Message passing using Actors - scala

I am writing a program using Actors in scala in which an actor (Actor1) accepts two numbers as command line arguments and sends a message to another actor Actor2 (which calculates their sum). Actor2 sends the result to Actor1, who prints it on the screen.
class Actor1 extends Actor {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val n= Integer.parseInt(args(0))
val k= Integer.parseInt(args(1))
val actor2 = new Actor2
actor2 ! (n, k)
def act()
case num: Integer =>
case _=>
println("Sum not received")
class Actor2 extends Actor {
def act(){
case(n:Int, k:Int) =>
val i = n + k
val actor1 = new Actor1
actor1 ! i}
Is it possible to define main() inside the class that extends Actor, and is there any other way to accept command line arguments by the Actor?
It shows the error: class Actor1 needs to be abstract, since method act in trait Reactor of type ()Unit is not defined.

First things first: You should consider using akka instead of the default Scala actors. It's just better.. in pretty much every aspect.
That aside, here are a few answers for your:
Your main method should be in a standalone object (not a companion object). So use something like this: object Main { def main(args:Array[String]) { ... } } and start your program via the Main object/class. (This is due to the definition inside the Actor1 class being non-static and the problem that if you define a companion object the .class filenames collide.)
In your code, something seems to have gone wrong with the brackets - or did you place Actor2 inside the Actor1 class on purpose? It's cleaner, if you just make three separate classes/objects: Actor1, Actor2, Main.
When you create Scala actors, you have to explicitly start them (not so with akka 2.x). So you miss your calls to actor1.start and such. Note that your program will then not terminate before your actors have terminated, so don't wonder if it doesn't stop anymore after you add that.
Finally, some minor hints:
You may want to consider using !? and send back your answer to the original caller, as this also allows you to have a proper termination condition.
Integer.parseInt("0") can be written more simply as "0".toInt


Play! scala and Akka: how to test if an actor A sent a message to an actor B?

I want to test that an actor A send a message to an actor B after have received a message.
I'm using Play! 2.5 and I use the factories since I need to inject some of my classes and things like wSClient inside the actors.
The Actor A looks like:
object ActorA {
trait Factory {
def apply(ec: ExecutionContext, actorBRef: ActorRef): Actor
class ActorA #Inject()(implicit val ec: ExecutionContext,
#Named("actor-b") actorBRef: ActorRef)
extends Actor with ActorLogging with InjectedActorSupport {
override def receive: Receive = {
case i: Long =>
log info s"received $i"
actorBRef ! (i+1)
And the actor B is even more simple:
object ActorB {
trait Factory {
def apply(): Actor
class ActorB extends Actor with ActorLogging {
override def receive: Receive = {
case _ =>
log error "B received an unhandled message"
But my test doesn't pass, it is said that the expected message doesn't arrive, I get a Timeout in the test (but it is well logged by the actor B) so the problem comes from the test (and probably the Probe).
Here is the test:
val actorBProbe = TestProbe()
lazy val appBuilder = new GuiceApplicationBuilder().in(Mode.Test)
lazy val injector = appBuilder.injector()
lazy val factory = injector.instanceOf[ActorA.Factory]
lazy val ec =
lazy val factoryProps = Props(factory(ec, actorBProbe.ref))
val ActorARef = TestActorRef[ActorA](factoryProps)
"Actor B" must {
"received a message from actor A" in {
ActorARef ! 5L
I also created a minimum Play! application with the code above available here.
In your test, actorBProbe is not the ActorB ref passed to ActorA constructor (of ref ActorARef). What really happens is that Guice creates a different ActorB (named actor-b), and passes its ref to ActorA (of ref ActorARef) constructor.
The test ends up with ActorB actor-b receiving 6L (as evident in log). While actorBProbe receives nothing.
The confusion really comes from mixing Guice lifecyle with Actors. In my experience, it creates more pains than I can bear.
To prove, simply print hash code of ActorRef's, you'll see they are different. Illustrated as followings:
val actorBProbe = TestProbe()
println("actorBProbe with ref hash: " + actorBProbe.ref.hashCode())
class ActorA ... {
override def preStart =
log error "preStart actorBRef: " + actorBRef.hashCode()
// ...
In fact, even ec inside ActorA is not the same ec in the test code.
The following is a way to "force" the test to pass and at the same time prove that actorBProbe wasn't really being used by ActorB.
In stead of relying on Guice to "wire in" ActorB, we tell Guice to leave it alone by replacing #Named("actor-b") with #Assisted, like this,
import ...
class ActorA #Inject()(...
/*#Named("actor-b")*/ #Assisted actorBRef: ActorRef)
Re-run the test, it'll pass. But this is probably not what you wanted to begin with.

