected identifiers are more than you have mailbox slots - in that case you have to direct low priority messages to a RX FIFO and use mailbox slots for high priority messages.

Limits of processing data on the client vs. processing data on the server

For a desktop App (ERP like functionality) I'm and wondering what would be wiser to do.
Assuming that both machines are equal in performance and the server has to deal with max. 5-10 clients and no other obligations. Is it better to load all data initially (~20.000 objects) and do filtering, sorting etc. on the client (electron) or is it better to do the processing on the backend (golang + postgres) over Axios. The user interface should be as snappy as possible but also get the data as fast as possible.
A costly operation is filtering 15.000 Objects by a reference ID. (e.g. a client can have several orders)
So objects that belong to a "parent object" are displayed by querying all those objects by a parentID.
Is there a general answer to what would be more performant, or a better choice here? Doing some assumptions, like a latency of 5ms in the network + 20ms for the API + a couple for filling the store.
At which data size will this operation be slower on the frontend or completely unsustainable?
If it's not a performance problem, are there other reasons I would want to do this on the server?
Edit: Client and Server are on the same local network
You specifically mention an ERP-like software. For such software you have to carefully consider the value of consistency:
Will your software need to show the same data for all clients?
If the answer to this is yes, then the simplest implementation is to do data processing on the server which informs all clients of changing data.
If the answer to this is no, then you should be fine doing most processing on the client software.
There are of course ways to do most of your processing on the client yet still have consistency but they will add complexity to your overall design. One implementation is to broadcast changes on one client to all other clients. This is the architecture behind most multiplayer online games.
Another way to tackle this is implemented by git: the data on all clients are different from each other but there are ways to synchronize each client data with the server thus achieving eventual consistency.
Another consideration you have to think about is the size of your data:
Will downloading all the data from the server take more than a few seconds?
If downloading all data from the server takes too long then the UI will be essentially unresponsive when starting.

Parallelism behaviour of stream processing engines

I have been learning Storm and Samza in order to understand how stream processing engines work and realized that both of them are standalone applications and in order to process an event I need to add it to a queue that is also connected to stream processing engine. That means I need to add the event to a queue (which is also a standalone application, let's say Kafka), and Storm will pick the event from the queue and process it in a worker process. And If I have multiple bolts, each bolt will be processed by different worker processes. (Which is one of the things I don't really understand, I see that a company that uses more than 20 bolts in production and each event is transferred between bolts in a certain path)
However I don't really understand why I would need such complex systems. The processes involves too much IO operations (my program -> queue -> storm ->> bolts) and it makes much more harder to control and debug the them.
Instead, if I'm collecting the data from web servers, why not just use the same node for event processing? The operations will be already distributed over the nodes by load-balancers which I use for web servers. I can create executors on same JVM instances and send the events from web server to the executor asynchronously without involving any extra IO requests. I can also watch the executors in web servers and make sure that the executor processed the events (at-least-once or exactly-one processing guarantee). In this way, it will be a lot easier to manage my application and since not much IO operation is required, it will be faster compared to the other way which involves sending the data to another node over the network (which is also not reliable) and process it in that node.
Most probably I'm missing something here because I know that many companies actively uses Storm and many people I know recommend Storm or other stream processing engines for real-time event processing but I just don't understand it.
My understanding is that the goal of using a framework like Storm is to offload the heavy processing (whether cpu-bound, I/O-bound or both) from the application/web servers and keep them responsive.
Consider that each application server may have have to serve a large number of concurrent requests, not all of them having to do with stream processing. If the app server is already processing a significant load of events, then it could constitute a bottleneck for lighter requests, as the server resources (think cpu usage, memory, disk contention etc.) will already be tied to heavier processing requests.
If the actual load you need to face isn't that heavy, or if it can simply be handled by adding app server instances, then of course it doesn't make sense to complexify your architecture/topology, which could in fact slow the entire thing down. It really depends on your performance and load requirements, as well as on how much (virtual) hardware you can throw at the problem. As usual, benchmarking based on your load requirements will help make a decision of which way to go.
you are right to consider that sending data across the network will consume more time of the total processing time.
However, these frameworks (Storm, Spark, Samza, Flink) were created to process a lot of data that potentially does not fit in memory of one computer. So, if we use more than one computer to process the data we can achieve parallelism.
And, following your question about the network latency. Yes! this is a trade off to consider. The developer has to know that they are implementing programs to deploy in a parallel framework. The way that they build the application will influence how much data is transferred through the network as well.

Can MSMQueue retain their value when the Windows restart?

