Net Beans "Must set src.dir" error when generating jforms - netbeans

I have developed a problem, I cannot resolve.
I am running Net Bean 8.2 Build: 201609300101.
I am running it on a Windows 7 platform.
Yesterday Net Bean worked fine and would generate the jforms for me. Last night something happened and I can no-longer build, compile and run jforms classes.
I can generate and run simple Java programs. I wrote a simple program that just prints "Hello" and that worked.
When I generate a jform, everything looks good in the IDE but it will not build or run.
I get the following error:
c:users\Admin\Documents\Netbeans\KensPanel\nbproject\build-impl.xml:899 Must set src.dir.
None of the NetBeans examples work either and they did yesterday.
In reviewing the posts on the NetBeans forum concerning the problem, I found several that suggested looking in "nbproject directory for a file. in the file there should be a "build.dir = build" statement. It is there.
I have completely deleted the project and rebuilt the program and that did not work.
I uninstalled the NetBeans program, the JDK and the JRE programs and reinstalled them (JDK & JRE first) and that did not fix the problem.
I put a simple print statement "(System.out.println("Hello");" in the "Public Static void Main(String[] args)" function at the bottom of the file and the program will compile and print out "Hello" but will not bring up the GUI.
I get the feeling the problem is somehow related to the "ANT" process but anything having anything to do with that is way over my head.
As I stated earlier, the program worked yesterday afternoon. Last night, the IDE decided that it did not want to play any more and I have not been able to find the problem. I am at a loss.
I am real new to the program and for that matter, Java in general. I really need help.

I think I found my own answer. At least, I got around the problem.
In the New Java application screen, I had left the "create Main Class" box checked. I found in the NetBeans tutorial, the tutorial stated that I needed to "un-check" the box. When I did that, at least my application works. I haven't tried the examples yet.
Moving on to the next learning task.


How do I use JavaFX in Eclipse 2021-06 JRE x86_64_16.0.2

There are a couple postings on this topic, but I can't get this to work with the latest version of Eclipse. I am using the JRE that comes with 2021-06, the one it puts in p2, x86_64_16.0.2.
I have tried various configurations of User Libraries, Maven dependencies, setting PATH_TO_FX, searching Eclipse Marketplace for JavaFX-as-a-plugin, e.g.,
How do I use JavaFX 11 in Eclipse? (2.5 years old)
On a couple more elaborate examples, a couple builds had a scattering of missing methods, which I assume is due to JavaFX being somewhat in flux or instructions being quite outdated. I can get a simple Hello, World to build with javafx-sdk-17.0.1 as a User Library (what I'm doing now) and also some of the other configurations. When I try to launch Hello, World with various build-able configurations, I keep getting
Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application
Well, I was a bit too quick. I kept playing around, and adding quotes in the VM arg seems to work,
--module-path="C:\Program Files\Java\javafx-sdk-17.0.1\lib" --add-modules=javafx.controls
If the project is not a module project, the Used Library goes on the Classpath in the project properties, Libraries tab. If it is a module project, it goes on the Modulepath,and the following file must be in the src with this minimal information:
module <myProject> {
requires javafx.controls;
exports <myPackageContainingFXAppClass>;
I just don't get it why people prefer to search half of the internet for tutorials instead of just consulting the official documentation first. Here it is: It seems to be the best hidden secret that there actually is documentation for JavaFX that one could start with.
I just did the test. Googling for "javafx documentation" gives as the first search result.
I use --module-path=${PATH_TO_FX} --add-modules=javafx.controls.
Obviously PATH_TO_FX needs to be defined in Preferences->Run/Debug->String Substitution.