Scala and Akka - Testing actors as a system with Akka Testkit

In my Scala application say I have Actor A and Actor B. I want to devise a test case in ScalaTest that would allow me to send a message to Actor A and see what message it sends to Actor B in order to see if A is properly processing it's data and sending the right message to B. How would one test this? It took me a long time to get this cooked up on my own...but it does seem to mostly work.
class A extends Actor { ... }
class B extends Actor { ... }
class C(p: TestProbe) extends B {
override def receive = {
LoggingReceive {
case x =>
p.ref ! x
case class MsgToB(...)
// Spec class which extends TestKit
"A" should {
"send the right message to B" {
val p = TestProbe()
val a = TestActorRef[A]
val c = TestActorRef(Props(new C(p)))
// Assume A has a reference to C. Not shown here.
a ! msg
// Assert messages
Is this the best means of doing this? Is there a better practice?
To me it sounds like what you want is to test the behaviour of actor A in isolation. In order to do this, you need to be able to control how actor A gets its reference to actor B. For example, you could provide the reference in the actor's constructor:
import{Actor, ActorRef, Props}
class A(refToB: ActorRef) extends Actor { ... }
object A {
def props(refToB: ActorRef): Props = Props(new A(refToB))
There are alternative ways you can pass the reference to actor B to actor A, but using the constructor is arguably the easiest choice. In the example above, we also provide a method for creating the correct Props for the actor.
Now that you can control the reference to actor B, you can replace the actor reference with test probe in tests.
import akka.testkit.TestProbe
// Initialise a test probe
val probe = TestProbe()
// Actor A with reference to actor B replaced with the test probe
val a = system.actorOf(A.props(probe.ref))
// Send a message to actor A
a ! someMessage
// Verify that the probe received a correct response from actor A
Notice that I created the actor using the actor system from the TestKit instead of using the TestActorRef. This means that the actor message processing will be asynchronous instead of synchronous. Personally, I've found the asynchronous testing style to be a better fit because it better represents how the actor is run in a production system. Asynchronous testing is also recommended in the official documentation.

Navigating the code of an actor system in Intellij IDEA

I use IntelliJ IDEA, but the question could relate to other IDEs. There is a great way to navigate the code with Ctrl+click. From the method call it jumps to the method declaration. It really boosts the productivity.
Actor systems are based on message passing. Example in Akka with Scala:
class MyMessage
object MyMessage
class MyActor1 extends Actor {
context.actorOf(Props[MyActor2]) ! MyMessage
class MyActor2 extends Actor {
def receive = {
case MyMessage =>
Is there a way to navigate in code between sending the message and receiving the message?
I mean clicking on ! will take me to the definition of ! method in ScalaActorRef, but that's 99% chance that I don't want that. Jumping to the corresponding receive method (or, if possible, to correct case: case MyMessage) would be more appropriate.
How do you navigate the code between actors?
I don't think it is possible in general because an actor can change its behavior at runtime, including what messages it can process - as opposed to methods which can be statically indexed. For example, receive function may be computed depending on the actor state:
class MyActor extends Actor {
var i = 0
def receive = firstReceive
def commonReceive = {
case Increment =>
i += 1
if (i % 3 == 0) context.become(firstReceive)
else context.become(secondReceive)
def firstReceive = commonReceive orElse {
case Ping =>
sender ! "zero"
def secondReceive = commonReceive orElse {
case Ping =>
sender ! "one or two"
Now the actor handles messages differently depending on which messages it handled before. And this is only a simple example - actual actor behavior may even be received from the outside!
case class Behavior(receive: Actor.Receive)
class MyActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case Behavior(r) => context.become(r)
Another difficulty which is even greater is that you usually have an ActorRef to which you send messages with !. This ActorRef has no static connection with the actor class which contains message handling logic - it is instantiated with Props which can use arbitrary code to determine which actor class should be used:
val r = new Random
val a = actorSystem.actorOf(Props(if (r.nextInt(100) > 50) new FirstActor else new SecondActor))
a ! Message // which handler should this declaration lead to?
This makes finding actual message handler next to impossible.
If you think that it may be worth it to support simpler cases, like the one you provided, you can always submit a feature request to YouTrack.
Not perfect, but what could help would be to use Find Usage (Alt+F7) on the type of the message. For that you probably have to navigate to the type Declaration (Ctrl+Shift+B) first
I wonder if there is an easy way to create a shortcut for the combination.
Another idea would be to use the Structural Search which might be able to find things like excpressions, that match on the class name ...
Once you created a template to your liking you can then record a macro