I have an existing system and am wondering if MSMQueue can retain value of queue if it restarts. It clears the value when I restart.
As paxdiablo writes MSMQ is a persistent queueing solution, but not by default! The default is to store messages in RAM and to have MSMQ to persist messages to disk so they are not lost in case of a server crash you have to specify it on EACH message.
More information on this can be found if you take a look at the property Message.Recoverable.
As #Kjell-Åke Gafvelin already said, you may configure each message, but the IMHO more convenient way would be to set it on the Queue itself.
MessageQueue msgQ = new MessageQueue(#".\private$\Orders");
msgQ.DefaultPropertiesToSend.Recoverable = true;
msgQ.Send("This message will be marked as Recoverable");
From the article above (highlights by me):
By default, MSMQ stores some messages in memory for increased
performance, and a message may be sent and received from a queue
without ever having been written to disk.
Aditionally, you should make the queue transactional to guarantee the correct shipment and receiving of a message.
(Edit 2020-10-27: Removed link to external Microsoft post "Reliable messaging with MSMQ and .NET" as it is not available anymore.)
Yes, MSMQ is a persistent queueing solution. It stores messages securely on backing storage that will not be affected by loss of power (unless you experience things like the disk blowing apart from a truly massive power surge of course).
Its whole point is to provide reliable queueing of messages in a potentially unreliable environment. To that end, losing messages when a particular server went down would be a considerable disadvantage.
From Microsoft's own pages (and apologies for the sales-pitch-like language):
Message Queuing applications can use the Message Queuing infrastructure to communicate across heterogeneous networks and with computers that may be offline. Message Queuing provides guaranteed message delivery, efficient routing, security, transaction support, and priority-based messaging.

Interprocess messaging - MSMQ, Service Broker,?

I'm in the planning stages of a .NET service which continually processes incoming messages, which involves various transformations, database inserts and updates, etc. As a whole, the service is huge and complicated, but the individual tasks it performs are small, simple, and well-defined.
For this reason, and in order to allow for easy expansion in future, I want to split the service into several smaller services which basically perform part of the processing before passing it onto the next service in the chain.
In order to achieve this, I need some kind of intermediary messaging system that will pass messages from one service to another. I want this to happen in such a way that if a link in the chain crashing or is taken offline briefly, the messages will begin to queue up and get processed once the destination comes back online.
I've always used message queuing for this type of thing, but have recently been made aware of SQL Service Broker which appears to do something similar. Is SQLSB a viable alternative for this scenario and, if so, would I see any performance benefits by using that instead of standard Message Queuing?
It sounds to me like you may be after a service bus architecture. This would provide you with the coordination and fault tolerance you are looking for. I'm most familiar and partial to NServiceBus, but there are others including Mass Transit and Rhino Service Bus.
If most of these steps initiate from a database state and end up in a database update, then merging your message storage with your data storage makes a lot of sense:
a single product to backup/restore
consistent state backups
a single high-availability/disaster recoverability solution (DB mirroring, clustering, log shipping etc)
database scale storage (IO capabilities, size and capacity limitations etc as per the database product characteristics, not the limits of message store products).
a single product to tune, troubleshoot, administer
In addition there are also serious performance considerations, as having your message store be the same as the data store means you are not required to do two-phase commit on every message interaction. Using a separate message store requires you to enroll the message store and the data store in a distributed transaction (even if is on the same machine) which requires two-phase commit and is much slower than the single-phase commit of database alone transactions.
In addition using a message store in the database as opposed to an external one has advantages like queryability (run SELECT over the message queues).
Now if we translate the abstract terms 'message store in the database as being Service Broker and 'non-database message store' as being MSMQ, you can see my point why SSB will run circles any time around MSMQ.
My recent experiences with both approaches (starting with Sql Server Service Broker) led me to the situation in which I cry for getting my messages out of SQL server. The problem is quasi-political but you might want to consider it: SQL server in my organisation is managed by a specialized DBA while application servers (i.e. messaging like NServiceBus) by developers and network team. Any change to database servers requires painful performance analysis from DBA and is immersed in fear that we might get standard SQL responsibilities down by our queuing engine living in the same space.
SSSB is pretty difficult to manage (not unlike messaging middleware) but the difference is that I am more allowed to screw something up in the messaging world (the worst that may happen is some pile of messages building up somewhere and logs filling up) and I can't afford for any mistakes in SQL world, where customer transactional data live and is vital for business (including data from legacy systems). I really don't want to get those 'unexpected database growth' or 'wait time alert' or 'why is my temp db growing without end' emails anymore.
I've learned that application servers are cheap. Just add message handlers, add machines... easy. Virtually no license costs. With SQL server it is exactly opposite. It now appears to me that using Service Broker for messaging is like using an expensive car to plow potato field. It is much better for other things.