PyDev: "Unresolved import nltk" When running, pydev imports it

I want to get rid of this error message and I want to have the benefits of auto completion and suggestions. PyDev obviously does find nltk, because when running it from inside the IDE it works. Not only from console.
Surely someone needs to know why I got this "unresolved import" error message but on the other way when clicking on "run" it works perfectly well.
#TheGT seems to be on the correct path, though I found the instructions a little confusing. My solution:
Project->Properties->PYDEV-PYTHONPATH->External Libraries
Add source folder (button)
Obviously, your path, version, etc... could be different.
Here's what seems odd.
There's a button to add zip/jar/egg and that doesn't want to work correctly with the The nltk egg behaves like a directory in the chooser (i.e. continues to drill down rather than return).
On the other hand, the source folder button does allow you to choose a folder... so I chose the egg and that seems to work.
It seems like the nltk egg is not configured correctly for OSX. And, depending on how it is accessed, it can behave like a folder or a final destination.
NOTE: Adding the nltk egg into the external libraries path of your project makes the error go away. But adding the egg into preferences>PyDev>Interpreter does not appear to resolve the problem (on it's own).
I faced the exact same error when I was trying to use nltk in my project. I did 2 things to resolve the unresolved error to go away.
I added the setupctools**.egg file (the file that is used to install nltk in mac/*nix systems) as an external library
[Project->Properties->PYDEV-PYTHONPATH->External Libraries]
I am using Eclipse Indigo, and Python 2.6.1 on my mac btw.
I restarted the eclipse
Bam! - the error goes away.
Although, the error is not there anymore, I would like to know why Eclipse was behaving this way. The strange thing to note was that when I tried to run the program, the program did run successfully, even though eclipse marked "import nltk" as unresolved import.

Eclipse hangs while debugging

I searched lot about this topics but can't find a proper solution.
I am using eclipse 3.6 Helios version with operating system fedora15. In my application I am using GWT2.4 for front end development.
Now while I work with debug mode and want to debug at some point at the same time eclipse hangs for 3-4 mins.It resumes after and again start to debug process.
I am using this eclipse from last 3 years with windows but not faced this issue.In fedora I am using it from last 4 months and this problems stated to occur from last one month.
I am not getting what is the issues with eclipse.
Please help me out.
Thanks in advance.
Is this something that happens with different projects/code, or is it the same code that causes freezes? I've had issues where threads have started in the background and caused problems.
You say "(...) hangs for 3-4 mins.It resumes after and again start to debug process.", what do you mean? Does it continue to debug and move to the next line, or is there a crash and it restarts?
How long has it been since you changed workspace? I've found this, rather than the Eclipse installation, to be an issue over time. Create a new workspace folder, export all your projects and preferences and start fresh.
You are using GWT 2.4 and I think you might be working with UI.xml too... There is a tag in each ui.xml at the top like
<!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM "">
Which means eclipse is going to get that xhtml.ent file each time and there is a issue in GWT eclipse plugin have a look to below link
There is one comment which says
For me, removing
and saving the document,
solves the problem..
maybe it is needed for something, so better you copy that locally somewhere, and link that.
Try it out and let me know.
I had experienced the exact same problem on a less-powerful notebook I had to use.
Try one of the following
Download the latest Eclipse version (It needs, just as helios, a lot of RAM and CPU because it's based on a new "architekture", in contrast to, for instance, galileo)
Make sure you are using the latest JDK and JRE
Download Eclipse Galileo, which does require pretty less resources and goes still very very fine with most projects!
It sounds like you are experiencing the features of the latest Eclipse arch. In the latest versions of Eclipse I have noticed that the more plugins and add-ons you have installed, the slower the environment runs. There are a lot of similar posts regarding performance on the new platform
I have removed all but the plugins I am using and never install anything not needed into the Eclipse environment.
I "may" have experience this. Not sure. Suddenly started working again. I was getting a hang every time I would try to debug an app, in the part of the code (inside GWT) that creates a "table" element. Could be that there is something that just takes a while and you just have to "wait it out" the when it happens. Go get a cup of coffee, type thing. anyway I HAD stepped deep into the GWT code, plenty so I'm convinced it IS a GWT issue of some kind.
I was thinking it was some infinite recursion possibly in the logging system (like logger code accidentally trying to log itself, and going into loop?). Also there's a 50/50 chance that it was simply clicking on 'run' instead of 'debug' made it start working again. So at least try that if you have problems. My gut instinct and 30yrs programming under my belt tells me it's logger related. I can rule out "slow computers" because I never had this happen until I got a new machien which is Dell XPS, Core i7, 8 GB ram, and massive disk. So I wouldn't blame hardware, or Eclipse bloat.

Netbeans compile error, why does it mean?