scala syntax understanding about loop and receive in actor

I noticed it is legal to write this scala code:
val fussyActor = actor {
loop {
receive {
case s: String => println("I got a String: " + s)
case _ => println("I have no idea what I just got.")
I know from documentation that actor is a trait, which has loop and receive value members. But how is it possible to stack these methods like above? Is it implementing or overriding these methods? I am quite confused at this syntax. Please provide some good references/pointers.
First, a standard disclaimer. Scala Actors have been deprecated in favor of Akka Actors. If you want to continue down the path of learning to use Actors with Scala, you should look into Akka instead of researching Scala Actors.
Now, about your question. There are a couple of things in play here, so let's first start out with what you need to do in order to define a new Scala Actor. If you look at the Scala Actor trait, you see that there is one abstract method that you must provide called act():Unit. This is a method that takes no inputs and returns no inputs. It defines the actors behavior. So in it's simplest form, a custom Scala Actor could be:
class MyActor extends Actor{
def act(){
Now this not a very interesting actor as it does nothing. Now, one way to provide behavior is to invoke the receive method, providing a PartialFunction[Any,R] where R is a generic return type. You could do that like so:
class MyActor extends Actor{
def act(){
case "foo" => println("bar")
So now if this actor receives a message "foo", it will print "bar". The problem here is that this will only happen for the first message and then won't do anything after. To fix that. we can wrap our call to receive with a call to loop to make it continue to do the provided receive call for each received message:
class MyActor extends Actor{
def act(){
case "foo" => println("bar")
So this is now starting to look like your example a bit more. We are leveraging the loop and receive methods that come with the Actor trait in order to give this actor behavior. Lastly, instead of defining an explicit class as my actor, I can define one on the fly with the actor method on the Actor companion object. That method takes a function body that will be used as the act impl like this:
def actor(body: => Unit){
val a = new Actor {
def act() = body
override final val scheduler: IScheduler = parentScheduler
So in your example, you are creating a new actor implementation on the fly and providing an impl for act that will loop and call receive continually with the partial function you supplied for message handling.
Hopefully this clarifies things a bit. The only method you are "overriding" (providing an impl for) is act. When you see loop and receive, those are not overrides; they are simply calls to those existing methods on the Actor trait.
Actually it's illegal without import Actor._.
Your code without that import:
val fussyActor = {
Actor.loop {
Actor.receive { ... }
actor, loop and receive are methods of object Actor.
def actor(body: ⇒ Unit): Actor
def loop(body: ⇒ Unit): Unit
def receive[A](f: PartialFunction[Any, A]): A
Method actor accepts by-name Untit parameter body - some code block to execute in separate thread and creates an Actor with act method implemented using parameter body.
Method loop accepts by-name Untit parameter body - some code block to execute in infinite loop.
Method receive accepts PartialFunction as parameter f and calls f with message as parameter. It takes message from actor associated with current thread.
Note that scala actors are deprecated, you should use akka actors. See The Scala Actors Migration Guide.

Actor selection

Why when I select an absolute path with ActorContext it doesn't works (the actor isn't correctly selected and doesn't receive the HelloResponse message) ?
//From Actor2:
//This doesn't work (Message never received)
context.actorSelection("/user/actor1") ! HelloResponse("hello back1")
//This works (actor 1 receives the message)
context.system.actorSelection("/user/actor1") ! HelloResponse("hello back2")
I'm newbie to Scala/Akka but reading documentation it seems that should work.
This is a bug, thanks for asking:
When you use context.actorSelection inside of an actor, what you are saying is find an actor under this current actors control (started by/supervised by). Since actor1 was probably not started by actor2 (or is not supervised by actor2), then it won't resolve to anything. If actor1 was actually owned/started by actor2 then you could probably do context.actorSelection("/actor1") to get that child actor of actor2. The reason context.system.actorSelection works is because you are going all the way "up" to system first before starting your search and fully qualifying the path to the actor. System "owns" actor1 if you started it up as system.actorOf, so using that path will allow you to get to it starting from system.
A little code to show what I mean:
class Actor1 extends Actor{
override def preStart = {
context.actorOf(Props[Actor2], "actor2")
def receive = {
case _ =>
class Actor2 extends Actor{
override def preStart = {println("my path is: " + context.self.path)}
def receive = {
case _ =>
object FutureTesting {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val sys = ActorSystem("test")
implicit val ec = sys.dispatcher
//Starting an Actor2 from system
sys.actorOf(Props[Actor2], "actor2")
//Starting an Actor1 from system which in turn starts an Actor2
sys.actorOf(Props[Actor1], "actor1")
When you run this example, you will see:
my path is: akka://test/user/actor1/actor2
my path is: akka://test/user/actor2
So you can see that I have 2 instances of Actor2 running in my system; one spawned directly from sys tied to /user/actor2 as it's lookup path and one started from an instance of Actor1 tied to /user/actor1/actor2 for its path.
The actor system is hierarchical and this example shows that. The ActorSystem itself is the root to everything. Selecting actors is then similar to XPath in that the context that you are issuing the select from matters.
From actor2 you will need to use
I agree it is not intuitive given the metaphor is a filesystem and when using a filesystem a leading / is an absolute path meaning start at the root. Also it is inconsistent with actorFor because
returns the top level Actor1 (see Absolute and Relative Paths)
EDIT - this was a bug that was fixed in Akka 2.1.4 (see Roland's answer). From 2.1.4 onwards you can use context.actorSelection("/user/actor1").