JasperReports no longer run after move to new server - jasper-reports

I have been working with JasperReports for about 4 years now. We have moved our application to a new server, and suddenly none of the reports run any more. All they give is the following cryptic error:
Error compiling report java source files : /usr/code/myapp/applicationguide_xml_1344313005668_686357.java
That's just not enough of an error to do anything about.
All of the JAR files are exactly the same.
I'm using the same version of the Sun JRE.
Google yields nothing helpful.
Has anyone see this before? I see references to the error going all the way back to 2009, but nothing understandable as a solution.
Here is the code that is failing with the absentee message:
JasperDesign jasperDesign = JRXmlLoader.load(reportFile);
JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(jasperDesign);
It's the second line.

JasperCompileManager of course requires access to javac. I did not have jdk-devel installed on my new RedHat machine. After I did:
yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel
then I no longer received this error.
In order to figure this out, needed a stacktrace since the Jasper error was so cryptic. I installed the Apache Common Lang jar, and printed out my stack trace in a catch block like so:
That gave me the underlying error message plain as day.


Crystal Reports - crdb_adoplus.pdb not loaded

My windows form application in Visual Studio 2019 compiles without any errors in the IDE; however when the program runs in the IDE and encounters any crystal reports call it crashes with the error:- crdb_adoplus.pdb not loaded.
I have looked at the solutions on Google and here none could resolve this error.
I am hoping someone here may have a solution.
I have the same error but, this is just a problem with error reporting. Look a little closing and you may be able to find the root error. I write to a log file in a try/catch and get the error first before this pops.

Net Beans "Must set src.dir" error when generating jforms

I have developed a problem, I cannot resolve.
I am running Net Bean 8.2 Build: 201609300101.
I am running it on a Windows 7 platform.
Yesterday Net Bean worked fine and would generate the jforms for me. Last night something happened and I can no-longer build, compile and run jforms classes.
I can generate and run simple Java programs. I wrote a simple program that just prints "Hello" and that worked.
When I generate a jform, everything looks good in the IDE but it will not build or run.
I get the following error:
c:users\Admin\Documents\Netbeans\KensPanel\nbproject\build-impl.xml:899 Must set src.dir.
None of the NetBeans examples work either and they did yesterday.
In reviewing the posts on the NetBeans forum concerning the problem, I found several that suggested looking in "nbproject directory for a project.properties file. in the file there should be a "build.dir = build" statement. It is there.
I have completely deleted the project and rebuilt the program and that did not work.
I uninstalled the NetBeans program, the JDK and the JRE programs and reinstalled them (JDK & JRE first) and that did not fix the problem.
I put a simple print statement "(System.out.println("Hello");" in the "Public Static void Main(String[] args)" function at the bottom of the KensPanel.java file and the program will compile and print out "Hello" but will not bring up the GUI.
I get the feeling the problem is somehow related to the "ANT" process but anything having anything to do with that is way over my head.
As I stated earlier, the program worked yesterday afternoon. Last night, the IDE decided that it did not want to play any more and I have not been able to find the problem. I am at a loss.
I am real new to the program and for that matter, Java in general. I really need help.
I think I found my own answer. At least, I got around the problem.
In the New Java application screen, I had left the "create Main Class" box checked. I found in the NetBeans tutorial, the tutorial stated that I needed to "un-check" the box. When I did that, at least my application works. I haven't tried the examples yet.
Moving on to the next learning task.

Jasper reports 6 & Icinga2 unable to resolve class org.icinga.reporting.DateHelper

I have installed Jasper reports server 6.3.0 along with Icinga-reporting (from the git repo)
I can run sample reports without any problem, but when I try and run specific Icinga reports which have a time period they fail and error out with;
Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed: calculator_Service32activity32report32in32given32time_1484836971660_629753: 13: unable to resolve class org.icinga.reporting.DateHelper # line 13, column 1. 1 error .
If you want the full stack trace please leave a comment and I will update the question.
I have done lots of googleing and have found afew links which reference the issue, but no one has actually said in (still valid) steps how to resolve the problem.
This looks like the closest fit - but the info referenced no longer exists (The entire Icinga wiki has been removed!)
I also found this but it links to very old jars which I've included in the WEB-INF/lib path but still getting the same error.
If I run a report that does not have a time/date then the report works (So I know Jasper is actually working)
If you need any additional info please leave a comment & I will update the question.
The problem turned out to be cause by icinga-reporting.jar missing from the tomcat WEB-INF/lib/ folder.
When you build icinga-reporting.jar it includes the org.icinga.reporting.DateHelper functions that where the cause of the original error.
When I installed the reporting the post deployment scripts where run and I'm sure it had copied the .jar file to the correct path, but when I later searched for it it was missing...
Manually copying the file to the correct path resolved the issue & reports with a time/date element now run without errors.

Using an ANTLR Lexer For Syntax Coloring: Module excluded from the target platform error

I'm new to Netbeans Platform Development and following this tutorial.
When I try to build the project I get this error:
Module org.netbeans.modules.editor.util excluded from the target platform
There are apparently no errors in the app.
I'm using
NB 8.0
JDK jdk1.7.0_45
OS Win 8.1
What might be going wrong?
Somehow the module was excluded via the disabled.modules in the platform.properties properties file.
When i comment it out (or remove it), it runs but gives this warning
I nailed part of the problem. The error occurred because of unresolved dependencies.
I went through the tut again on a Linux Mint with NB7.4.
Now I get no errors but facing yet another problem. Now as I open a file, it opens the file but the Cookie Editor disappears.
I'm expecting someone will help on the second Issue.
Moderators: I'm not sure how will you guys respond to this but I've no clue how to go about my half solved problem.

"No such file or directory error" When using jasper with openerp

We have developed reports using jasper and all was ok when we developed it.
On my laptop I am able to print the report just fine this is where I ran the server and tested it.
However when I uploaded it to my ubuntu server and users try to access the same report we get an error.
No such file or directory
(<type 'exceptions.OSError'>, OSError(2, 'No such file or directory'), <traceback object
at 0x7f63b8485ab8>) "
Its been two days and we are stuck. Please advice what must be wrong.
I am not sure what is wrong here.
Thank you
So the way I solved it was by installing open jdk. As jasper is a java file it needs the compiler and the server did not have this.