iTunes Search API - correct language of results - itunes-search-api

I'm using the iTunes API and I have a problem. I'm searching in den German store (parameter country=de) but the description in the resultset is English. Does someone know a workaround to get the German description. It's available, the iTunes store direct shows the German description. It tried to use the "lang" parameter, but it's defined that only "en_us" & "ja_jp" are possible values. I depend on the official documentation of apple.
Here is the API Call:
And for the first result, here is the detail page in iTunes web:
Sorry, I got it by myself...
You have to use

prepend the URL path with /de like so:


How to set FacebookDisplayName?

I recently hit a problem while trying to integrate FaceBook in an iOS app.
Fortunately I found the answer here:
Facebook SDK: app not registered as a URL Scheme
This is where I have a question:
In the post mentioned above the answer gives the following as the second step:
Create a key called FacebookDisplayName with a string value, and add the Display Name you configured in the App Dashboard.
How do I write this Display Name in case it is changing according to the user Language Settings?
I tried ${DisplayName} or ${CFBundleDisplayName} but I have no confidence I am using the right syntax and name.
In the InfoPlist.strings you can add
FacebookDisplayName = "AppName";
for all the languages you have implemented. This way it will be consistent to the facebook configured details regardless of what your app is really called on the device.

Grouping for website pages on google search

I have a website, When I search on google it gives me a search result with a group of links together as a single search. Whereas when I search for slateone it gives me the same links separately without any grouping.
I tried testing the same kind of search for popular websites like facebook and google shows same group search result for both and facebook.
Please guide me on this issue.
Thanks in Advance!!
You are actually referring to sitelinks, they are completely automated and not editable.
Now your website first of all needs to have the title attribute in the tags defined, this will surely help the algorithm of Google to find them, but note that does not mean that this is the solution.
The exact algorithm is known only to Google, the fix i mentioned will make the links more readable for the bots, this will surely help.
The official information can be found here:

Translation not working with Preview-Stories in Open Graph Timeline-View

We are working on an app that has the locales german and english. Our app creates open graph actions like "[User] offered [Object] on [App]".
I have translated all our strings in facebooks translation app, my facebook account is set to german and our app runs with the default locale german.
When we post to the graph, the unique og:url for the action/object links to a site with the following html:
<meta content='de_DE' property='og:locale'>
<meta content='de_DE' property='og:locale:alternate'>
<meta content='en_US' property='og:locale:alternate'>
Our app is able to serve the content in different languages when called with the locale-param, e.g. "?locale=en-US" or "?locale=de-DE".
I have seen correctly translated text in the ticker, that seems to work. Also, the preview popups that come up from the ticker messages are correctly translated.
Now the Problem: the aggregation preview in the Timeline does always show the english action types. But when i click into the aggregation and i only see the App's "All time" aggregation, there the translation is correct.
[Picture 1] so thats my problem, that "searched" should be a "sucht", that "offered" should be "bietet an".
[Picture 2] here you can see a line from my activity log, that should be in german, too. The second line is from the translation tool and looks like that it should be the correct translation for the log-line, right?
What am i doing wrong here?
As far as I understood it, the translation strings need to be approved somehow by the community through the translation app.
as i can see from the first screenshot, the translation in the second one is wrong. It should be something like
searched {flat1}
The aggregation do not have {name} and {Flatorious} in it.
P.S.: Hugo, if you are the dev or admin of the App, you do not need to approve the translations. Only if someone third party is translating.

Format of External Links on Facebook

I have seen when you visit a profile on FB and click on link provided in
Contact Information --> Website
Facebook first take you to url format mentioned below
and then takes you to the site .
My question is why facebook does so, Iam asking because there is a place in my application where iam allowing users to enter website urls.
...and the reason for facebook using the mentioned link instead of linking directly to is that facebook is evil.
They want to know which links are popular, where their users are going and where the link came from.
I also see a format as where the BAQByDCFo is a hash value.
URL encoding is done so that a second URL can be placed within the first's query string without breaking the original URL. For example, implying directory structure by using the "/" character or breaking out of name value pair by using "&". If you're going to be embedding a URL as a query string parameter, you must encode it first. How you do this will differ depending on the language you're working with but most web based frameworks have a native or library based function to easily do this.

How can I create a website summary with Perl?

When you share something on Facebook or Digg, it generates some summary of the page. How would I do this in Perl? What algorithms are there?
For example:
If I go to Facebook and tried to share this question as a link:
How can I create a website summary with Perl?
It retrieves "Facebook/Digg get website summary? - Stack Overflow" as the title (which is just the title of the page) and [... incomplete question?]
CPAN is your friend.
Some promising looking modules:
Assuming you mean sharing a link...
Usually the summary is written by the user submitting the URL. If you have to write a summary automagically this can be achieved by:
Using the first 100 or so characters of the document body (in itself not easy)
Using metadata like the description or keywords (often empty or spammed)
Context-relevant summaries like recreating Google snippets (sorry its PHP but simple)
Tags/keywords from the document using something like the Yahoo Keyword Extractor API or your own keyword density function
Your best bet is to ask the user!
Hope that helps somewhat :)
Basically you want to scrape the URL and find the "most significant paragraph" which might be the first <div> or <p> element after the first <h2> or <h1>, depending on the layout of the page.
You could check and see if there is a meta description on the page, but that leaves you at the mercy of whoever wrote the meta description.