I finished a Netbeans project a few months ago, it was successfully done, finished. But the strange thing is today I happen to look into it and recompiled it, haven't changed anything, but got the following error, I vaguely remember I encountered similar situations before, just recompile and it will be fine, but not this time, I recompiled a few times, same error, restarted the PC, and recompiled again, same error :
build-impl.xml:501: copylibs doesn't support the "indexMetaInf" attribute
I never touched this file and have no idea why it worked fine, but failed this time, what's wrong and what's the fix ?
It seems that the problem is in version of Ant and new Ant attribute indexMetaInf.
I have the same problem and think it'll be worth to explain how I've got it.
How to obtain the problem:
I use NetBeans 6.8.
Recently I installed NetBeans 7.0. Just for acquaintance with new features.
I accepted to use old NB6.8 configuration, when NB7.0 asked me on the first launch.
That was mistake!
So. I started NB7.0 and my good old NB6.8 projects were there, in the projects list.
The problem is that NB7.0 not only imported my old projects in its projects list; but also
changed build-impl.xml of those projects.
And when I opened my projects in NB6.8 and tryed to compile them, there was that error with "indexMetaInf".
The essence of the problem:
In NB6.8 the Ant 1.7.1 is used, by default. And it seems that attribute "indexMetaInf" is only supported by
latest versions of Ant (maybe starting with 1.8.x). That new version of Ant was installed with NB7.0 and is used by NB7.0 only.
NB6.8 doesn't see it.
How to fix the problem:
I updated build-impl.xml file from subversion and it fixed the problem.
In my previous version of build-impl.xml there was no indexMetaInf.
Had the same problem, fixed it by copying the file org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar from [netbeans]\java\ant\extra into the directory myProject\lib\CopyLibs
Strange thing happened again, this time good. I had a backup DVD, from a few weeks ago, I copied the project back, now it's compiling fine again, seems to me the project somehow got corrupted, I did a C: drive defragmentation last week, could it somehow moved some files around and messed up a bit ? Anyhow, not a problem now.
What platform are you using? I've had some odd errors like that on Unix due to trying to compile the project from the command line and having a older version of ant in my path.

Is is possible to compile projects with "IDE-Managed Components" through the command line?

I've been trying to build some huge projects in BCB5 for some time now. I want to use the command line tools because it would cut build time by more than 50% (it already takes 4 hours in the IDE). Often, projects will build just fine in the IDE but fail miserably in the command line. I did some digging and discovered this nice little comment in a header file:
__published: // IDE-managed Components
Is this saying that the components that follow can only be built with the IDE open? Please tell me there is a way around this. BCB5 is starting to make me depressed.
Extra info:
Make.exe gives a pile of errors claiming ambiguity between the header file and an imported file. I''m pretty sure the header file is supposed to be referencing the imported file though, rather than comparing with it.
In the header file:
#include <ComCtrls.hpp>
ComCtrls.hpp has the variable TTreeNode.
Error from make:
[exec] Error E2015 .\TMain.h 876: Ambiguity between 'TTreeNode' and 'Comctrls::TTreeNode'
__published: // IDE-managed Components Is this saying that the
components that follow can only be
built with the IDE open? Please tell
me there is a way around this. BCB5 is
starting to make me depressed.
No, this does not mean that you can only build the source in the IDE. It just means that this section is automatically populated by the IDE (the form designer)
While there are good third party solutions (as mentioned by the others) C++Builder 2007 and above made huge improvements in the build system. IDE build times are very similar to command line builds and the MSBuild integration now makes it possible to be sure that the same parameters are passed to the command line tools as are used by the IDE.
Have you tried installing the C++ Compiler Enhancements plugin, by Andreas Hausladen, which improves the compilation speed. I would also recommend installing the DelphiSpeedUp plugin.
I think you need to export the project as makefile, to compile from the command line, because C++Builder 5 project files are XML. Have a look at this article, from the C++Builder Developer's Journal.
If none of the above fails try the official C++Builder Forum.
I've more or less given up on the BCB5 command line tools. It appears that they are fundamentally broken.
I did, however, manage to find a nice open source tool, ProjectMaker, that uses the command line tools effectively. You can find it here:
ProjectMaker fixes up a few of the problems with BPR2MAK, but it's not perfect. Most project build perfectly with ProjectMaker, some still require the IDE. It's not a perfect solution, but it does alright.